"She is a native of the Sky Island, and she was sold to the Chambord Islands, and I rescued her at the auction house. Ouyang Jun explained.

Hearing Ouyang Jun's words, the hostility in Tina's eyes was much less, and on the contrary, there was a little more sympathy, "I'm sorry, I just didn't know the reason and misunderstood you."

Tina was still sympathetic to Nanali's plight.

Nanali squeezed out a smile, "It's okay, I didn't take it to heart.

"Now that the navy has laid a wide net, it will be even more difficult for you to escape. Tina said with a frown.

Ouyang Jun nodded, "We are also having a headache about this matter.

Tina's face showed a look of struggle, then she gritted her teeth and said, "You come with me."

Ouyang Jun was stunned, "You will be implicated in doing this, right?" "

Hehe, don't worry, I have a backstage in the navy." Tina chuckled.

Hearing Tina say this, Ouyang Jun nodded.

Under Tina's operation, Ouyang Jun and Nanali successfully broke through the encirclement of the navy.

"Then we're leaving. Looking at Tina, who was reluctant, Ouyang Jun said.

"Well, be careful on the road. Tina said softly.

Ouyang Jun nodded, then waved goodbye.

"Where are you going?" asked Tina.

Ouyang Jun pointed to the sky, "The island above the Nine Heavens.

"You're going to Sky Island?" Tina looked surprised.

"yes, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, but I heard that Sky Island doesn't seem to be peaceful lately. "


Sky Island is a veritable island in the sky, and it is undoubtedly much more tranquil than the chaotic Great Shipping Routes.

The Sky Island is like an independent hermit, secluded from the complexities of the world.

But this does not mean that there are no strife and conflicts on the empty island.

There are also clan clashes on Sky Island, such as Sandia and Sky Islanders on Angel Island.

"Is there an empty island in front of you? A young man in a turban grinned.

"Who is coming? This is the dwelling place of God. A guard armed with a spear asked.

"God, that's a good name. The young man said to himself.

"If we don't stop, we're going to do it. Another guard said.

"I am Anilu, your next god. "

Haha, just as you are the next god, the kid who hasn't grown his hair is full, I don't think you woke up." The guard laughed.

That's right, this young man is the owner of the Thunder Fruit, the god of thunder and lightning, Anilu.

The corners of Anilu's mouth went up, setting off a mocking arc.

In the next second, lightning flashed, and the two guards lost consciousness.

Thunder and lightning turned into a figure again, and walked leisurely towards the depths of the shrine with a leisurely pace.

Half an hour later, Anilu sat on the throne, with corpses lying all over the ground below, except for four figures kneeling on one knee, their heads bowed respectfully.

These were the four priests chosen by Anilu.

"God, Gan Fore has fled, do you want to send someone to hunt him down?" asked Ohm, one of the four priests.

Anilu shook his head, "With his strength, he can't make any waves at all, so you don't need to waste too much strength and energy on him."

Ohm nodded.

"It is imperative that a complete legal system be established so that we can better govern the entire empty island. Anilu continued.

"Legal system?" the four priests looked at each other, apparently they had never heard of the term before.

"Hehe, in fact, it is the reward and punishment system, to be specific..."

Under Anilu's explanation, the four priests finally understood the so-called legal system.

In short, it is to establish rules and regulate people's behavior.

"Eh, it's finally here, and I'm going to suffocate to death if I don't do it again. Ouyang Jun stretched his waist and complained.

Just four months after Anilu ruled the Sky Island, Ouyang Jun finally arrived on the Sky Island.

"Is this your hometown Sky Island?" Looking at the misty-shrouded, fairyland-like island in front of him, Ouyang Jun looked at Nanali and asked.

Back in her hometown, Nanali was still very excited, and her face was full of happy smiles.

"Yes, isn't it beautiful?" said Nanali with a smirk smile.

Ouyang Jun nodded, "It's really beautiful." "

With Nanali leading the way, Ouyang Jun doesn't have to worry about making a mistake.

"Oh, how weird it feels. Looking at the familiar streets and familiar faces, Nanali suddenly felt a little strange.

The people on the streets looked restrained and spoke cautiously, which was very different from the free and open sky islands before.

"What's wrong? is there

something wrong?" Nanali shook her head, "I don't know, but something always feels wrong." "

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, scorching one of them on the outside and on the inside, and it seemed that he was about to die.

Looking at this scene, Nanali's face turned white with fright, how could thunder and lightning fall from the cloudless sky.

Although the weather on Sky Island is unpredictable, it is also too weird.

Immediately after that, Ouyang Jun and Nanali heard everyone's whispers.

"Oh, it seems that I have sinned against God again.

"What a bullshit god, it's a tyrant.


"God, isn't God a very kind old man, how did he become so cruel, and besides, God can't summon thunder and lightning?" asked Nanali curiously.

"Well, the god you're talking about is already a god of the previous generation, and the god of this generation is a young man with a ruthless personality who has the ability to manipulate thunder and lightning, and even the fighting people of Sandia have to submit to his obscenity. Passers-by explained.

"When did this happen?" asked Nanali.

"This was four months ago, and many people who did not obey God's command were killed by lightning strikes, and now few people dare to anger God. The passerby shook his head and said.

"Is the new generation god called Anilu?" asked Ouyang Jun thoughtfully.

Judging from the time node, coupled with their descriptions, Ouyang Jun can basically be sure that the new generation of gods is Anilu nine times out of ten.

"Do you know God?" asked the passer-by in amazement.

Ouyang Jun shook his head, "I know him, but he doesn't know me. The

passer-by nodded reassuringly.

"No wonder Tina said that the Sky Island was not peaceful, it turned out to be Ani Road on the high ground.


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The first update is delivered, thank you for the gifts!

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