After finishing the drag party, Miyamoto Yumi turned his attention to Lee Eun.

I was very upset and embarrassed to face Lee Eun, but I didn't want to drive Lee Eun away.

So it's just tangled.

Lee Eun seemed to see Miyamoto Yumi's entanglement and walked to Miyamoto Yumi's side and put his hands on Miyamoto Yumi's shoulders.

"Yumi, you are so beautiful."

Facing Lee Eun's fiery gaze, Miyamoto Yumi's heart throbbed, quite nervous.

"Don't mess around with what you want to do."

Miyamoto Yumi kept backing away, as if Lee Eun would really do to her.

The look in Lee Eun's eyes was full of shyness.

The corners of Lee Eun's mouth rose slightly.

Seeing that the uterus Motomi really likes him, it would be easy to take down Miyamoto Yumi.

When the time comes, the two police flowers of the Metropolitan Police Department are all his.

Lee Eun approached Yumi Miyamoto slowly.

Miyamoto Yumi's heart throbbed, but he didn't refuse, but rather looked forward to it.

The two gradually got closer together.

After a long time, Miyamoto Yumi trembled and gently pushed Lee Eun's arm away.

"Lee Eun, don't mess around, this is outside."

Lee Eun looked up and looked around.

Although the two came to the suburbs because of chasing that...

People still pass by here from time to time.

If someone comes over, wouldn't it be discovered by others?

He doesn't want to do some acting.

"Well, let's go to a place where there is no one, and do something at that time, so that we won't be discovered by others."

Miyamoto Yumi suddenly had a glimmer of expectation in her heart.

She also wants to be with Lee Eun.

It's just that it seems to be working time now.

Miyamoto Yumi was quite entangled in her heart, not knowing whether she should agree to Lee Eun.

If you agree, you will live a happy life, but you will slacken your work.

Lee Eun approached Yumi Miyamoto slowly and stretched out his hand.

Miyamoto Yumi's body suddenly became weak and weak, and then she fell down and was caught by Lee Eun.

"Lee Eun, isn't this bad?"

"Yumi, where are you, why I can't find you until now."

Just as Lee Eun went further, a voice suddenly came from the police car.

Lee Eun's face went dark.

Such a good opportunity was destroyed by others, it is too Damn it.

Miyamoto Yumi also slackened, and quickly pushed Lee Eun away.

"My colleague asked me, so I left first, and I will meet again later when I have a chance."

After speaking, Miyamoto Yumi ran to her car and was about to leave.(Read more @

Lee Eun watched silently, but didn't stop it.

But after a while, Lee Eun reacted suddenly.

Although you can fly back, it's too.

Lee Eun immediately.

He picked up the phone and called Yumi Miyamoto.

A few minutes later, Miyamoto Yumi returned, slightly embarrassed.

She actually forgot Lee Eun.

After Lee Eun got in the car, he put his hand on Miyamoto Yumi's shoulder.

"Honey, you can go now."

Miyamoto Yumi was so warm in her heart that she didn't say anything.

Urban area.

"Lee Eun, I'm going to work, you should go back first, it's not convenient here."

Miyamoto Yumi didn't dare to look at Lee Eun, for fear that Lee Eun would not leave by then, and felt a little bit reluctant to leave Lee Eun.

The corner of Lee Eun's mouth rose slightly, already seeing what Miyamoto Yumi was thinking.

This girl absolutely loves him.

We must find a chance to take her down completely.

Lee Eun suddenly approached.

Miyamoto Yumi quickly backed away, a little nervous.

"Lee Eun, don't mess around with what you want to do, I will call people."

Lee Eun was happy.

"Yumi, tonight, it seems you are on duty, right? Anyone else..."

Miyamoto Yumi seemed to have known Lee Eun's thoughts, and she lowered her head shyly.

"I...I am on duty alone at night, provided that there is nothing to do, otherwise I will be the police."

This shy appearance is pitiful.

Lee Eun was also happy in his heart.

Only Miyamoto Yumi was alone at night.

What does this mean? It means that he can enjoy himself at night.

But the premise is that nothing happens at night.

If something happens, it's bad luck, and he won't be able to be with Yumi Miyamoto.

Especially in this world, there are cases happening every day, maybe it will disrupt his plan.

But think about it more carefully, it seems that Miyamoto Yumi is in the transportation department, and there are relatively few cases, so it should not be that troublesome.

"Yumi, I will come to find you at night, you must wait for me."

Lee Eun clicked on Miyamoto Yumi's face, turned and left.

Miyamoto Yumi shyly covered her face, and her heart throbbed, looking forward to it.

After leaving Yumi Miyamoto, Lee Eun naturally returned home.

As soon as he returned home, Lee Eun was surrounded by several people.

Headed by Yukiko, four people surrounded Lee Eun.

"I've been out for so long, now I'm back for dinner, it's ok."

Lee Eun doesn't care either.

He knows very well that although Xizi and the others are talking about him, they are actually not angry, just talking.

"Okay, let's talk about this...what are you doing, I'm already hungry, let's go eat first!"

While talking, Lee Eun approached Yuxizi and tapped Yuxizi's cheek.

Yukiko walked away shyly.

In other words, Yu Xizi is not angry at all, she just wants to win some prizes.

For example, his comfort.

The others were also happy, turned around and left.

Xiao Lan shook her head.This is her family. Lee Eun has done it so easily.

I don't know who Lee Eun is, or what kind of advantages he has that can turn these people's fascination over.

Hui Yuan Ai is the one who admires Lee Eun the most.

With so many people alone, Shura Field has never happened before.

Normal people would have died a long time ago and can no longer die.

In the following day, Lee Eun did not leave, but stayed at home with You Xizi and the others.

In other words, it is that his Ming media is marrying...Well, it is exaggerated.

But how can he be his orthodox family, of course he wants to live with him.

Until the evening, Lee Eun took advantage of Xizi and the others to wash the dishes and prepared to go out, but was stopped by Xiaolan.

"Dad, can you please explain, where are you going to go now?"

Xiao Lan's eyes were full of murderous aura.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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