Rogue Town, one of the most legendary places in One Piece, does not belong to the East, West, South or North Seas, but is the confluence of the four seas.

Every year, thousands of young people who yearn for the sea come here and flock to the great voyage with dreams and expectations. Although everyone knows that the Great Voyage is dangerous, it cannot withstand the call of dreams.

In the eyes of the pirates, Rogue Town is the place where dreams originate, so the pirates of the four seas will gather here and set sail with their dreams, but in the eyes of the navy, this is the place of sin.

That's why the Navy has a lot of troops here every year to try to intercept the pirates who are about to enter the great voyage and want to turn the clouds and rain.

Whether you call it the Land of Dreams or Sin City, there's no denying the prosperity of Rogue Town, which is bustling with its streets due to the huge flow of people.

The pirates would buy a lot of food and daily necessities before entering the Great Voyage, so the trade here was also very prosperous.

And there is one thing that is very special, the pirates are very popular in Rogue Town, and the pirates who everyone shouts at in other places are the most important guests in Rogue Town.

So in Rogue Town, people won't stay away from you just because you're a pirate, but will enthusiastically introduce you to Rogue Town and sell their goods by the way.

"Mossi Moxi!" At

the naval garrison in Rogue Town, a man who looked like an ape, with a sense of joy, lay on the bed, sleepy-eyed and picked up the phone bug.

"Yellow Ape, you won't tell me you're still sleeping, will you?" said an angry voice on the other end of the line.

"Oh~ It's a red dog, what are you doing with such a big fire, it's only half past eight in the morning, isn't it nine o'clock to clock in to work?"

"Excuse me, the soldiers have been practicing for three hours, and you still have the face to sleep?" said Akainu with hatred.

"You know, I'm telling them by action that when they become admirals, they will be able to get up at nine in the morning, not six, so I'm motivating them to be angry and make the admirals their own goals. The yellow ape said solemnly.

"Whatever you want, I'm just kindly reminding you, if you don't listen, be careful that Sengoku puts small shoes on you. Akainu said.

"It doesn't exist, I clock in on time every day, and I'm never late, even if the Warring States are unhappy, I can't do anything, you can rest assured. The yellow ape laughed.

"Hey, you're really not saved. Akainu said speechlessly.

"Okay, okay, overtime and no overtime pay, who will be 996 if you can work from 9 to 5. Hurry up and say something, I'm in a hurry to get to work, and if I'm late for a while, I'll count it on your head. The yellow ape urged.

"What can I do, just tell you, according to the information obtained by the pheasant, there is a very potential supernova in the East China Sea, with a bounty of up to 30 million Bailey, it is said that he has just defeated the fish-man Aaron and is rushing to Rogue Town, you pay attention.

"Oh~ That guy is idle every day, wandering around, but I didn't expect it to have some effect. Okay, I know, once he shows up in Rogue Town, I'll take it down as soon as possible. The yellow ape nodded.

"Okay, hurry up, work overtime these days, pay more attention. Akainu reluctantly hung up the phone.

Although there are three admirals in the navy on the surface, he is actually the only one who really does the work, one clocks in and out of work on time every day, and the other is idle every day.

"Hey, I'm too hard!" Akainu was powerless to complain.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the yellow ape appeared on time at the naval station in Rogue Town, still holding breakfast in his hand, and eating it unhurriedly.

According to the regulations, he will guard the town of Rogue for half a year.

The yellow ape was walking leisurely with lazy steps, and suddenly a man and a woman came to him, the man was burly, was smoking a cigar, and the woman had pink hair, looking sweet, but those who were familiar with her knew that this was a resolute Iron Lady.

This man and woman are none other than Smoker and Tina, who had been searching for Ouyang Jun in the East China Sea before.

"Good morning, Lieutenant General

Yellow Ape!" Tina nodded and smiled, and Smoker on the side did not react, but turned his head to the other side, as if he did not see Yellow Ape.

"Good morning!" the yellow ape replied with a gentle face.

Suddenly he realized that something was wrong, "Wait!"

the yellow ape said suddenly.

"What's wrong with Lieutenant General Yellow Ape, is there anything wrong?" Tina asked with a smile on her face.

Yellow Ape waved his hand, "It has nothing to do with you, it has something to do with him."

With that, the yellow ape pointed at Smoker.

"Me?" Smoker looked at the yellow ape with a confused expression, as if he couldn't remember what he had offended him.

"Why didn't you say hello when you saw the leader, and what did you mean by turning your head around?" asked the yellow ape with a straight face.

Smoker glanced at the yellow ape and said quite unhappily, "I slept until the sun dried my butt in the morning, how can there be such a leader."

"Yo, little Smog, I have a temper, I didn't be late, I didn't leave early, I work weekdays, why don't I look like a leader."

You look at the watch yourself, I'm not late, and you hold back my opinions if you have them. The yellow ape said angrily.

"Hmph! Lieutenant General Pheasant will not be like you. Smoker said unconvinced.

Tina couldn't help but cover her face, this guy is really a donkey, and he has nothing to do with the leader here.

"Oh, you have it, I'm embarrassed to be a pheasant in front of me, the world is full of people all day long, and I still work from 9 to 5 every day and clock in on time.

He said that he was ninety-nine-six, but he was just going out on a business trip to fish, so he was not as good as me. The yellow ape pouted.

"You're talking nonsense!" Smoker

tried to argue a few words, but was dragged away by Tina.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant General Yellow Ape, you have a lot of adults, don't be like this stubborn donkey. Tina said with a smile.

Looking at Smoker and Tina in the distance, the yellow ape shrugged his shoulders indifferently, not taking Smoker's words to heart at all.

In Huang Ape's view, he is just a senior worker, although the soul of the worker is a worker, and the part-time worker is a master, but the premise is that the salary must be in place.

Anyway, the concept of the yellow ape is to take a penny to do a job, the salary is in place, and the four emperors are wasted.

Just when the yellow ape clocked in leisurely to go to work, a pirate ship that looked ordinary, but was actually awesome, docked on the coast of Rogue Town, and there was only one person on board, it was Ouyang Jun who came all the way from Cocoa West Village.

"It's finally here!"

Ouyang Jun stretched his waist and stayed on the pirate ship for half a month, but he suffocated him to death.


The author has something to say:

The second update is delivered, thank Luffy's man, One Piece, for his praise, and thank you for the gifts of the big guys.

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