Although Iron Block is a defensive move among the six moves, it can block most damage when used by Akainu.

However, facing the Senfa Rasengan's attack, the iron block's defense was obvious and not enough.

Therefore, with one blow, Akainu was shot down on the ice by Chen Mu like a falling meteorite.

Without losing any momentum, Akainu, who was falling at an extremely fast speed, directly penetrated the ice and fell into the sea water.

As a Devil Fruit user, no matter how powerful you are on land, you will be nothing more than a land duck after falling into the sea, without any threat at all!

On the blue-white ice, traces of white mist are exuding from the melted holes.

Zefa walked with heavy steps, step by step, towards the ice cave where Akainu fell.

He glanced at Chen Mu in the distance, then jumped into the sea and fished out the unconscious Akainu.

The faint smell of blood dyed Zefa's whole body. Not only that, the seawater under the ice cave also showed a hint of bright red color.

Zefa handed Akainu over to a navy soldier, then took Kizaru with him and turned to Chen Mu.

"you win."

Zefa's tone was a little heavy. Two navy admirals, Akainu and Aokiji, lost to an unknown pirate in a one-on-one situation.

This was a really heavy blow to him.

Although Among them, the information about Akainu and Aoki has been leaked, and Chen Mu made targeted arrangements.

But Zefa understands that this cannot be an excuse for their defeat, because Chen Mu is younger than the two naval admirals. He is really too young.

Fortunately, after this battle with Chen Mu, neither Aoki nor Akainu will be targeted like they were today.

As spectators in this battle, Zefa and Huang Yuan had probably figured out Chen Mu's abilities. They guessed that when Chen Mu used the power of wind, he would not be able to use that kind of armored monster.

He would not let Akainu break through the armor and obtain certain information just to test the strength of his attack.

Zefa came to Chen Mu and was silent for a long time before saying slowly:

"Since you won, according to the agreement, you will return Akainu's left arm. Within a year, your grudges with the navy will be wiped out, and the navy will not take any targeted action against you."

After hearing Zefa's promise, Chen Mu exhaled slightly.

Chen Mu still admired Zefa very much.

A naval admiral, after his whole family was killed by pirates, he could still stick to his faith and always serve for The justice of this world is fighting!

Even if he eventually decides to rule out the navy and establishes his own organization, he cannot be blamed because it was his faith that betrayed Zefa first, which ultimately led to his great change of heart. After Zefa made his promise, Chen Mu said to Zefa with a hint of seriousness on his face:

"Then many thanks to Senior Zefa. Zefa was a little surprised by the change in Chen Mu's attitude, but he did not dwell on it. Instead, he waved his hand to Chen Mu and said,"I am a man of my word. Since I promised that you can leave, then the navy here will not will stop you."

At this point, Zefa changed his tone and said to Chen Mu:

"What happened to the captain of the naval branch in the East China Sea is indeed our navy's fault."

Chen Mu interrupted Zefa's words and replied:

"You already apologized for it last time in Crete, so there's no need to bring it up again. Zefa nodded sadly, sighed, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

Although Kizaru lost an arm in Chen Mu's hand, his performance at this time was extremely dull.

This attitude made Chen Mu The fear of Kizaru increased.

Not everyone can face their enemies calmly after losing an arm!

Chen Mu retrieved the boat he bought from the Capital of Seven Waters and began to wander around the Devil's Triangle..

He has never forgotten the purpose of coming here, which is to find Brooke, bring him to the whale Rab, fulfill his promise to Rab, and also repay Kurokas' favor.


On the navy side, after Zefa brought everyone back to the navy headquarters, he organized Chen Mu's information and handed it over to Marshal Warring States.

They also had a relatively accurate judgment on Chen Mu's abilities.

When his temperament is cold, he can use attacks such as water dragon, fire dragon, and fireball, and he can release powerful black flames through his strange eyes with magatama.

Not only that, after looking into those weird eyes, he will be pulled into an inexplicable space, which will cause great mental trauma.

Even an admiral cannot avoid this kind of trauma.

Finally, after Chen Mu uses the huge crimson armored monster, two weapons will appear in his hand.

The first weapon is a strange sword with the ability to seal. As long as one is hit by this sword, even a person with natural abilities may have a part of their body sealed by it.

The second weapon is a mirror with a red cloud base, which can neutralize attacks. However, this effect obviously has certain limitations. Zefa and Kizaru have not yet determined it.

When Chen Mu's temperament becomes sunny, the strange three magatama eyes in his eyes will disappear, replaced by the black pupils of a normal person.

However, Chen Mu in this state can not only move in space, but also control a number of special energies between heaven and earth.

After this special energy is absorbed into Chen Mu's body, it will greatly enhance Chen Mu's combat capabilities.

What worries Zefa the most is that whenever Chen Mu gets close to a person, he will leave a mark on that person.

This kind of mark has always been left on Kizaru's body.

This kind of mark seems to be branded on the skin. No matter how many methods the navy uses, it can't wash away the strange lines on it.

When Zefa picked up Akainu, he also discovered this strange pattern on his back.

Next, there is the special ability of Chen Mu, who became the Rasengan, which can gather the storm in his hand and form a small cyclone.

The power of this cyclone explosion is comparable to that of Akainu's rock berry fruit!

In the end, it was a question of Chen Mu's ability to devour other people and use it himself.

The world government and navy attach great importance to this!

You must know that since the discovery of Devil Fruits, some people have indeed been able to eat two or more Devil Fruits, but there has never been a situation where one fruit was eaten by two people and then gained the same ability.

In the end, the Navy's intelligence analysis department concluded that Chen Mu's ability could replicate the fruit's ability sealed by him.

The World Government and the Navy finally accepted the results of this analysis. After all, only this explanation could perfectly explain Chen Mu's ability.

However, no matter how hard they think about it, they can't imagine that there is such a thing as a system in this world..

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