Ten minutes later, Conan lay on the sofa with a painful expression on his face.

This time, even Maori apricot did not stop it.

At a young age, I learned to skip class and lie, and when I grow up, I still have it.

So Maori Kyo insists on Maori Kogoro to teach Conan.

Poor Conan was beaten a lot by the rolling pin.

It is estimated that the buttocks have been beaten and swollen.

"Okay, I will also leave. I originally thought Conan was in danger, or something, but I didn't expect it to disappoint me too much."

Lee Eun sighed.

Conan's face is ugly.

Damn Lee Eun, came here to make trouble for him.

This is absolutely the case.

But he couldn't say anything yet, so he could only watch Lee Eun leave silently.

Mouri Kogoro was also very upset, picked up the stick and shook it in front of Conan's eyes.

"You damn it, you won't be allowed to skip class in the future, let alone cheating, do you understand?"


Conan lowered his head and sighed, but he was helpless.

But he didn't care so much at this moment.He wanted to know who the previous person was.

The only good news is that he has a video of that person, and he also captured something, which is a clue.

It's a pity that he only knew the person's face, not the person's name, let alone found the mysterious person.

So you have to find someone to help, preferably someone from the police world.

Lee Eun thought of Officer Takagi for the first time.

But thinking of the safety of this incident, he was embarrassed to trouble Officer Takagi.

"By the way, Hattori, you can find that guy, his father happens to be a policeman."

Conan thought of Hattori Heiji.

Next to him, Mouri Kogoro saw Conan ignoring him, and his heart became even more unhappy.

"Damn, you dare not listen to me."

Poor Conan was taught another lesson.

...The next day, it happened to be a holiday, and Conan didn't need to go to class, so he specifically called Hattori Heiji over.

In a park, two people are sitting together.

"What you mean is that you found news about the black organization, but that person was killed, so you want me to investigate the person's identity."

"Yes, if you find that person's identity, maybe you can find the news of the black organization, and you can crack this organization."

Conan had excitement in his eyes, as if he had already thought of the scene where he took the black organization down.

"Then why don't you ask Officer Takagi to help you often?"

Hattori Heiji asked curiously.

"I wanted to ask him for help, but that guy is a bit silly and easy to expose, so I want to ask you for help."

This is what Conan intends.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Hattori Heiji thought about it carefully, it seemed like this.

"You are right, that police officer is indeed stupid, letting things happen is just... looking for death."

For... Conan's recognition, he is still quite good.

After all, Conan admitted his cleverness.

"But wait, I remember you said that the individual seems to be dead, is this true?"

Hattori Heiji asked suddenly.

"Yes, that person is indeed dead, what's the problem?"

Conan asked puzzledly.

Hattori Heiji's face turned dark.

"I'm sorry, I want to ask you a question. Since that person is dead, the police will definitely investigate him. You can take the opportunity to get the information. You don't need to investigate behind the scenes."

Conan suddenly realized.

Why didn't he think of such an important thing.

He actually invited Hattori Heiji here.

"You are right, now that I think about it, the police will definitely investigate. I just need to secretly find some information, and it will be fine.

There is nothing for you now, you can leave, or do whatever you want."

Hattori Heiji twitched the corners of his mouth, and wanted to beat Conan.

When there is something, you need him, and when there is nothing, you use such a bad attitude to drive him away.

It's too Damn it.

"Buddy, it's just... don't you forget that, but you invited me over, and you are driving me away like this now. It's too inappropriate."

Conan paused.

He seems to be over.

How can he say that Hattor Heiji also invited him to help, so he should speak nicely.

"I'm sorry, but there is still something to do. I don't have time to entertain you. I'm so sorry."

"No, I have time, I don't need you to take care of me, and I am also very interested in this case, I decided to investigate with you."

Conan originally planned to refuse, but after thinking about it, it would be nice to have someone help.

"Okay, let's go together, but if you say yes, you can't hold me back."

"I'll hold you back, please, it's good if you don't hold my back legs, how could I hold your back legs"

The two were noisy and left together.

On the other side, Lee Eun received news from Zhao Benshan and asked him to help solve the case.

Lee Eun did not refuse.

Because he knows very well that Conan will definitely investigate this matter, and he can help Conan secretly.

Help him stay away from these... sinners.

See how good he is, even if Conan troubles him no matter what, he will not trouble Conan.

This is simply a good person.

But as soon as he left the villa, Lee Eun saw a young girl standing at the gate of the villa, talking to a security guard.

It happened that he still knew this girl.

Toyama and Ye.

"What happened?"

"Mr. Lee Eun, this person says he knows you, but I dare not let her in casually."

"Uncle, I finally waited for you."

Yuan Shan and Ye were a little excited, immediately.

Walk to Lee Eun's car.

"I do know this person, He Ye, get in the car!"


Toyama and Ye immediately.

Get in Lee Eun's car.

Lee Eun drove away.

"He Ye, why did you think of calling me today, why didn't you call me"

Yuan Shan and Ye lowered their heads a little shyly, and stared at Lee Eun's cheek secretly.

"Uncle, I was on holiday recently, and I came here to play specially. By the way, where is Uncle going?"

Lee Eun is still a little unaccustomed.

A beautiful beauty actually called him uncle.

How does this make him handle this beauty.

Is it possible to take her to see the little goldfish is... too sinful.

"He Ye, you can call my brother or my name directly in the future instead of uncle. It sounds a bit embarrassing."


Yuan Shan and Ye nodded their heads, expecting in their hearts.

The relationship between the two has finally gone further.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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