"The three navy admirals were covered in scars, Akainu and Kizaru both had their arms broken, Aokiji was in a coma, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead!"

"A large number of naval soldiers were seriously injured, with countless casualties!"

In the lighthouse of Twin Gorges, Kurokas read the words in the newspaper, a smile flashed across his face.

Finally, when he finished reading the newspaper, he let out a deep breath

"Chen Mu, you little guy is really surprising!"

"Facing a naval admiral, there are three active admirals and one former admiral, and you can still escape unscathed. Such combat effectiveness is no worse than that of Whitebeard!"

Chen Mu's young face flashed in his mind, and Kurokas sighed with emotion.

"This world is more wonderful because of you!"

Kulokas held the newspaper and laughed loudly.


New world, Dressrosa.

Palace Heights.

Dolfron"zero"zero one seven" one seven" Mingge sat by the swimming pool, looked at Violet next to him and smiled:

"Fufufufu, Morgans moves really fast. I just sent the photos yesterday, and the report came out this morning."

But his face suddenly darkened again, and his eyes hidden under his sunglasses stared at Violet and asked:

"That guy, really like you, defeated Akainu and Aokiji?"

Violet, who was wearing a purple dress, glanced at Doflamingo lightly and said softly:

"Haven’t you seen all the photos?"

"Furofura! I just can’t believe it. A newcomer actually has such fighting power. If I can bring him into the family, my goal will have a chance to be achieved."

"Ah! Violet said with a disdainful smile.

"In my opinion, that guy is not willing to be inferior to others. If he joins the Don Quixote family, should he be made the young master?

After a pause, she suddenly glanced at Doflamingo and said with a sweet smile :

"Don't tell me, he is much younger than you, and he is also more handsome than you. If you let him be the young master, I don't know how many people in the family will agree!"


Doflamingo grabbed Violet's hair, pulled her in front of him, and uttered cruel words:

"If you do this, it will really irritate me! Don't forget, that girl living outside the city!"

A hint of hatred flashed in Violet's eyes! But she didn't speak!


Chambord Islands.

Rip off the bar.

The man wearing glasses sat at the bar, sipping the wine in his hand.

On the bar in front of him was a newspaper that had just been delivered today.

"The navy rounded up a newcomer and returned with a huge defeat. Do you think it is true or not?"

The owner of the bar, Aunt Xia, wiped the table and asked doubtfully.

Facing the lineup of four generals and many naval soldiers, even the four emperors had to flee.

Although Chen Mu was in a pair of In one case, she won the battle by taking advantage of the asymmetry of information, but it still made these strong men on the sea feel suspicious.

The drinking man did not answer her, but lowered his head and thought for a long time. I was distracted and shouted suddenly

"Raleigh! Did you hear it?"

"It should be true. Although Morgans is a bit of a stinker, he is extremely cautious in news matters. Even the world government cannot change his will, so it should be fine."

The man named Lei Li turned around and said to Aunt Xia with certainty.

Aunt Xia's expression changed:"In other words, is the so-called Chen Mu really such a powerful fighter?"

"I'm afraid it's almost the same!"

Reilly sighed.

"Even in our time, there was no such strong person."

Aunt Xia nodded, and then she said:

"Although the situation in the new world has stabilized, the people who are currently calling the shots on the sea are still the older generation of pirates from the past. Will this Chen Mu be the banner of the new era?"

Hearing this, Lei Li was silent for a moment. He turned the wine glass in his hand, shook his head and said:

"The new era has not yet arrived. If he wants to become the king of the sea, Chen Mu is afraid that he is not qualified yet!

Aunt Xia asked in confusion:"Why?" Could it be that with his strength, he still can't establish himself in the new world?"

Reilly said with a smile:

"Not so. As far as I know, although the little guy named Chen Mu established a pirate group, so far, it seems that he has not recruited any crew members on the ship."

After a pause, he continued:

"You must know that on the sea, one's own strength alone is not enough to stir up the situation of the sea."

"Like the old Ryder Field?"

Aunt Xia asked

"Yes, in fact, Ryder Field's strength is not weaker than Whitebeard or Roger, but he is alone. After being surrounded and suppressed by the navy, it has been almost twenty years since he seized Impel Down............"

Ryder Field, known as the Red Earl, is a pirate who walks alone on the sea............

"The same is true for Chen Mu. If he doesn't have a group of reliable companions, if he is caught once in the pursuit of the navy or the World Government, he will be finished."

Aunt Xia nodded thoughtfully.

"If that's the case, isn't he already in danger?"

Aunt Xia said with some worry.

"What the hell are you thinking about? We are all old men of the times, and these young shoots have their own paths to follow."

Reilly took a sip of wine and said with a smile.

"Do you think the Navy will continue to take action? Aunt

Xia asked.

Lei Li shook his head and said:

"Probably not. The most troublesome thing for the World Government at present is not Chen Mu, but the so-called revolutionary Dorag. He was already listed as the number one criminal at the World Government Conference two years ago. Now two years ago, It's passed, and Dorag hasn't been caught yet. The navy may have to focus all its energy on him."

"I know this person seems to be promoting a new idea."

Aunt Xia explained

"Yes, what Dolag is doing now is the same as Roger's, all to liberate people's minds, but the paths they choose are different."

A trace of nostalgia flashed across Lei Li's face.

Aunt Xia also fell into silence after hearing this.


New world.

On the Moby-Dick, 4.0 Marco, who has a pineapple head, holds a newspaper and hands 4.0 to Whitebeard.

"Dad, the newcomer we talked about last time is a bit scary."

Whitebeard took the newspaper and read it carefully.

After a long time, he picked up the wine bowl next to him and took a sip.

Wiping the wine from the corner of his mouth, he smiled and said:

"Ku la la la! Has the clarion call of a new era already sounded? But he is still too young. Only when he enters the new world will he know who this era belongs to!"

Marco had a smile on his face and looked at Whitebeard with reverence.


A newspaper by Morgans sent the whole world into unprecedented shock.

At the same time, within the Navy Headquarters.

Warring States slapped the table in front of him to pieces, and said angrily to Zefa with a green face:

"Why don't you take action?!"


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