The corners of Ouyang Jun's mouth rose, and he didn't speak, he didn't want to bother talking about these little minions.


Ouyang Jun's figure disappeared in place, leaving only an afterimage.

Seeing this scene, the man's pupils contracted, his hair stood on end, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

In his frightened eyes, Ouyang Jun's fists continued to expand.


A muffled sound came, and the man in charge flew out directly, hit the wall and passed out.

"Who else?" said Ouyang Jun domineeringly.

"Are you looking for death?" Seeing

the boss being beaten, everyone else was furious, and they all turned their heads to kill Ouyang Jun.

"Jumping clown!" Ouyang Jun sneered.

Now he is no longer the weak chicken who just arrived in the pirate world, although he is not a top powerhouse, but he is also an existence that can take charge of himself.

Ouyang Jun's figure kept disappearing and flashing, and these people couldn't catch him at all.

Within moments, they all collapsed to the ground like dead dogs.

"Hey, hey!"

"Yes, I didn't expect this kid to be so young and so strong. "

It's a pity, if you offend the Four Emperors, no matter how strong your strength is, it's useless. "

Yes, that's the Four Emperors, and it looks like another new star is about to fall.

Ouyang Jun's strong performance caused everyone to whisper.

However, Ouyang Jun doesn't care about these, strength is the last word, since he has been offended, instead of worrying about it, it is better to seize the time to improve his strength.

"Can I take her away?" asked Ouyang Jun, pointing at Robin.

"I'm afraid not, she's the sign of our cabaret. The person in charge of the dance hall said stubbornly.

Although Ouyang Jun's strength is very strong, Black Rose is Basara's cash cow, if he loses people like this, Basara is bound to suffer heavy losses, and he will not be able to get rid of it at that time.

"Huh?" Ouyang Jun glared at him with a fierce look.

Seeing that Ouyang Jun's patience was about to run out, the person in charge of the song and dance hall shrunk his neck and didn't dare to say anything more, in case he angered Ouyang Jun and died because of it, the gains would outweigh the losses.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ouyang Jun walked in front of Robin and elegantly stretched out his hand, "Come with me, I'll protect you."

Robin didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

In this way, Ouyang Jun left Basara with Robin, leaving a group of melon-eating people to blow up the pot.

"Wow, he's so handsome, he's so manly, I really envy Black Rose, there is such a powerful and handsome flower messenger. "

Hey, look at him, look at you, why don't I have such a good fortune to meet such a true son.

"Come on, if Black Rose looks like this, it is estimated that only Yin Soldiers will be sitting here today.

"Damn, you're too damaging to say this, I'm really angry.

Everyone ate melons happily, only the person in charge of Basara watched Ouyang Jun and Robin leave hand in hand with a sad face.

"Who the hell are you?" asked

Robin in the deep alley as he stared at Ouyang Jun with a gloomy face.

"Don't be nervous, I'm a wanted pirate by the Navy, but I'm essentially just a traveler. Ouyang Jun said with a smile.

"Hmph, you liar, the shaving you just used is one of the six naval styles, and that is a physical technique used by officers above the rank of captain in the navy. Robin didn't believe Ouyang Jun.

Ouyang Jun scratched his head helplessly, he didn't believe it to be honest, it was too difficult.

"If I were really in the Navy, you should be in Navy Jail right now, not here, Nicole Robin. "Ouyang Jun is ready for a showdown.

"You know me?" Robin's eyes were cold, like a beast that chooses to devour people.

It's not that Robin is too sensitive, but because since the age of seven, she has been on the verge of life and death every day, and if she wasn't careful, she would have died a long time ago.

"That's right, I know you, not only do I know that your name is Nicole Robin, but I also know that you are the only orphan in O'Hara, the holy land of archaeology, and you have been wanted since you were seven years old, and the bounty is as high as 77 million Bailey. Ouyang Jun said seriously.

"Who the hell are you, what do you want to do?" Robin looked nervous, with a sense of panic that someone had seen through it.

Ouyang Jun said with sincerity on his face, "You relax first, not everyone in this world is a bad person, in the vast sea, you will find a companion who is willing to protect you sooner or later."

Listening to Ouyang Jun's words, Robin's tears rushed down like a faucet that had opened a valve, because Ouyang Jun's words reminded her of what the giant Ursaro had said to her.

"Even if you are alone now, one day you will definitely meet a partner, the sea is boundless, one day.... There will be companions who will protect you. You will never be alone forever in this world, don't look back Robin, use me to teach you when you are in pain. There must be companions waiting for you somewhere in the sea, go find them. "

So you're just willing to protect me, my companions?" asked Robin hopefully.

Over the years, she has tried to find a partner who is really willing to protect her, but each time it has ended in failure.

Ouyang Jun thought of Robin's happy smile in the Straw Hat Pirates, and remembered those happy pictures, he knew that the only one who was most suitable for her was the Straw Hat Pirates.

Ouyang Jun shook his head.

Seeing Ouyang Jun's reaction, Robin showed a look of frustration.

"It's not that I don't want to protect you, but there are more suitable partners waiting for you, don't worry, they will come to you soon, and before they appear, let me protect you. Hearing

Ouyang Jun's words, Robin raised his head again and showed a bright smile, "Hmm!"

Not long after Ouyang Jun took Robin, somewhere in Albana, in an imposing mansion.

"Lord Smuji, Usap and they are back. A little brother said tremblingly.

"Oh, why don't you bring someone in, I'm going to see what's so special about the woman who was rewarded by the Navy with 77 million Bailey at the age of seven. "

Newspaper... Report to your lordship, Usap they failed, and the people did not bring back. "


A powerful momentum erupted from Smurge, who stood up, revealing a pair of enviable long legs.

"What the hell is going on?"

Meanwhile, the most mysterious place in Albana, the headquarters of the Baroque studio.

"Brubru, Brubru!" the

voice of the phone bug rang.

A domineering man with a cigar in his mouth picked up the phone, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. 0, Black Rose was taken away. A trembling voice came from the other end of the line.

It turned out that the man smoking the cigar was Mr. 0, the owner of the Baroque Studio, that is, one of the Seven Martial Seas, Klockdahl, known as Lao Sha.

Lao Sha frowned and said angrily, "I should have told you that she is not only a dancer, but also a very important guest, let you take a good look at her, but you lost her to me, you should know the end." "

The second half of the Great Voyage, the headquarters of the Navy.

"Report to the Marshal of the Warring States, the Draconians have sent information that Robin, the son of the devil, has appeared in Alabastan, and Lord Cyborg has ordered the navy to send someone to arrest him. Hearing

the report, Sengoku snorted coldly, "The dying Celestial Dragons, who are about to decay, tried to stabilize their rule by blinding the eyes of the world, and destroyed O'Hara, not to mention, and now they are actually chasing after a woman, which is simply shameless." "

Do we need to send someone there?" asked the soldier in charge of the briefing.

Sengoku sighed, although he was very reluctant, but he was in his position, and he didn't dare to ignore the order of the steel bones.

"Let the lieutenant general go to the burning mountain. "

PS: This book is about to make its debut, and I also ask you guys to help click on the five-star praise, the debut score is very important, thank you!


The author has something to say:

Good morning, the first more to send, thank you for the two love letters of the crazy rabbit who planted the flowers, thank you for the immortal inspiration capsule, thank you for the small gift of 40897926 and 25152976.

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