The port of Albana, the capital of Alabastan, was filled with shouts of killing.

"Stop, don't run!" the

bullets whizzed by, causing people on the street to flee for fear of injustice.

In front of this group of people, Ouyang Jun put his arm around Robin's small waist, kept walking, ran forward, and from time to time moved sideways left and right to avoid the bullets behind him.

Although Ouyang Jun couldn't help frowning every time he took a step, and his face unconsciously showed a painful expression, but he didn't dare to hesitate or delay in the slightest, and the blood left one blood mark after another on the ground along Ouyang Jun's feet.

"It's almost there, it's almost there!

500 meters left!""400 meters left!" "100

meters!" "50 meters!"

Ouyang Jun can only continue to self-motivate, self-hypnotize, maintain his will to be immortal, and race against time.

Finally, Ouyang Jun jumped up and landed on the deck of the Long March, "Xiaoli, start the Long March and set sail!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ouyang Jun immediately ordered.

"Received! Please set the destination for this voyage. "

Magnetic Drum Kingdom!" Ouyang

Jun said with the last of his strength, and then he fell into a coma.

Robin watched the chasing people getting closer and closer in a daze, "Hey, don't sleep, what now?"

Although Robin has been floating for nearly ten years, she knows how to anchor, sail, steer, and set sail, but she is too slow alone.

If she had completed these preparations at a normal pace, the two of them would have already become dead souls by then.

But in the next second, Robin was shocked to find that she didn't need to do anything at all, and the entire pirate ship actually completed the whole process automatically, and it took no more than ten seconds.

The Long March broke through the waves and quickly moved away, and by the time the pursuers arrived, Ouyang Jun and Robin had successfully escaped from their attack.

Today's sky was cloudless, and it seemed to be a good day, Robin sat on the deck and looked at the bow of the ship, but his mood sank to the bottom, and his face was full of sadness.

The reason why Robin's expression was solemn was not because of herself, but because of Ouyang Jun, who was still lying on the bed.

Since successfully escaping the pursuit that day, Ouyang Jun has been in a coma, and three days have passed, and there is still no sign of awakening.

Although Robin was anxious, there was nothing she could do, she was not a ship doctor, she didn't know how to heal, so she could only do it in a hurry.

And the strangest thing is that she can't control this pirate ship at all, because no matter how she adjusts the sails and adjusts the direction of the rudder, she can't change the direction of the ship's movement.

What she didn't know was that these so-called sails and rudders were just decorations.

Eventually, Robin gave up and went to the bow of the ship, hoping to meet a pirate ship or a merchant ship, and ask their ship's doctor to help diagnose it.

It's a pity that after waiting for two or three days, not a single pirate ship or merchant ship was seen.

"Well, if he goes on like this, he will surely die. Robin frowned and sighed.

Suddenly, Robin saw an island in front of him, judging from the size of the island, there was a chance that there would be a living here, and Robin had a surprised smile on his face when he saw this island.

"Onward, onward!" Robin subconsciously murmured.

This time the pirate ship seemed to hear her call and moved straight forward.

Half an hour later, the Long March finally docked at the port of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

After the pirate ship stopped, without the slightest hesitation, Robin carried Ouyang Jun on her back, and she was ready to carry Ouyang Jun on her back to the island for medical treatment.

Along a main road leading to the harbor, Robin carried Ouyang Jun step by step, and it wasn't long before she finally saw a village.

Robin had a happy look on his face and hurried to quicken his pace.

"Hello, may I ask where there is a doctor around here?" asked Robin, pulling one of the big brothers at the entrance of the village.

"You're from out of town, aren't you?" asked Big Brother.

"That's right, my friend is sick and needs a doctor urgently. Robin replied.

Hearing this, Big Brother shook his head, sighed and said, "You're in the wrong place, there are no doctors here."

Hearing this, Robin's mood sank to the bottom, "Isn't there anything around here?"

Big Brother smiled bitterly, "Not to mention the neighborhood, there are no doctors in the entire Magnetic Drum Kingdom." "

Why is this happening, and what are you doing when you're sick?" asked Robin, puzzled.

"Hehe, if we are sick, we can only wait for death, or go to the royal capital to ask the king for help, if he is in a good mood, maybe he will ask the doctor 20 to help you take a look, if he is in a bad mood, you can only wait for death. Big Brother said.

Robin frowned, "Didn't you just say that there are no doctors in the whole country?"

Big Brother said in a deep voice, "Ten years ago, this was one of the most powerful countries in medical technology, and it was known as the [hometown of medical care].

However, since the new king Valpo took office, in order to consolidate his position, he expelled all the doctors in the Drum Kingdom, leaving only the 20 most skilled doctors as his royal physicians.

These 20 physicians were called Doctor 20, and any sick patient after that either waited to die or went to the royal palace and thanked King Valpo for help.

Robin nodded solemnly, understanding what the big brother meant.

Doctor 20 is a private medical team belonging to Valpo, not to the general population, so for the general public, there are no doctors in the Drum Kingdom.

"Shall I go to the palace and ask for the help of Doctor 20?" asked Robin with a nervous expression.

If Ouyang Jun can be saved, even if he puts down his dignity and bows his head and begs her, he is willing.

Big Brother shook his head, "According to King Valpo's will, Doctor 20 will not serve outsiders unless you can afford the sky-high medical bills.

Robin frowned, although she said that she was not penniless now, she simply could not afford to pay the high medical bills.

Looks like the only way to break into the palace is enough, Robin thought to himself.

But a sentence from Big Brother made Robin change his mind.

"However, in addition to Medic 20, there are two special beings in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom today, they are Dr. Kureha and Dr. Shiruluk.

Big Brother's words rekindled Robin's flame of hope, "Where can I find

them?" "Are you sure you're looking for them?"

"Why do you ask?" asked Robin, confused.

Big Brother smiled meaningfully, "Because one of them is a quack doctor worthy of the name, and the other is an elusive and moody madman."

Hearing his words, Robin frowned, now he can only use a dead horse as a live horse doctor, and he will try again.

PS: The third update is delivered, and I also ask all the big guys to help click on the urge and five-star praise after reading


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the 24405161's like, thank you for the little rabbit astronaut, and the little gift of Wuxin who loves to eat loose soup!

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