"Welcome to Bharati, what would you like to eat?"

"Goodbye, sir, and welcome to the next time. "

One eel sushi, one steamed fish. "

Sir, here comes your wine." "

In the small restaurant, several figures are constantly shuttling.

Although the restaurant is small in size, it is very lively because it is the only sea restaurant in the East China Sea, Bharati.

Unlike other restaurants, Bharati is a distinguished guest regardless of their status.

So here there is a mixture of fish and dragons, both nobles, pirates and navies.

"Is this the sea restaurant Bharati, sure enough, the business is booming, and it is simply a pirate version of the Internet celebrity check-in place.

Looking at the crowded Bharati, Ouyang Jun sighed.

"Hello, sir, what do you want to eat?" asked

a big man with thick arms and vigorous leg hair looking at Ouyang Jun with a charming smile.

Although the strong man in front of him looked enthusiastic and easy to speak, Ouyang Jun knew that all this was an illusion, this strong man was the most snobbish and realistic man in Bharati, and in his eyes, those who were rich were uncles, and they were not qualified to enter Bharati without money.

The brawny man was none other than Barati's chef and combatant Paddy.

"Hello, are there any delicious soups worth recommending?" asked Ouyang Jun.

He remembers that Sanji was proficient in many cuisines, but his best skill was soup.

"Haha, sir, you have a good mouth, it just so happens that there is a genius chef in our store, although he is young and cooks other dishes, but he has absolutely nothing to say about the soup he boils, and many people come from thousands of miles to taste his soup. Paldy said.

"Could it be that the little chef god you are talking about is Shanzhi?"

Ouyang Jun already knew the answer, and now he just wanted to confirm it.

"That's right, it seems that you are also here for you.

"Sort of. "

Okay, a portion of Bharati's special soup. Wait, the delicious food will arrive soon.

With that, Paddy turned and left, heading to the back kitchen.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, successfully checking in at the Sea Restaurant Bharati, and getting the following rewards:

Soul Power increased by 3 levels, Armed Color Domineering proficiency increased by 10 points, and Awakening Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering"

system rewards are finally long overdue.

system, open the People panel. "

"Host: Ouyang Jun

Martial Soul: Seven Killing Sword Martial

Soul Soul Ring: Red, Red Gold

Soul Technique: First Soul Skill Moon Chopping, First Soul Skill Seeing Flowers in the Mist, Second Soul Skill Sword Drawing Technique, Second Soul Skill Heavy Sword Technique.

Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Martial

Soul Soul Ring: Soulless

Skill: No

Soul Power Level: Level 28

Domineering Ability: Primary Armed Color Domineering (35/100), Primary Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering (0/100

) Kendo Ability: Half-step Sword Intent (1/10)

Combat Power: 440 points


"Hello, can I fight for a seat here?".

A voice suddenly sounded in Ouyang Jun's ears, Ouyang Jun turned his head to look and found a beautiful woman with long pink hair standing beside him.

This beauty looks like she is in her twenties, which is the most gorgeous age of a woman, wearing a leather uniform and a royal sister.

Seeing this beauty, Ouyang Jun's pupils contracted, "Tina!" That's

right, the beauty who appeared here was Smoker's female navy Tina.

Tina, as a rare strong woman in the navy, has the superhuman threshold fruit, and judging from the strength shown in One Piece, she is not weaker than Smoker at all.

Many Haimi felt that she was positioned as Vice Admiral Tsuru, the Navy General Staff of Karp's contemporary.

In One Piece, Tina's age is in her thirties, and more than ten years ago she was exactly around twenty.

"Yes!" Ouyang Jun said with a smile on his face.

It is said that when you eat with beautiful women, your appetite will be a little better, and Ouyang Jun will also experience it, is this true.

"It's rare that there are people who come to Bharati alone. Tina said with a smile.

"Doesn't this give you a chance, it just so happens that we are two people together.

"So you're waiting for me?"

"Of course. "

Hehe, it's really a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost. Tina shook her head and smiled.

"That's the ghost you seduced, too. Ouyang Jun teased.

Tina couldn't stand it a little, and began to change the topic, flipped through the menu and asked, "Do you have any good recommendations?"

Before Ouyang Jun could speak, a little boy with a chef's hat on his head and an extraordinary bearing preemptively said, "You can ask me this question, I am the head chef of this restaurant, Sanji." "

Oh, I've never seen such a young head chef. Tina laughed.

Sanji straightened his chest, "Ambition is not in old age, age can only represent experience, not strength." "

Haha, a good age represents experience, and there is labor. Tina said with a smile on her face.

"It is my greatest pleasure to serve beautiful women.

Ouyang Jun couldn't help but pout, this little color embryo turned out to be like this since childhood.

"Isn't my soup good yet?" Ouyang Jun couldn't help but shout when he was a little hungry.

"When the soup is ready, it will naturally be served to you, and you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, don't you know this truth.

Sanji carried his hands behind his back, obviously a child, but he pretended to be an adult, which looked quite funny.

Ouyang Jun was a little speechless, his attitude towards men and women was very different.

"Let's ignore him, let's take a look at the food, I think this curry soup is very good, not only nutritious, but also beautifying, or try this..."

Sanji said to Tina, and began to introduce each dish to her one by one.

As he spoke, he leaned against Tina's chest, seeing that Sanji's cheeks were about to approach Tina's two magnificent peaks, and he shouted at his good deeds.

"Sanji, you little pervert, pretending to be the head chef, taking advantage of beautiful women, don't hurry in to make soup.

Ouyang Jun followed the prestige, and saw Paddy holding a spatula, standing at the door of the back kitchen and restaurant, shouting at the throat.

"Paddy, you're not big or small, according to my seniority, I'm naturally Barati's head chef, so it's not your turn to tell me. "

It was Tetsuo and Sanji who established the Bharati Restaurant in the first place, and Paddy and the others came later, so Sanji was right, in terms of qualifications, except for Tetsuo, no one can compare to him.

"You kid, you dare to talk to me about your qualifications, wait until you surpass me in cooking.

As he spoke, Paddy took three steps and two steps, ran to Sanji's side, and without being verbose with him, he directly carried him into the back kitchen.

"Paidy, you bastard, I've got it all in mind, and I'll be back when I'm older. Sanji said viciously.

"Okay, well, when you grow up, let's talk about it. Paddy said indifferently.

Without Sanji, only Ouyang Jun and Tina were left here, and in the end, Tina followed Sanji's advice and ordered a curry soup.

"Listening to your accent, it doesn't seem to be from the East Sea, where are you from?" Tina asked curiously.

"Where do you think I look like?" Ouyang Jun asked rhetorically.

It's not that Ouyang Jun doesn't want to answer this question, but he doesn't know how to answer it, he can't say that he is from Blue Star.

Tina shook her head, "I don't know, I feel like your accent is very special, neither like the East China Sea, nor the West Sea, nor like the South China Sea, it seems to be a unique accent."

Ouyang Jun was stunned, he didn't expect to be inadvertently guessed by Tina, his accent was indeed unique.

PS: Thank you for the little gift of the hand of God

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