Four hundred years ago, the dragon was rampant.

This is an era of giant dragons.

The dragon stands at the top of the food chain and enjoys the supreme honor.

Creatures of other races, in the eyes of the dragon, are just food.

Some don't even count as food, but can only be regarded as a humble reptile for the entertainment of the dragon.

The Feorie Kingdom, as one of the few kingdoms with human magisters, is also a relatively powerful kingdom in this world.

But no matter how powerful, in the eyes of the giant dragon, it is still so vulnerable.

At this moment, the Kingdom of Fiore was in despair.

Under the attack of the dragon, the magicians of the kingdom were quickly defeated, and most of them were resolved:

Only a few people escaped.

These... Ordinary civilians can only flee in a hurry.

In the sky, a giant dragon looked at the crowd below with contempt.

"Hahaha... stupid humans, run quickly and make the great Oslo happy."

Below, although human beings are angry, they can't resist the dragon at all and can only flee desperately.

This makes the dragon in the sky look happier.

"Everyone, run and get out of here."

People ran desperately.

Even if the possibility of fleeing is low, they all grasped the last glimmer of hope.

On the streets, there are flames everywhere.

The crowd kept running.

People were crying and wailing, like hell on earth.

No one noticed on the street, a black hole suddenly appeared, and a figure emerged from the black hole.

This figure is surprisingly Lee Eun.

As soon as Lee Eun appeared, he heard a noisy voice, mixed with calls for help and wailing.

Many people appeared in front of them, running fast.

"Is there a war?"

Lee Eun murmured, then walked out of the street.

A person walked in front of him without giving Lee Eun a chance to speak.He looked very anxious, with a panic on his face.

"I'm going, so anxious"

Lee Eun put his hands in the air, and there was no time to speak.These people passed in front of Lee Eun.

"Hahaha...Sorrowful reptiles, run quickly. If you don't run, there will be no chance."

A very arrogant voice came.

Lee Eun looked up, and saw a...a huge khaki dragon floating in mid-air.

"Dragon, Fairy Tail World"(Read more @

This dragon looked familiar, similar to the form of Akunorria he had obtained, so Lee Eun remembered the fairy tail.

Look at the clothes of the people nearby, and the style of the fairy tail world.

In the sky, Tulong Oslo suddenly noticed Lee Eun and became angry.

The reason why he didn't want to kill humans in a hurry, he wanted to see humans flee in a hurry, with a shocked expression.

Suddenly seeing someone who seems not afraid, Osler is of course very angry.

"Humans of Damn it, give you a chance if you don't run, then don't blame me for being impolite."

Osler shook his wings and flew towards Lee Eun.

Lee Eun also noticed the flying dragon, and suddenly became happy.This guy actually made trouble for him.

Although he doesn't know if this is the fairy tail world, he knows very well that he is much stronger than this giant dragon.

Since the dragon is looking for death, he can only reluctantly send the dragon a ride, who makes him a good person, embarrassed to refuse other people.

"Humble humans, die for me!"

Oslo raised his ferocious dragon claws and grabbed them at Lee Eun.

For: For an adult dragon, it only needs a dragon claw to deal with ordinary humans.

There is no need to use big tricks at all.

Lee Eun held the sword, hesitated a little, and finally gave up using the weapon.

This scum dragon dared to use his bare hands, so why didn't he dare.

His full-level dragon-killing magic is not vegetarian.

"Dingdong, please Host to destroy Celestial Dragons, occupy the Kingdom of Fiore, become the king, complete the mission, and sign in at the palace.

If you sign in successfully, you will get a complete hero king."

Lee Eun was about to start his hand when he heard the sound of the system, and his right hand stopped subconsciously.

"What hero king, you are not joking, he was originally mine."

Although the hero king is not here now, he has already been summoned by him.

"Ding Dong, complete the sign-in quest, you can summon the hero king to this world and restore it to its peak state."

Well, the system has already said so clearly, what else can Lee Eun do?

I can only reluctantly agree.

At this moment, Oslo's dragon claws had appeared directly above Lee Eun.

Oslo also showed a cruel smile on his face, as if the little bug in front of him could be crushed in the next moment, and his heart was very happy.

At the moment when Oslo thought he was about to crush Lee Eun, Lee Eun suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Oslo's dragon claws.

It's... so easy.

Osle was dumbfounded:

Did his eyes dizzy, someone actually grabbed his dragon claws?

And still an ordinary person.

Lee Eun looked at Oslo in a daze, raised his right hand, and raised Oslo in the air.

"Why this is a great dragon, it seems that the strength is not very good, it is too weak."

This time, Oslo was sure that this was not an illusion.His attack was really caught by humans.

"Look, the dragon seems to have been caught."

A child said dumbly.

The adult next to him suddenly grabbed the child.

"Don't be kidding, how could someone defeat the dragon."

Over the years, the power of the dragon has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

They never believe that anyone can defeat the dragon.

"No, I really caught it."

Perhaps because of the child's emphasis, people nearby also subconsciously glanced at it.

Then I saw Lee Eun holding the dragon high.

Everyone was dumbfounded:

Did they read it wrong?

Someone actually grabbed the dragon's arm.

For a time, countless people were full of expectations.

If Lee Eun can really defeat the dragon, then they won't have to flee, and there will be hope for mankind.

"Damn it, I was careless just now, this time, I must pinch you to death."

Oslo got angry, raised another dragon claw, and grabbed it at Lee Eun.

Perhaps it was to wash away the shame just now, so Oslo didn't use any tricks, just ordinary dragon claws.

Lee Eun listened to the sound of breaking through the air next to him, shaking his hands vigorously, and threw Osler out.

Oslo flew directly into the distance, crossed the damaged city wall, and fell heavily to the ground.

The earth trembled violently, and endless smoke and dust filled it.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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