In Chen Mu's sight, a special air current in Bastiu's body slowly condensed on his arms.

This airflow slowly attached to his arm, forming an invisible armor

"Is this the armament color attachment?"

Chen Mu slowly looked at the armed domineering energy flowing on Bastiu's arms, and thought to himself.

At the same time, his hands were not slow, and the sea-floor stone shuriken kept slashing at Bastiu's arms, splashing. A little spark.

In this way, in order to observe the use and generation of Bastiu's weapon color, Chen Mu maintained the combat power at the same level as Bastiu, and Bastiu breathed a sigh of relief.

But gradually, the armed domineering energy in his body gradually depleted.

At the same time, new armed domineering energy began to be produced in his body. However, this new armed domineering energy was rare in number and appeared very slowly.

However, for Chen Mulai. It couldn't be better.

He activated the Mangekyou Sharingan with all his strength and copied the entire process of generating Armed Haki. The sea stone shuriken stabbed Bastiu directly in the chest.


Bastiyu didn't hesitate and directly used the iron block among the six moves.

He tried to use the iron block to defend Chen Mu's shuriken attack.

But Chen Mu's attack was full of strength, which was enough to withstand it. The iron defense against the bullets was directly broken by Chen Mu with one blow!


The sea stone shuriken pierced Bastiu's chest directly.

Then Chen Mu stepped forward and kicked Bastiu away with a look of horror on his face.

Although he couldn't see the expression under the mask. , but he must have been in a state of panic.

At this time, Bastiu's body seemed to be petrified, and his muscles were frozen.

When he was flying in the air, his mind was in a state of panic, and he could not think at all.

"Did I lose to this newly minted pirate?"

However, what he didn't expect was that a black flame appeared on his body.

The severe burning pain made him scream miserably.

Chen Mu looked at Bastiu who was gradually burned to ashes, with a trace of disdain on his lips.

"If it weren't for copying your armed color Haki, you would have died long ago."

Chen Mu waited quietly for Bastiyu to be burned to ashes by the flames of Amaterasu. He exhaled slightly.

After a battle, there was no trace of blood on his body.

Bastiyu's military rank was much higher than that of Smoker. But for Chen Mu, it is much easier to deal with than Smoker.

Perhaps Bastiyu can win against Smoker because his armed domineering power can hurt Smoker and Bastiyu's six-style comparison. Smoker is much stronger, and the smoke fruit's attack power is not strong. This is the reason why Bastiu became the commander of Rogge Town Base.

However, for Chen Mu, Bastiu, who is not a natural ability user, and Si. Mog is not at the same level at all.

To deal with Smoke, only the Amaterasu that comes with the Mangekyou Sharingan can hurt him, but to deal with Bastiu, it only requires combat skills and physical strength.

Chen Mu let out a breath. , looking at the approaching naval warships in the distance, his eyes became slightly cold.

He flew up in one step, and used the technique of treading water to run towards these naval warships.

"Follow your base commander and die in the sea together!"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A stream of flames spurted out from his mouth, carrying heat that filled the sky and flew towards the naval warships!

Continuous fireballs spurted out from Chen Mu's mouth, burning the warships one by one, and Chen Mu never looked back. Arriving on the pirate ship, he ordered Sailor Doro:

"Let’s go, head to Upside Down Mountain!"

Doro looked at the sea of fire filling the sea and had a better understanding of Chen Mu's strength.

He nodded silently, held the rudder, and thought to himself:"The captain and I are different in strength. It's too big. If you don't want to be abandoned, you can only improve your combat effectiveness, otherwise you will be abandoned by the captain one day."

With the decision in his heart, Doro's eyes became firm. He looked into the distance and secretly made up his mind to practice hard and improve his navigation knowledge and his own strength.


Half a day later, several navy soldiers who had narrowly escaped death lay on the dark ship deck and dialed the phone number of the navy headquarters.



The phone was picked up,"This is the Navy Headquarters."

The soldier on the ship board swallowed his saliva, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he said to the phone bug:

"Here are the soldiers from Donghai Naval Base, requesting support from headquarters."

"whats the matter?"

A meticulous voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Major General Bastiu...Major General Bastiu died in the line of duty"



Naval Headquarters, in the Admiral's Office

"Bastiu died in the line of duty while fighting pirates in the East China Sea."

The Warring States Marshal, who was wearing a pair of frog glasses, a long beard tied into a twist on his chin, a military cap on his head, a seagull on top of his cap, and an afro, said quietly.

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