At the same time, the system prompts:

"You successfully killed a naval captain!"

"You have completed the first part of the main quest: Choice"

"The host is requested to complete the drawing of the pirate flag as soon as possible in order to receive the main line rewards."

Hearing the prompt in his mind, Chen Mu did not take any last-ditch blows on the naval soldier lying on the ground. He directly used the teleportation technique and arrived at a warship in a few ups and downs.

This was a small warship. Now there was no one else on the ship except the two marines and one navigator who were left behind. Chen Mu found the navigator on the ship. With an illusion, he controlled the two navy and navigators who were left behind, and activated the navigator. Warship.

And the direction he is heading towards is Orange Town.

He needs Nami’s sailing talent to guide him in the world of One Piece.

You must know that in the world of One Piece, the weather at sea is the biggest enemy of all ships, even the safest East China Sea! Changes in the weather can also destroy the ship.

Chen Mu needs Nami's sailing talent to go to Orange Town. On the way to Orange Town, Chen Mu stays at the naval base in Rogge Town.

Major General Bastiu held the death report of Colonel Mouse in his hand.

Bastiu slapped his hand on the desk, causing cracks to appear on the hard wooden table. He stood up directly with a face full of tears. color of anger

"Arrogant pirate! How dare you openly kill the navy in the East China Sea, and you are still a naval colonel!"

During Bastiu's long naval career, he has encountered countless pirates.

He has defeated some pirates and been defeated by pirates, but there are no people who dare to speak arrogantly against the World Government and the Navy Headquarters..

Even the emperor of the new world is extremely afraid of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters! A mere little pirate who has just debuted in the

East China Sea does not take the navy seriously. If he is not severely punished, will the East China Sea not be in chaos immediately?

Peaceful waters and stability in the East China Sea have always been Bastiou's merits.

The Navy Headquarters had previously rumored that as long as he stayed at the Rogge Town Base in the East China Sea for another two years, he could return to the headquarters and be promoted to lieutenant general!

"Major General Bastiu, how should we deal with this Chen Mu?"

Beside Bastiu, Smoker, who had short silver hair, wore a big coat with the word"Justice" written on the back, goggles around his neck, and held ten hands made of seastone, asked. At first, after figuring out the cause of the matter, he was very unhappy about what happened to Chen Mu, but Chen Mu's behavior of killing Colonel Rat made Smoker angry.

In Smoker's view, Chen Mu had the right to kill Colonel Rat. With his strength, he can naturally catch Colonel Mouse.

As long as he informs the Navy of Colonel Mouse's behavior, Smoker himself is very willing to give Chen Mu justice, but Chen

Mu's decisive behavior has completely turned him against the Navy.

Stuyou took two deep breaths and suppressed the anger in his heart.

He said coldly to Smoker:"Notify all the branch bases in the East China Sea to include Chen Mu in the list of dangerous pirates. Once discovered, he will immediately. Call me via phone bug!"

After a pause, he continued:"In addition, when you lead two teams of soldiers to hunt down Chen Mu, you must not allow the peaceful situation in the East China Sea to be broken by a little pirate!"


Smog nodded solemnly.


After inspecting the warship, Chen Mu entered the captain's room and asked the controlled navy to find a piece of canvas and paint to prepare a pirate flag.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mu drew a white skull and a bunch of crossed bones on the canvas.

But in the skull's eyes, he painted Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Starting from today, my pirate group is established"

"As for the name of the pirate group, let’s call it Dawn."

Chen Mu was very satisfied with the name he had chosen. After admiring the pirate flag he drew, he asked a navy man to hang the pirate flag on the flagpole of the warship.

After he completed this series of operations, his mind I remembered the system prompt!

"The host completed the production of the pirate flag"

"The host has completed the main mission: Choice"

"The host receives a reward: the current character panel attributes are doubled."

Following the system prompts, Chen Mu only felt a terrifying physical force pouring into his body. At the same time, the Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes were also turning crazily, and countless pupil powers entered his eyes like a tide!

Physical force! The fusion of fire-like heat and the cold touch caused Chen Mu's body to be transformed crazily.

After a long time, this feeling slowly faded away.

Chen Mu was not very used to the increase in physical strength for a while. After a little training, Chen Mu easily mastered the strength of his body.

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