Belmode was also very moved.

Lee Eun rescued her twice, and normal girls would be particularly moved.

"It seems that you are really bewildered by me. Hey, you are too handsome, but there is no way. When the hero saves the beauty, those women will always be crazy."

Belmod's face turned dark, and there were still some small touches in his heart, but Lee Eun's words completely made her not touched.

Instead, there is an urge to beat Lee Eun.

It's too shameless.


Lee Eun suddenly covered his heart.

Belmode was really taken aback, immediately.

Walked to the side of Lee Eun and grabbed Lee Eun's arm with a concerned expression on his face.

"Lee Eun, are you okay, did you just get injured in the gunfight, do you want me to take a look"

After speaking, Belmode observed carefully, for fear of missing any place.

Lee Eun just looked down at Belmode.

What a majestic...what a beautiful girl.

Belmode watched for a while, and Lee Eun had nothing to do, and looked very energetic, it didn't seem to be injured at all.

"What's wrong with you, why is nothing?"

"No, I'm not hurt, I'm just heartache, I'm so for you, you don't give me a good face, you don't know that you care about comforting me."

Lee Eun pretended to be painful.

Belmode's pretty face turned black, and he almost didn't get angry with him.

She cares about Lee Eun so much, Lee Eun has nothing to do, it is too Damn it.

But why should I care about him? Belmode also discovered that she seems to be particularly concerned about Lee Eun, and she even had a feeling of heartbeat just now.

It's hard to say that this is the feeling of liking. I already like him.

Belmode thought this in his heart, and took a sneak peek at Lee Eun.As soon as she saw Lee Eun's face, her heart throbbed.

That's right, this is the feeling of heartbeat.

She already likes Lee Eun completely.

Belmode didn't hesitate anymore, clutching Lee Eun's arm.

Since you already like Lee Eun, take the initiative, take down Lee Eun thoroughly, and show your heart.

She is not...the kind of...pretentious person.

Lee Eun himself was stunned.

He saw what Belmode would take such an initiative to grab his arm and take him along.

The sun is coming out from the west.

But this seems pretty good.

Bel Modra walked with Lee Eun for a while, and came to a nearby hotel.

"Sharon, why don't you go to your own hotel here?"(Read more @

Lee Eun asked in a puzzled way.

Then it seemed to think of something, and looked at Belmode in surprise.

"You don't want to be discovered by me, so you change the hotel purposely, do you think I'm so scary?"

Lee Eun felt a little lost.

Such a beautiful girl actually guarded him.

"No, it's just someone you know in that hotel. We went over. If we were discovered, it wouldn't be so good, so we changed to another hotel."

Belmode explained.

Lee Eun was overjoyed after hearing this.

This is really a good man, so if you get a wife like this, what a husband can do.

He decided, after a while, he must take care of Belmode, etc...

The word care is not very good, it should be to let Belmode know how good he is and make Belmode's life happy.

That's right, that's it.

Soon, Belmode prepared a room. Lee Eun was sure about it. Belmode did not live here, but was only temporarily prepared.

Belmode is really a good girl.

However, Lee Eun seems to have forgotten a very important thing.He actually forgot Concubine Yingri and Yukiko on the iron tower.

At the most critical moment, a phone call came.

Lee Eun looked at the number on the phone, his mouth twitched, he was unlucky today, and he forgot about them today.

After I go back, maybe it will be... Shura Field.

"Cough cough cough..."

"What's wrong, did Xizi and the others call you? I remember that they seemed to be on the scene at the time,,, you just forgot about it."

Belmode also guessed it.

After all, she saw Lee Eun and Fei Yingli through a sniper rifle.

Now that Lee Eun is with her, it means that it is not with Fei Yingli and the others.

"Or you'd better go back first, don't make You Xizi and others wait too anxiously."

"No, there is nothing to go back, and how can I go back at this critical moment"

Lee Eun refused without hesitation.

Even if you want to go back, you should take a good rest... and then go back.

Belmode didn't say much, and she naturally didn't want Lee Eun to leave like this.

An hour later, Lee Eun cleaned up, and then stood next to Belmode.

"Sharon, I will go back first. You have to be careful yourself. If there is any danger or do dangerous tasks in the future, you must notify me and I will help you."

Normal people will be bewildered by this kind of heart-warming words.

"Don't worry, most tasks are simple, not that dangerous, and..."

Belmode paused abruptly.

She remembered a very important thing, she seemed to have forgotten several of her companions.

Every time there is a task, there will be someone who will respond, and there will be someone to help, but there was no one at all.

Belmode immediately.

Picking up the phone next to him and opening it, there are indeed a few mysterious calls, all of her companions.

But Belmode didn't answer the call either. Lee Eun was next to him and it was inconvenient to answer the call.

"I will leave first."

Lee Eun clicked on Belmode's face, and then left.

Belmode also hurriedly made a call.

After leaving the hotel, Lee Eun immediately.

To Concubine Yingli, You Xizi and the others called back and got their specific addresses.

Until now, they have been waiting in place.

However, Lee Eun can hear that Fei Yingli and Yu Xizi are very angry now, with anger in their voices.

It must have been waiting too long.

This is also true, after all, his combat effectiveness is very strong.

Half an hour later, Lee Eun found the three of Concubine Yingri Yukiko 3.

They were standing on a bridge, and when they saw Lee Eun coming, they didn't say hello, but turned around proudly.

Lee Eun immediately.

Stepping forward, putting his hands on both shoulders, he pulled Chi Bo Jinghua who was not far away.

"What's wrong, do you miss me when you are angry?"

The three of them 3 at the same time gave Lee Eun a roll of eyes.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, recommended

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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