Time flies, and soon half a month has passed, and Tina seems to have eaten a scale, and has been staying here, Ouyang Jun's injury is not good, so she will not leave.

But now that Ouyang Jun is used to it, if Tina is suddenly gone, it is estimated that he will be a little uncomfortable.

It seemed to sense that Ouyang Jun was about to leave, and under the arrangement of Tetsuo Redfoot, Bharati's restaurant specially arranged a banquet.

The beautiful music, the wine and the food, everyone indulged in it, even Tetsuo, who has always been majestic and old-fashioned, chatted about juvenile madness and drank with a group of young people.

Ouyang Jun drank a lot tonight, his face flushed, and he was dizzy.

Swinging his head, Ouyang Jun walked out of the restaurant, wanting to go out to blow the sea breeze and sober up.

Suddenly, Ouyang Jun found a small back, sitting alone on the deck, looking at the vast sea.

Ouyang Jun then remembered that he hadn't seen Sanji for a long time today, but he didn't expect Shanzhi to sneak out alone.

Blowing the sea breeze, Sanji sobered up a lot.

"I should be homesick!" Ouyang Jun guessed.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Sanji turned his head and said with a smile, "Why doesn't Brother Ouyang drink inside, can't it be that it can't work."

Ouyang Jun smiled, "How can a man say no, his head is a little dizzy, come out to blow the wind, what are you doing here alone?"

Although he is accompanied by Tetsuo, Paddy and others, Sanji still has a strong sense of loneliness in his heart, he is like the sea, alone, so he wants to warm up with the sea and accompany each other, so that he will not be disappointed.

Listening to Sanji's words, Ouyang Jun was stunned and touched Sanji's head distressedly.

"Homesick, right?" asked Ouyang Jun.

Hearing Ouyang Jun's words, Sanji showed a lonely look, and then said stubbornly, "I don't have a home, this is my home."

For Sanji, home has always been a thorn in his heart, and even if Tetsuo Redfoot treats him well, he still can't make up for the lack of his family.

The damage caused by the original family to Sanji could not be healed for a long time.

For him, his mother used drugs to inhibit genetic modification, but Sanji died a few years after he was born, and after his mother's death, Sanji was ostracized by his brothers again, and his father was lukewarm to him.

These made him extremely disappointed in the Vince Mock family, but as the saying goes, blood is thicker than water, and Sanji's inner desire for family and affection has always been buried in his heart.

This is the softness of Sanji's heart!

" The dialogue between men should be sincere, why pretend. Ouyang Jun rubbed Sanji's head and said.

After being pierced by Ouyang Jun, Sanji was silent and stopped talking.

"People, you should look forward, your mother did not hesitate to give her life for you, she wants you to be happy, she wants you to be a complete person with feelings and thoughts.

You will never want to see you depressed, lonely, and unhappy, so for the sake of your mother, you should also be happy and work hard to pursue your dreams. "

How do you know about my mother?" asked Sanji, surprised.

"Not only do I know your mother, Sora, but I also know that your father is Gaji, the patriarch of the Vince Mock family. The corners of Ouyang Jun's mouth rose and he said with a smile.

"Who the hell are you?" Sanji stood up suddenly, looking nervous, he suspected that Ouyang Jun was sent by his father to arrest him.

"Don't be nervous, in short, I have no ill will towards you, as for my identity, you will know later.

Seeing that Ouyang Jun was reluctant to tell himself, Sanji stuck out his tongue and didn't continue to ask.

After chatting with Ouyang Jun for a while, Sanji's mood was much better, and his eyes were full of hope.

Just like Ouyang Jun said, for the sake of his mother and for himself, he must live happily in the future, and when he grows up, he must go to sea to see ALL BLUE.

"Okay, the sea breeze has blown enough, the intermission is over, and the party continues. Sanji pulled Ouyang Jun and said.

"Hahaha, okay. As

soon as Sanji and Ouyang Jun were about to enter, they met Tina.

"I... I said you die... Where did the death go, Hara... It turned out to be here. "

Tina drank a lot today, and showed Ouyang Jun what it means to be bold, it is simply that those who come will not refuse.

"Tina, you're drunk, I'll send you back to your room first, right?" Ouyang Jun said.

"What drunk, I'm still sober, come, keep drinking. With that, Tina pulled Ouyang Jun in.

Originally, Ouyang Jun also planned to send Tina in to rest, but as soon as he entered the restaurant, he encountered a group of drunkards.

Under their strong pull, Ouyang Jun was forced to pour a few more cups.

"Drink, I'll send this one back first. Ouyang Jun shook his head and said.

Although the alcohol they drank was not high, they had a lot of stamina.

Ouyang Jun stumbled along the way, and finally sent Tina back to the room, but the stamina was up, and he couldn't support it, so he fell asleep directly on Tina's body.

Early the next morning, Ouyang Jun broke out in a cold sweat as soon as he opened his eyes, because he found a beautiful woman lying in his arms.

Ouyang Jun quickly rubbed his eyes, wanting to confirm whether he was dreaming or not.

"It's over, it's over, it's all against it, and finally I got rid of it.

Looking at Tina in his arms, Ouyang Jun patted his forehead helplessly.

Fortunately, the clothes of the two are relatively intact, indicating that the two of them have not had any substantial relationship.

Ouyang Jun was just about to quietly push Tina away and leave secretly, but found that Tina had just opened her eyes, the two looked at each other, and the air instantly froze.

In the next second, Tina and Ouyang Jun jumped up from the bed at the same time, "You... You are simply a beast, I didn't expect you to be such a person, and actually take advantage of the danger of others. "

Wait, Miss Tina, it's not what you think, it's all about me. "

You mean I posted it on purpose and dragged you into my room while you were drunk?" said Tina, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I mean it was all

an accident!"

"Accident? hehe, what an accident, you showed up in my room and accidentally slept in the same bed with me. Do you think that you are not responsible for saying an accident?

Ouyang Jun covered his face in pain, this is simply yellow mud falling into the crotch of his pants, not is.

"Miss Tina, calm down, our clothes are neat, which means that there has been no real act between us at all. "

What else do you want to happen, I'll ask you if you hugged each other, did you sleep together?"

Ouyang Jun nodded bitterly.

"That's it, if it's a man, you should quickly heal your injuries, go back to the Navy Headquarters with me, and be responsible for me in the future." Tina said with a blushing face.

Ouyang Jun wanted to say no, but when he saw Tina's vicious eyes, the words that came to his lips were instantly suffocated.

"You can only take one step at a time. Ouyang Jun sighed helplessly.

PS: Thank you for the little gift of the hand of God


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