After hearing the words of the system, Katie's mood only calmed down a little, and then she tried to calm down and feel silently.

Along with Katie's calmness, the golden scales began to shrink bit by bit until they disappeared completely. The three-meter-tall figure also continued to decrease, and finally stayed at a height of two meters, and did not approach the original 1.8-meter.

Katie didn't think there was anything at this point. The height of two meters may be considered different from ordinary people on the earth in the previous life, but two meters in Pirate World can only be regarded as short here.

"System, should you give me an explanation."

Although her appearance has recovered, Katie will never forget all the things she had just now, and even said that it will be hard to forget for a lifetime, so it hurts too much for him! Heart piercing is considered light, it is, it is, well, Katie can't think of any more suitable words, anyway, it hurts!

"It's not that you didn't tell the host. I was really worried that you would give up after listening, so I chose to hide it, but it's finally over, and you look around."

Hearing this, Katie was taken aback and didn't understand what the system meant, but she turned around and looked away from her to look around, and then saw a scene that shocked Katie.

I don't know when I was surrounded by various beasts, including extremely ferocious large carnivores and gentle herbivores.

However, what is strange is that these enemies who were supposed to fight as soon as they meet are peaceful and friendly at this moment. What makes Katie unable to understand is that these animals actually bent their legs and bowed their heads towards him.

"Are they worshiping me?" Katie said uncertainly.

"Yes, this is the power of Ancestral Dragon's source blood. Ancestral Dragon is the creature standing at the top of the biological pyramid. There is no such thing as a creature in this world. Although these animals don't know exactly what your bloodline is, They can instinctively feel the suppression on the bloodline, and naturally they have to worship you."

"Furthermore, your physical fitness has been successfully upgraded to King-level lv10 and it is not an ordinary King-level lv10. With the Ancestral Dragon bloodline, you are better than those of the same level in terms of strength, speed, and stress resistance And once you enter the state of a half-dragon body, your physical fitness will directly break through to the next level, emperor level!"

"Okay, I forgive you, but next time you have to tell me in advance, after all, we are also partners." Of course, Katie knows how much she has changed, as the system said before this is an essential change.

However, this time the system unexpectedly didn't answer, and Katie didn't care if it was too lazy to care about herself.

Little did she know that Katie's unintentional sentence made the system fall into deep memories. As a system Katie was not the first person it came into contact with, but no one had ever regarded herself as a partner before.

It’s more of just treating yourself as a useful tool. What’s better is just seeing yourself as a cooperative relationship. It’s the first time to be regarded as a partner, so the system doesn’t know how to answer Katie’s words for a while. It’s a bit I'm at a loss!

boom! boom! boom!(Read more @

The next moment, the sound of artillery fire suddenly sounded, and an unknown pirate ship suddenly attacked Katie for some reason.

He narrowed his eyes, and he had just experienced an inhuman torture. Although forgiving the system, it didn't mean that he was completely relieved. On the contrary, he was angry now!

"Good job!"

Both feet slammed on the ground, and the body was directly transformed into a human-shaped cannonball and shot out far away under the impetus of the super reaction force. The speed was so fast, let alone others, Katie herself was surprised.

Just now, she only used half of her power, and then reached the speed of almost full-strength burst in the past. This is only relying on pure physical strength. If coupled with the fruit ability, Katie believes that her speed will reach the usual three. Times.

So embarrassingly, I originally planned to jump twice and rush directly to the enemy's deck, but in the end I jumped to the enemy's bow at one time and almost fell on it.

However, just as Katie was about to change direction, a voice suddenly came and successfully made Katie change her original idea. Not only did she not change the direction, she rushed to the enemy pirate ship more quickly.

"Chong, hit me to death of this naked man, the girl dared to hook up with my woman, not knowing whether to live or die!"

It wasn't until this moment that Katie realized that she was completely naked, and the clothes she was wearing had disappeared long ago after experiencing the painful torture just now.

He recognized it as a naked man, but Katie couldn't bear the wrongdoing of the woman who had hooked up with him. It's okay to ruin her reputation!

With her body strength gathering crazily, Katie wants to test how much her current physical fitness has improved, and where is the limit.

A loud bang suddenly erupted, and a column of water tens of meters in diameter suddenly rose on the calm sea. The sea instantly boiled and the pirate ship that was floating disappeared without a trace.

The riot lasted for ten minutes before it stopped. When the sea returned to calm, the pirate ship attacking Katie appeared.

However, the original appearance is no longer visible, because only the second half remains, and the first half of the main ship has completely disappeared. If it weren’t for the broken planks floating on the sea, it would make people mistakenly think that it was originally one. An abandoned broken ship.

"He, who is he? How could he be so strong!"

The sunken pirates stayed in the sea in a daze, and until now they still haven't seen who they have offended.

"Isn't he just a male model, how could he be so strong!"

A voice suddenly came to attract everyone's attention, one by one looked at the woman with heavy makeup beside the captain.

"Why, do you know him?"

The captain didn't expect that the woman next to him who knew nothing would know the origin of the enemy, but she was the only one who had seen the enemy with a telescope before. Maybe it was really possible to know him.

"You know the captain too. It's the person who has been popular in the newspapers recently. It's not surprising that he always appears in the newspapers. It turns out that he has such a good figure and no one is oversized." The woman said worthwhile.

However, an ominous premonition flashed in the captain's heart, and he hurriedly took out the reward order of Guangyu Katie, which he carried next to him, and showed it to the woman.

"Look if it's this person!"

"Yes, that's it, but what does the following one billion Baileys mean? The price of one night? That's really expensive. I won't be able to earn that much for a lifetime." The woman said enviously.

"I'm fucking your mother! This is Katie! A criminal with a bounty of up to one billion yuan, you have never eaten pork or seen a pig run!"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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