The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky.

On the coast of an island.

A thin figure lay quietly on the beach.

The tide laps on the rocks, stirring up waves.

A thin figure lay quietly on the beach.

The tide hits the rocks and stirs up waves


Chen Mu, who was awakened by the sea water, rubbed his swollen head and got up from the beach.

"This is where?"

Chen Mu frowned and looked at the sea in front of him.

A wooden barrel not far from the beach attracted his attention. Chen Mu walked over and took a look. It turned out to be a wooden barrel similar to the one used to hold wine in the 19th century.

And in There was a very old newspaper placed on top of the barrel. There were several stacks of currency-like papers inside the barrel. Chen Mu did not rush to take out the currency, but picked up the newspaper that had been corroded by moisture.

The specific content could no longer be seen clearly, but the huge title made Chen Mu feel confused for a while.

"Shocking! Princess Otohime of Fishman Island was raped and killed by humans, and chaos began to appear in the Shampoo Islands!"

Chen Mu looked at the newspaper at hand. Although the newspaper did not contain Chinese characters, Chen Mu understood these characters inexplicably. There was a hint of horror in his expression, and his heart was turbulent.

"Fishman Island? Princess Otohime? This is the world of One Piece?"

"Could it be that I have traveled through time?"

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Chen Mu came to a shocking conclusion.

Although it was very unbelievable and unbelievable, no one should make such a joke to him.

"I am a frail earthling, and you want me to travel to a world full of perverts like One Piece?"

At this moment, a mechanical voice sounded in my mind:

"The world is successfully detected. Congratulations to the host. The template inheritance system is successfully bound."

"Because the host successfully opens the system, the reward is a character template extraction opportunity."

"system?"Regarding the prompt in his mind, Chen Mu was confused for a while, and then he realized that this should be the standard system for time travellers!

"System, what is your specific role?"Chen Mu suppressed his surprise and asked silently in his mind.

Unfortunately, no system elf responded to him.

In desperation, Chen Mu could only observe the system by himself.

He felt that the illusory panel suddenly appeared in his mind, He checked quickly, but the content on the panel was too crude.

Host: Chen Mu.

Dominance: None.

Devil Fruit: None.

Character Template: None.

Number of Template Extractions: 1.

"What a poor start! Chen Mu sighed with emotion:"Fortunately, I have a system in place!""

Thinking that he still had another chance to draw a lottery, Chen Mu immediately said silently in his mind:"Draw!"

As his words fell, he suddenly felt that the system panel in his mind turned into a black vortex.

"System extracting……"

In the center of the vortex, countless figures flashed past:

Teacher Saitama, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, Jie Nuo, Hashirama Senju, Aizen, Uchiha Itachi, Boros, Uchiha Madara...

Chen Mu was dazzled. Looking at these figures, I unconsciously imagined all kinds of thoughts about One Piece after equipping these character panels.

About ten seconds later, the figure that flashed in his mind gradually settled on a figure in a uniform with red patterns on a black background.

Under the uniform, he only wore a simple short-sleeved black coat, and the nails on his hands and feet were painted with dark purple nail polish.

There are two very obvious tear troughs under the eyes!

At a glance, it looks like a dead volcano waiting to erupt.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the Uchiha Itachi character template from the Naruto world."

As the sound of the system rang in Chen Mu's mind.

A stream of strange memories rushed into Chen Mu's consciousness like a flood that broke through a dam.

The first time to refine chakra, the first time to walk on water, the first time to release it. The first battle, the first time the Mangekyo Sharingan was opened.

Countless memories of Uchiha Itachi's training and battles were integrated into Chen Mu's consciousness.

With the process of memory infusion, the system also absorbed all of Uchiha Itachi's chakra. Converted into the same proportion of physical strength and poured into Chen Mu's body. Uchiha Itachi, a talented ninja from the Uchiha clan in the Land of Fire in the Naruto world.

Using genjutsu.

In order to protect the village from the war, he was forced to accept the genocide mission ordered by Konoha's senior leader Shimura Danzo. He left his younger brother Sasuke behind and stimulated him to take revenge on him, and then joined the Akatsuki organization as an undercover agent.

After injecting eye power into Sasuke during the battle, he died due to incurable disease and lack of physical strength. When such a powerful ninja template was extracted by himself, Chen Mu's face flashed with joy in less than a minute! Time, Uchiha Itachi's character template has become one with him!

At the same time, a pair of blood-colored Sharingan eyes appeared in Chen Mu's eyes, and even the clothes that were originally soaked in water became Akatsuki under the influence of the system. The organization’s exclusive black-and-moiré uniform! A new look in four words!

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