Looking at Lieutenant General He who was deep in thought, Qingzhi yawned, rubbed his eyebrows, and said lazily:"Ah Lala, although there is only one person in the Dawn Pirates, they are a big trouble. Then Marshal Warring States is ready. How to deal with the pirate Chen Mu?"

Warring States tugged at his beard in distress, sighed and said:

"Let’s wait until we meet Sora-senpai."

The pensive Lieutenant General He took out a sea chart, pointed at the deserted island where Chen Mu and Kizaru fought, and said:

"According to Porusalino, Chen Mu disappeared directly into the sea, so he could consider adding space-moving energy to his fruit ability."

Warring States nodded and said with a troubled expression:

"What a troublesome guy."

At this time, even Garp, who had always been heartless, realized that Chen Mu was just a slippery loach. He knocked on the table and said,"It's a bit bad that Porusalino, who has the most mobility, couldn't catch him. Do it."

Warring States looked at the serious Garp with relief, and a smile appeared on his lips.

After thinking for a moment, he picked up the phone bug and said a few words to the phone bug.

"Donghai really caused us a big trouble."

Lieutenant General He glanced at Akainu, a pair of eyes full of wisdom flashed.

"It seems that Zefa's choice was correct."

Thinking of Zefa's attitude of actively admitting the navy's mistakes and being willing to work hard for it, Lieutenant General He sighed slightly in his heart.

Unfortunately, Zefa has now retreated to the second line. Although he has high prestige in the navy, he has no Real power.

After hearing what Lieutenant General He said, Garp picked up a piece of donut, stuffed it into his mouth and said,"That's right, a good pirate hunter was forced to become a pirate by those guys, isn't Sengoku a naval marshal?" Competent"

"Asshole Garp, shut up."

Veins popped up on Zeng Guo's forehead. After enduring for a long time, he exhaled a breath and suppressed the urge in his heart to violently attack Garp.


The three admirals looked at each other, obviously accustomed to the exchange of insults between Garp and Sengoku.

But at this time Akainu looked a little embarrassed.

After all, Bastiu, the person in charge of the base stationed in Rogge Town, East China Sea, is his direct subordinate.

"I will give an explanation to the World Government and the Navy Headquarters about this matter."

Akainu straightened the hat on his head, stood up straight, glanced at the senior naval officers who were working, and left the Sengoku office.

No one was too surprised by Akainu's departure.

Lieutenant General He asked at this time road:

"Warring States Period, what do you think about Chen Mu's bounty? Warring States shook his head and said:"This matter has been handed over to Marshal Kong and is not the responsibility of our navy.""

"Is that so?"

General He nodded, gently put the pen in his pocket, and walked out of Warring States' office.

"Let's go!"

Sengoku greeted Kizaru and Aokiji, and prepared to go to Mariejoia, the seat of the World Government.

He had already expected that after seeing Cyborg Sora, he would be baptized by words.

Aokiji and Kizaru looked at each other. , stood up and followed Sengoku.

As for Garp, he still looked like the old god was there, eating donuts and drinking tea unhurriedly.


Three days later, on the seaside outside the town of Kerry.

Chen Mu walked out of the dark cave and looked at the sea of cherry blossoms in front of him. He couldn't help but take a breath and suddenly felt refreshed.

As the starting island of the Great Line, Kerry Town is a spring island.

The climate on the island is always in spring, and countless cherry blossom trees thrive here. As far as the eye can see, it is all pink.

After three days of recovery, his body was as good as ever.

Not only that, the magnetism in the eternal pointer in his hand is about to be fully charged.

However, Chen Mu is not ready to go to the next island because he needs a pirate ship of his own now.

The 'Navy Must Die' snatched from Aaron's Paradise has been destroyed by gunfire.

So Chen Mu planned to set his next destination as the Capital of Seven Rivers.

However, although the Capital of Seven Waters used to be a prosperous town, it has now declined.

There is no direct route from the town of Cree to the Capital of the Seven Waters.

Not only that, even if the route is constantly modified, it will take at least half a year to reach the Capital of Seven Waters.

So Chen Mu planned to return to Twin Gorges first and buy an eternal pointer from Kurokas that could lead to the Capital of Seven Waters.

After disguising himself, Chen Mu purchased some navigation supplies in Kerry Town, and then purchased a small boat from a fisherman.

Perhaps Chen Mu's luck had improved. It only took him three days to return to Twin Gorges from Kerry Town.

Along the way, it was calm and calm. Not only did we not encounter any pirate ships, we did not even encounter any strange weather.

"The Grand Line is indeed a strange place."

Recalling the terrifying storm they encountered when heading to Kerry Town, Chen Mu smiled.

"I don’t know how Doro and Max are doing now?"

"I hope I won’t have to wait too long in the Chambord Islands."

Chen Mu thought silently in his heart.

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