Moria opened his mouth wide, revealing his fangs, and let out bursts of weird laughter, filling the entire room.

In the castle on the left.

Hogubak, a cadre under Moria, was walking out of the laboratory.

The white gloves were stained with blood. He took them off and threw them to a zombie next to him.

At this time, the armored zombie came to him and said respectfully:"Master Hogbak, Master Moria asked you to come to him."

"What happened?"

Huogubak glanced at the armored zombie and complained a little:"I just finished work and haven't had a delicious snack yet."

Then he shook his head and walked towards Moria's castle.

In the central castle.

Moria was waiting for his cadres to gather, but what he didn't expect was that the person who appeared in front of him was Chen Muhe. Robin.

After walking through the large square, Chen Mu appeared in the middle of the castle.

Looking at the tightly closed main gate, Chen Mu raised his right arm slightly. , Susanoo in the form of a skeleton arm appeared behind him and punched the door.


With Susanoo's punch, the gate of the castle turned into a sky full of sawdust and iron filings, flying in all directions.

After smashing the gate, Chen Mu stepped into the castle and saw the tall Morley at a glance. Ya.

Beside Moria, there are some weird zombies.

"Are you Moria?"

Chen Mu asked expressionlessly.

"Hehehehe, are you Chi Yan Chen Mu? Moria laughed loudly and asked Chen Mu.

Chen Mu nodded and acquiesced.

Moria asked in a low voice:

"What about Abrosam?"

"Are you talking about the transparent fruit ability user? He is dead"

"What?! Damn guy, you dare to hurt my most lovely subordinate, go to hell! Shadow horn gun!"

When Moria heard that Abrosam was dead, he became furious.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he suddenly let out a scream.

Then he raised his arms, and countless bat-shaped shadows quickly gathered from all directions in an instant, and then formed A jet-black spear suddenly penetrated Chen Mu.

Facing Moriah's attack, Chen Mu's face remained unchanged, and the magatama in his eyes moved crazily, and then the crimson Susanoo arm behind him. On the body, traces of muscles suddenly appeared.

These muscles wrapped around the bones, and then a large amount of red mist poured out.

Before the Shadow Horn Gun came, Susanoo had already become a complete body, with crimson armor with streaks of clouds on it. He easily blocked Moriya's attack.

Then the Ten Fist Sword appeared in Chen Mu's hand, and slashed at Moriya's Shadow Horn Spear, which was enveloped by the power of the seal. The horn gun was completely destroyed in an instant, and then disappeared without a trace.

"my shadow!"

Moriah screamed strangely, and he found that all the shadows he had condensed into the Shadow Horn Gun had lost their sensitivity.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Susanoo, the controller of Chen Mu, had already stepped forward.

He slashed at him with a sword. Down!


Moria's heart was dripping with blood. These shadows were all collected by him through hard work and were an important bargaining chip against Kaido in the future.

However, now Chen Mu just met him and all his hard work was in vain..

But he didn't have time to get angry. Faced with Chen Mu's performance, a look of shock flashed across his eyes. Moria gritted his teeth and activated the shadow fruit with all his strength.

"Shadow Warrior!"

Following his words, his entire body suddenly disappeared into the castle.

And where he was standing just now, a shadow clone exactly like him was standing quietly.

"Playing a shadow clone in front of me?"

Chen Mu sneered.

Originally, he wanted to use Tsukuyomi to defeat Moria directly, but when he saw that the other party actually used a shadow clone, he suddenly became interested.

"Crow clone technique!"

As Chen Mu's deep voice spread throughout the castle, his body turned into crows.

These crows flew towards the shadow dancer clones released by Moria and bit them.

"It's useless, my shadow has no entity, you can't attack my shadow at all!"

Moria screamed strangely, then urged the shadow dancers to turn into bats all over the sky.

"Shadow Mage!"

The shadow dancer clones that were bitten by crows suddenly turned into bats and bit back at Chen Mu's crow clones.

They tried to tear all the crows transformed by Chen Mu into pieces.

The same black color, the same clone technique, However, what Moria didn't expect was that in just a moment, all the bats that he had transformed into shadows were directly wiped out by Chen Mu's crow clones.

·· ·········Asking for flowers····· ·······

·· ·········Asking for flowers····· ·······

"Is this all your ability? Moonlight Moria."

All the crow clones gathered together, Chen Mu looked at Moria above the castle with disappointed eyes.

"If you only have this ability, then die quietly!"

After testing Moriah's clone, Chen Mu shook his head in disappointment. The Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes turned crazily and looked at Moriah's eyes.

"How is this possible, you guy?……"

After seeing his shadow being wiped out again, Moria felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Damn the navy, they sent out four generals and they still haven’t dealt with this brat. What a waste."



Moria was filled with anger and was very angry at the navy's behavior.

Not only that, he now also understands that the World Government and Navy did not share the results of the war with him after the war, apparently giving up on him.

This caused a strong sense of fear in my heart.

In my memory, the last time I was in such a mess was when I faced Kaido.

"How can this brat compare to Kaido!"

Molia shook his head and expelled the fear from his mind.

Just as he was about to go all out, he suddenly saw the magatama turning crazily in Chen Mu's eyes.

"these eyes……"

As soon as he had an idea and was about to speak, he suddenly felt that the world was spinning. He had left his castle and came to a strange space.

The place is devastated, like abandoned scorched earth.

And his fat body was tied to a huge cross

"Chen Mu, come out!"

Moriah yelled in a hoarse voice.

He tried to break free from the iron chains tied to his body, but the iron chains were not only very strong, but also slowly absorbed his strength, making it impossible for him to break free.

Then. Following Moriah's roar, Chen Mu slowly appeared.

He looked at Moriah with some disappointment and said calmly:

"You disappoint me so much. The dignified Shichibukai is so weak. Is it because you bribed people from the World Government to become a Shichibukai?"

After the words fell, he did not give Moriya a chance to refute, and the cruel punishment began to torture Moriya's spirit. Yiyi.

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