"It's not that easy to escape, the navy listens to the order and goes all out to block it!" the Warring States Buddha roared.

"Hehe, Uncle Warring States, if you have this time, you still have to worry about Akainu, if you don't rescue them, there will only be two of the three major admirals left. Ouyang Jun laughed.

Sengoku's face was gloomy, and he finally had to give up the pursuit of Ouyang Jun and the others, and go all out to rescue Akainu.

Without the hindrance of Sengoku and Akainu, the three of Pheasant, Yellow Ape and Karp would not be able to keep Ouyang Jun and the others at all.

In the absence of top combat power in the navy, the pirates finally successfully completed the evacuation.

Sengoku looked at the ruins of Marin Fando with a grim face, and his mood sank to the bottom.

This time, he took great pains to announce to the world that Ace was to be publicly executed, but not only did Ace successfully escape, but the naval headquarters was overturned.

This time the navy lost face, and he, the marshal, could not escape the blame.

Not long after Ouyang Jun and the others left, the domineering man of the Five Daos appeared in Marin Fando.

"What the hell is going on, where is Ace?" asked one of the bald heads with a saber in his hand, with a dark face.

The coercion of the superior is clear at a glance, and even the Warring States are a little weaker in the face of him.

These five people are the five old stars who hurried to Marin Fando, and they are the ones who are in charge of the world government on the surface.

"The pirates made a big fuss about Marin Fando, and Ace was rescued. Sengoku said stiffly.

"Rescued? What are you all doing to eat, didn't you say that it has been arranged, even if the Whitebeard Pirates attack, they will not come back.

"But this time it's not just the Whitebeard Pirates who are here, but also the Red-Haired Pirates, the Hades King Reilly, and a terrifying young man. Sengoku explained.

"Hmph, even so, with you and Karp in charge, plus the three admirals, can't you still cope with it?Besides, a young man, no matter how strong he is, how strong can he be, is it necessary to mention it on purpose?" the bald five old stars asked.

"Don't tell me Karp didn't make a shot. The blonde-haired Five Old Stars said in a deep voice.

Sengoku shook his head, "Karp has already made a full move, but he still can't stop it. In addition, the young man I just mentioned, although he is only in his 20s, has the strength of the Four Emperors, which means that the fifth Sea Emperor was born. "

What are you talking about, you have the strength of the four emperors at a young age?" The bald five old stars were shocked.

Even Shanks, the youngest of the Four Emperors, only became famous in his thirties and ascended to the throne of the Four Emperors.

In his 20s, he has the strength of the four emperors, so how terrifying his talent is, if such a person is allowed to continue to grow, let alone the navy at that time, even the world government, and even the Tianlong people will not be able to help him.

"What's his name, and in which direction did he flee?" asked the bald five.

The young man's name was Ouyang Jun, and he fled alone to the southwest. Sengoku said.

"What, are you going to hunt him down alone?" the five old stars with long white straight hair wondered.

The bald five old stars nodded, "Otherwise, do you want to continue to let him grow?"

"But if you encounter the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red-Haired Pirates, and the Immortal King Reilly's bag, even you will be unlucky at that time." The five old stars with long straight hair advised.

The bald five old stars looked confident, "Don't worry, if this is the case, with my ability, I can still do it." The

long-haired five old stars nodded, and then said no more.

On the Long March, Ouyang Jun sat on the deck bored, and after successfully rescuing Ace and Whitebeard, he originally wanted to chat with Luffy and the others.

However, the five old stars suddenly arrived, and everyone scattered one after another, and it seems that they can only talk about it when they have a chance in the future.

Now that Luffy has set sail, the Great Voyage is not big, and there will always be a chance to meet in the future.

"I heard that the desserts on Cake Island are good, but I don't know how they compare to my previous life. Ouyang Jun muttered.

That's right, after leaving Marin Fando, the system gave instructions, and the next stop was the cake island where the Four Emperor Aunts were located.

Among the Four Emperors, Kaido, Whitebeard and Shanks, Ouyang Jun has all seen them, but Ouyang Jun has never met the aunt, who is known as a fertility machine.

In the cloudless sky, Ouyang Jun was comfortably closing his eyes, when suddenly a strange side sounded in his ears.

"Blood! blood! I want blood, lots and lots of blood!" Hearing

this voice, Ouyang Jun felt a chill down his spine, but the blood in his body involuntarily boiled.

Ouyang Jun opened his eyes suddenly, and suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood.

Not far from Ouyang Jun, there were two pirate ships floating aimlessly on the calm sea, and the most bizarre thing was that the ships were all dry corpses.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Jun's face was solemn, judging from the wafting smell of blood, these people should have just died, but their bodies were dry, indicating that the blood in their bodies had been sucked dry by something.

According to Ouyang Jun's cognition in his previous life, sucking human blood is generally a weird and bad thing, and most of them have terrifying abilities, so he can't be careless.

The sonic boom sounded, and suddenly a figure appeared in front of Ouyang Jun, because the speed of this figure was so fast, that it left a series of afterimages in the air.

"What are you looking at, are you looking at me?" a joking voice sounded.

"It's so fast!" Ouyang Jun's pupils contracted.

Ouyang Jun raised his eyes and saw a tall and thin man with white hair braided into two braids and a wide blood-red cloak appearing in front of him.

A thick smell of blood emanated from him, disgusting.

"Red Earl Balorik!" Ouyang Jun exclaimed.

The Red Earl Baroque, also known as the "Red of the Lonely High", has the form of a vampire of the bat fruit, an animal phantom beast.

Using the Devil Fruit ability, Baloric can sustain his lifespan by absorbing the blood of others while keeping all aspects of his abilities at their peak.

It can be said that Lone High Red is the only man in One Piece who is immortal.

Not only that, but Balorik's strength is also very strong, and like Hawkeye, Ballorik is also a lone ranger, but Oda has confirmed that Baroric alone is enough to compete with the Roger Pirates.

"It's all good work done by that guy Blackbeard. Ouyang Jun gritted his teeth and muttered.

Baloric was originally imprisoned on the sixth floor of Advance City, and Blackbeard was blamed for making trouble in the undersea prison, giving Baloric a chance to escape from the undersea prison.

It is also strange to say that Blackbeard did not appear in Marin Fando, it seems that it is due to the appearance of Ouyang Jun and Reilly, which changed the situation of the war on top.

Blackbeard saw that the situation was not good, and he had already fled.

"Tsk, what wonderful blood, I can't wait to suck you dry. Like a beast staring at its prey, Baloric locked on to Ouyang Jun.


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