"Brother Torque, Bellamy is a little boss under Mr. Northton. You can't afford to pay his debts."

"You know what the hell, Mr. Noston is a Devil Fruit user. I heard that he recently joined the Baroque Walker Co., Ltd. We dedicate this fur tribe to him. What else will that brat Bellamy use to fight me in the future?"

Tok made a 'poof' sound, spit on the ground, and then continued:

"Damn it, I also caught a pirate with a bounty of 30 million, but that Baroque Walker Co., Ltd. actually looked down on me."

Chen Mu walked into the fork in the road, and a group of three people appeared in front of him.

One of the three people was carrying a large black bag on his back, and something seemed to be struggling in the pocket.

Chen Mu stood At the fork in the road, he quietly followed the three of them.

"Save this furry tribe and I can find Zou Island."

Zou Island is located in the New World. It is a mysterious country known as the Dream Island.

What is not known is that Zou Island is actually a giant elephant that has lived for a thousand years.

This giant elephant is called the Elephant Master. Because the Elephant Lord has been walking on the sea, Zuowu Island is a magical island that is not limited to a certain area.

In addition, Zuowu Island is not a land and there is no magnetic traction. There is no way to find Zuowu Island by relying on the"recording pointer". Wu Island!

On the back of the Elephant Master lives a fur tribe that hates humans. They are isolated from the world and rarely walk on the sea.

Now, it is an unexpected surprise for Chen Mu to find a fur tribe on Whiskey Peak. Suddenly

, Tok, who was walking at the front among the three pirate hunters, suddenly stopped and asked in confusion:

"Charlie, is someone following us?"

Charlie looked back cautiously and found that there was nothing behind him, and then said:

"You are wrong, there is not even a ghost behind us!"

Toke still felt something was wrong. When he looked back, his expression suddenly changed.

A face suddenly appeared in his eyes, like a ghost that suddenly appeared.

"Damn, where did this kid come from? You scared me. Do you want to die?"

Toke looked at Chen Mu not far away, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then cursed loudly.

"You're just a brat. Brother Tok, you are good at everything, but you are too timid."

The man carrying the black bag laughed at Toke, and then looked at Chen Mu

"Mickle, you bastard, I call this caution, only in this way can you live longer."

Tok scolded the guy named Miklie, and then shouted to Chen Mu with a fierce look:

They must not let others take advantage of the kidnapping of a fur tribe, otherwise they will owe Bellamy the money. Not yet

"What's in the bag? May I see it?"

Chen Mu smiled, stretched out his finger, and pointed at the black cloth bag on Mikle's back.

At this time, the fur tribe in the bag seemed to hear the sounds outside and began to struggle.

"Damn it, this is Whiskey Mountain. I advise you to stay out of your own business, otherwise we won’t be able to spare you."

Tok had a gloomy face, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The remaining Charlie and Miklee simultaneously had murderous intent in their hearts and approached Chen Mu.

Chen Mu had an indifferent expression on his face, and a hint of coldness appeared in the corner of his mouth:

"If you do your own evil, you will not live. Originally I wanted to spare your lives."

After Chen Mu's words fell, the eyes of the three people suddenly became horrified.

In the dark night, a flame blending into the night burned from their bodies.

After a while, only three black marks and ashes were left on the street.

Chen Mu did not Paying attention to the ashes left by the deaths of these three people, he came to the black bag and untied it

"Are you finally saved?"

A rough voice came from the bag.

From the bag, a tall man who looked like a jaguar came out of the bag.

His nose was brown, and his yellow hair had dots of black spots.

One head. His long wavy blond hair highlighted the white inside of his ears.

When he stepped out of the bag, Chen Mu found that the fur tribe was wearing a green jacket and a dark green cloak.


Chen Mu guessed in his heart

"Haha, thank you for saving me."

The person in the black bag is Pedro.

It is now the year 1514 of the Hainian calendar, and Pedro has not yet entered Torante, so his eyes are still intact.

"Are you a fur tribe? What's your name? ?"

Chen Mu's eyes flashed, he pretended not to care and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I am a fur tribe and my name is Pedro. Captain of the Knox Pirates."

Pedro replied with a generous smile.

"Your strength is far superior to these pirate hunters, why were you caught by them?"

"Hehe, I saw that they were very enthusiastic, so I didn’t pay attention. How could I have imagined that they were pirate hunters."

Pedro touched his head embarrassedly, then laughed and said:

"But I still have to thank you."

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