Chen Mu glanced at Spandam. He had already dealt with this problem the last time he came here.

So after he finished dealing with Brooke and Rab, he went directly to the Capital of Seven Waters without any delay.

Because he does not bring trouble to his shipbuilding operations like the World Government.

After Chen Mu appeared, the black-clothed agent behind Spandam suddenly trembled.

He walked up behind Spandam and whispered in his ear for a while.

Spandam suddenly looked at Chen Mu, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Then he suddenly reacted, slapped the two agents holding Tom, and cursed:

"How could you two guys treat Mr. Tom like this?"

"Don't you know that Mr. Tom's guilt has not yet been determined? After scolding him

, he smiled flatteringly at Tom and said:

"Mr. Tom, I just"four"four three three" three three" received the news that the World Government has pardoned all your crimes for the sake of your invention of the sea train."

Tom looked at Spandam dumbfounded, knowing why he suddenly changed so drastically.

But he immediately reacted and knew that all this was the influence of Chen Mu.

So he nodded and faced Spandam. Mu said:

"Then thank you, Mr. Official. Spandam said quickly:

"You're welcome, you're welcome. Since there's nothing else, I won't bother you, I won't bother you anymore."

Then Spandam tiptoed past Chen Mu. At this time, the cold sweat on his body had soaked his back.

Chen Mu quietly watched Spandam's performance without saying a word.

For such a 'smart man', Chen Mu Mu knew that as long as he didn't disappear into the sea for a day, Spangdam would not take action against Tom, even if he knew that Tom had the blueprint of Pluto, he would not touch Tom's hair.

For people like Mu, the most important thing in their eyes is their own lives, and then the power of the world government.

This is why Chen Mu ignored Spandam and wiped his forehead after walking out of the office. Sweating coldly, I took two steps in three steps and trotted towards the pier.

"Damn it, how could I meet this scary guy?"

Cursing with lingering fear, Spandam urged the navigator to quickly sail the ship.

The current capital of Seven Waters is really too dangerous for him.


Walking out of the shipyard, Spangdam asked:

"Where are Lu Qi and the others?"

The agent next to him heard this and shook his head.

Spandam's face darkened, and he was extremely dissatisfied with the members of CP9.

A year ago, after becoming the commander of CP9, Spandam was in high spirits.

An accidental factor, he After learning that Pluto's blueprints were actually hidden in the Capital of the Seven Waters, in order to obtain this great achievement, he sent all members of his CP9 team to secretly investigate the information about Pluto's blueprints.

Some time ago, Spandam finally learned about it. , Tom, who once built a ship for Roger the Pirate King, most likely has Pluto's design on his body.

This is why Spandam insists on framing Tom.

Pluto is an ancient weapon with infinite power. If the design can fall into the hands of the World Government, it will not be difficult to build it with the resources of the World Government.

As a person who pursues power, Spangdam will not let go of this opportunity, so even if Tom makes it, it will not be difficult to build it. The train, but under his operation, was still listed as a prisoner.

Everything went so smoothly that Spandam felt that even God was helping him.

However, at the last second when he was about to succeed, Chen Mu appeared. , all his efforts during this period have been shattered.

However, Spandam does not hate Chen Mu. His father Spandaine said that if you face a strong person, you will not be able to defeat him. The solution is to be a dog praying for its tail, so that you can save your life.

As the commander of CP9, Spangdam naturally knows Chen Mu, especially after the battle in the Devil's Triangle Sea, Spangdyne warned him. Spandam, you must not anger such a strong man, so Spandam left Tom Shipyard in despair without any hesitation.

Spandam would naturally have to bear the blame of the superior.

Thinking of this, Spandam rolled his eyes and already had an idea in his mind.

"Lu Qi, I'm so sorry, for the sake of my future, I have to sacrifice you."

Spandine laughed sinisterly and took out the phone bug.


Holy Land Marie Joa.

This is the core place of the world government, in Pangu City, in the gorgeous hall...........

The ruler of the world's highest power, the Five Old Stars, are standing or sitting with serious faces............

"How did the Dawn Pirates know that Pluto's design was in the Capital of Seven Waters?"

One of the people with scars on his face asked angrily.

"According to Spandam's report, it was Rob Lucci, a member of CP9, who was secretly chasing Nicole Robin, and was discovered by Chiyan Chen Mu."

"is that so?"

"cp9 is such a waste! Things unexpectedly happened during the execution of the mission.……"

All five people had angry expressions on their faces. For those who hold the highest power in the world, although Chen Mu's fighting ability was good, it was not difficult for them to handle.

After all, the intelligence departments of the World Government and the Navy had submitted detailed information about Chen Mu.

At the same time, targeted solutions are also given.

So even though Chen Mu's combat power has reached the level of a general, Chen Mu without power is just another Ryder Field or Hawkeye Mihawk.

However, if the news about Pluto's design becomes known, huge changes will occur.

Even if Chen Mu did not obtain the blueprint for finding Pluto, once the news spreads, it will definitely break the existing calm situation in the world.

"How to deal with it? Wu Laoxing

, who was holding the first-generation Ghost in his arms, touched his bare head and asked in distress.

Wu Laoxing with a goatee replied:

"The CP9 members will be held accountable in 1.4. In addition, the matter of Pluto’s design will be put on hold for the time being in 1.4. After all, it is just a design, not the location of Pluto."

"Not bad, let's handle it like this"


When the decision of Wulao Xing was passed down, Lu Qi and his party started the battle royale.


Just as Chen Mu expected, Spandam put all the blame on Lu Qi in order to cover up his mistakes.

Coupled with his father Spangdyne's confusion of right and wrong, Wulaoxing directly issued a pursuit order to Lu Qi and others.

As a hidden organization of the world government, the members of CP9 have not only been exposed, but also leaked important government secrets. It has obviously lost the meaning of its existence.

Under the will of Wulaoxing, the cp0 members known as the Tianlong guards began to attack Lu Qi and his group..

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