"When I was in the East China Sea, I saw his talent, if he joined the navy, he must be a pillar of talent, and he has a place in the position of admiral.

Originally, I was going to recruit him to join the navy, but after the failure, I also gave feedback to Ouyang Jun's potential threat in time, but unfortunately some people didn't pay attention to it and watched Ouyang Jun escape from in front of me. The pheasant glanced at the yellow ape and said.

"Okay, okay, Qing Pheasant, you can be a person, let me ask you, who was the first to let Ouyang Jun go? Don't keep thinking about throwing the pot to others. The yellow ape pouted.

Hearing the Yellow Ape's words, the pheasant instantly became anxious, "Didn't I know that he was a pirate at the time?"

The Yellow Ape sneered, "I was deceived so easily, if I wasn't able to do it, I had a bad head." "


the pheasant blushed with anger, but he didn't know how to respond for a while, he really had never seen such a brazen person.

"Okay, let's be quiet, am I asking you to shirk each other's responsibilities now? I want to hear your solution!" Seeing the yellow ape and the pheasant fighting, Sengoku couldn't sit still anymore.

Hearing Sengoku's words, everyone lowered their heads, and no one wanted to take this hot potato.

"I don't want to, so I'll do it. I saw Akainu holding his head high, and his eyes were full of war.

Seeing the red dog who took the initiative to invite him, Sengoku finally felt a little relieved in his eyes, and finally there was someone who dared to take the lead and share his worries for him.

"Okay, then the task of arresting Ouyang Jun will be handed over to you. Sengoku said with a smile.

Akainu nodded expressionlessly.

"In addition, according to the latest information, Ouyang Jun has just left from Fish-Man Island, and judging from the trajectory he traveled, it is likely that he went to Dressrosa, and I have asked the Seven Martial Seas to pay more attention to Flamingo.

If Ouyang Jun appears, he will capture it immediately, but with Brother Ming's strength, I'm afraid he is not an opponent, so it is better for you to make a hard trip. Sengoku continued.

"Okay. Akainu nodded in response.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Four Emperors of the New World Big Mom Pirates, Cake Island.

"My dear daughter, you're finally back, did you surprise me this time?, and where is Nico Robin?" asked Auntie, looking at Smuji below.

Hearing Bigmom's words, Smuji bowed his head and was silent, and his whole person couldn't help but tremble.

Although she is the daughter of the aunt, the aunt has too many children, and for the aunt, Smuji is just one of more than a hundred children.

Once he angered the aunt, and even worried about his life, this is not alarmist, Smuji once witnessed that the aunt devoured her eldest son, that is, Smuji's eldest brother.

"Well, what's going on?" asked the aunt with a gloomy face.

Seeing the reaction of the aunt, Smuji knew that if he didn't say anything more, he would die even worse.

"Nicole Robin, no... Didn't catch. Smuji said tremblingly.

"So what the hell are you doing these days? Don't tell me you're out there. Aunt said with her anger suppressed.

"No, I don't. Smuji said excitedly.

"Then tell me about your experience during this time.

"After leaving Cake Island, I went to Alabastan first..."Immediately

Smuji recounted her experience of capturing Robin in Alabastan, being stopped by Ouyang Jun and Klockdahl, encountering the yellow ape in the Chambord Islands, and being beaten by Ouyang Jun on Fish-Man Island.

"Hmph, the dignified cadres of the Four Emperors, they were actually beaten by a fledgling boy, you really give me a long face. Aunt shouted angrily.

A terrifying momentum came out of the aunt's body, and under the oppression of this momentum, Smuji had a feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai.

"Mother, spare your life!" Smuji quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Hmph, I'll spare you once this time, if there is a next time, I will definitely let you have a longer memory. Aunt snorted coldly.

Hearing Auntie's words, Smuji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, the aunt looked at Katakuri, the head of the three generals, "Since everything is inseparable from this kid named Ouyang Jun, then please take a trip and avenge your sister, the cadres of the Four Emperors Pirates, how can others bully them at will." Aunt chuckled.

"Yes!" said

a young man in his twenties as he stepped out of the crowd and bowed.

However, Ouyang Jun, as a key figure in stirring up the storm, had no idea about it.

At this time, Ouyang Jun was wandering around Dressrosa with Nanali, and for Nanali, who had lived on the Sky Island since childhood, everything here was very novel, so she was quite interested.

"Where did the chick come from, it's pretty and beautiful. Suddenly, a shrill voice rang out.

Ouyang Jun turned his head to look, only to see a man wearing a fur-brimmed hat with two facial lines on his face, looking like an indigenous man staring at Nanali with a squinting face.

It was one of the cadres of the Mingo family, Diamanti, who managed the fighting arena.

"Wow, Brother Ouyang, this person looks so disgusting. Nanali exclaimed.

Seeing Nanali's instinctive reaction, Diamanti's face sank like water, "You are looking for death!"


Diamanti's right foot exerted force, disappeared in place in an instant, and slapped Nanali's face.

Ouyang Jun had no doubt that if this slap was firmly slapped on Nanali's face, he would be crippled if he didn't die.


At the last moment, Ouyang Jun's footsteps moved sideways, blocking in front of Nanali.

Seeing the back in front of her, Nanali felt inexplicably reassured, as if as long as Ouyang Jun was there, she was not afraid of the sky falling.

"Why, when I didn't exist. Ouyang Jun was as fast as lightning, and reached out and pinched Diamanti's wrist.

Diamanti's face turned pale, and he twitched his arm hard, but found that he couldn't move at all.

Ouyang Jun's wrist was like a chain, firmly binding his arm.

"You brought it on yourself, don't blame me!" Diamanti grimaced with a cruel smile on his face.

The Fluttering Fruit is a Devil Fruit possessed by Diamanti that transforms anything it touches into a cloth-like shape.

However, in the next second, Diamanti was shocked, because he found that Ouyang Jun had not changed at all.

"Armed and domineering!" Diamanti muttered with a gloomy face.

That's right, Ouyang Jun's entire arm is covered by a black armed color domineering, and he is not affected by the fluttering fruit


all--The author has something to say:

The third is delivered, thanks to 25909600, Mu Dong, who likes wolfberry buds, and the small gift that burns endlessly.

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