"It turned out to be you, lady thief, how do you think of stealing my ruby"

Lee Eun said with a smile.

Kuroba Qianying's face changed slightly.

Originally, she only said a name, but did not say her last name, just... she was afraid of being known by others.

Who would have thought that Lee Eun would know her identity all at once.

This is bad. What she did during this period of time, once caught, will be detained for many years.

"What kind of thief lady, how could I be a thief lady, you might be mistaken."

Kuroba Chikage quickly explained.

"Are you not a pirate lady, then let me call the police and ask them to investigate. They will find out."

Lee Eun took out his mobile phone and was about to call the police.

Kuroba Chikage suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly said, "Wait..., I am the lady of the strange thief, but I can ask, how do you know my identity"

She is also very curious, and logically speaking, no one should know her identity.

Even if he knew it, he was caught upright.

But she concealed her identity today.

"It's nothing, I just know that you are a lady of the strange thief."

Lee Eun slowly untied the rope from Kuroba Chikage's body.

Originally, he planned to call the police, but since it was a thief lady, he suddenly became interested and didn't want to call the police anymore.

In any case, she was a good girl, and she was just sending it to the police, which seemed a bit too cruel.

Kuroba Chikage breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, I ask you a question, are there any activities you have recently...where do you plan to go or are there any... activities"

"By the way, I remember it. Recently, it seems that the lady thief wants to steal some gems. Is that you?"

Lee Eun asked curiously.

Kuroba Chikage was also stunned.

"What strange thief lady wants to steal gems, how come I don't know about this"

"You don't know yet"

Lee Eun walked aside, took out a newspaper, and handed it to Kuroba Chikage.

"Let's see, this is what you have written on it, you are going to steal some gems."

Kuroba Chikage immediately.

I took the newspaper and looked at it carefully.

It did say that the lady thief was going to steal gems, as if it was a newspaper just published this afternoon.

No wonder she didn't see it.

"Dare to pretend to be me, Damn it too much."

She already knows it, it is estimated that someone wants to retaliate against her, so she deliberately impersonated her.

"Do you want to solve this matter, but I advise you not to go. This is a trap. With your ability, you will definitely be caught."

Lee Eun said seriously.

"Absolutely impossible, how could I be caught, I am very powerful, for so many years, no one has caught me."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Kuroba Chikage said triumphantly.

Also, Kuroba Chikage still has something to do, otherwise, it's impossible to horizontally and horizontally for so long.

But seeing Kuroba Chikage's triumphant expression, Lee Eun definitely needs to teach him a lesson.

"Really, then why did you get caught by me"

The smile on Kuroba Chikage's face suddenly froze.

Yes, she has been caught by Lee Eun.

This was the first time in his life he was caught, and it was really shameful.

"This is just a general idea, don't underestimate me, this time I passed, absolutely nothing will happen, there will be nothing wrong."

Kuroba Chikage blushed and said.

"Do you want us to make a bet, I bet you will definitely fail this time."

"Okay, how to bet"

Kuroba Chikage agreed without even thinking about it.

She believed she could win and didn't notice the sly smile on Lee Eun's face at all.

"Very well, since that's the case, then I bet that you will definitely fail. If I win the bet, then you promise me one request, any request."

"Yes, but if you fail, then you can't tell me about it."

Kuroba Chikage also made his own mind.

Lee Eun knew her identity, it was dangerous enough, so Lee Eun had to shut up.

"By the way, you can let me go now"

"Whatever, you can leave if you want, I will definitely not stop you."

Lee Eun spreads out his hands and has no intention of blocking it at all.

Kuroba Chikage took a look and left slowly.

"By the way, if you lose the game, then you will be my minor five, so you have to work harder and don't lose."

Lee Eun suddenly said.

Kuroba Chikage looked at Lee Eun's smile, and didn't know what Lee Eun meant, and couldn't help but give Lee Eun a roll of eyes.

"I will never lose."

Soon, Kuroba Chikage left.

Lee Eun picked up one side of the newspaper, looked through it carefully, and confirmed Kuroba Chikage's next job location.


"It seems necessary to travel abroad."

"By the way, it's time to rest."

Lee Eun quickly went back to the room upstairs, opened the window of the room, and was about to go to the concubine Yingli and the others.

But as soon as he opened the window, Lee Eun saw the safe opened on one side, and suddenly remembered something very important.

"Damn, I forgot the ruby."

Now the ruby ​​is still there: Kuroba Qiankage.

Lee Eun quickly stretched out the window and looked outside, only to see Kuroba Chikage holding a box and waved to him, with a smug smile on his face.

This is definitely a provocation, a naked provocation.

Lee Eun immediately.

Standing on the window, Kuroba Chikage was frightened, thinking that Lee Eun was going to come down, and hurried away.

"Hehe, this girl, took my things, you will be my person in the future, it's no use wanting to regret it."

After speaking, Lee Eun jumped to the window on the other side and walked into Fei Yingli's room.

At this moment, Concubine Hideri's three people 3 are resting.

Wait until Lee Eun comes in, immediately.

Sat up.

"Lee Eun, didn't you go back, why are you back again"

"It's nothing, just go back and deal with one thing, and it's already done."

Lee Eun didn't say anything about Kuroba Chikage.

If this is said, it is definitely a Shura field.

"By the way, in a few days, I am going to Bali, do you have time to go shopping together"

"To travel? Of course, I want to go."

Yukiko nodded excitedly.

Fei Yingli and Chi Bo Jinghua did not refuse either.

The main thing is not to travel, but to be with Lee Eun.

As long as they can be with Lee Eun, they are happy.

"Well, it happens to be a holiday in a few days, we will go out for a trip, and you will also go to Jinghua."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, recommended

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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