Loring waved his hand towards Yu no Hiryu.

The latter face is like dead ash.

Bad luck!

"Still fighting?"

Badgers thought to himself, this is still a fart, the demon lord is coming, ten of him is not enough to die, going up will only die worse.

"Who do you think I am?"

Yu Zhixi was angry, he didn't believe that he could not be Luo Ling's opponent with all his strength.

I can't show my hands high!

Out of the corner of his eye, he kept glancing at Luo Ling, until the other party's gaze shifted to the other side, and his heart relaxed.

Each of the four divisions will compete for only one winner for the final showdown.

The champion will receive the Dark Fruit!

It is said that this fruit was once developed to an unparalleled degree in the hands of Blackbeard.

Badgers knew more about Tichy's methods, and he had dreamed of this fruit since he heard about the birth of the Dark Fruit.

The powerful destructive power, the unparalleled devouring, and the power to nullify any devil fruit, wouldn't it be more perfect if he obtained it.

At the end of Division A, only Hiryu and Bagers remained.

"Hahahahaha, I am bound to get this fruit of Tichy!"

Badgers was ready to go.

"How do you speak to your former captain? He is just dead, and the fruit is still there. Rain

no Hiru passed by him, and the sword qi cut through his waist, cutting a huge wound, dripping with blood.


"I need the Dark Fruit even more, because you don't know how much I hate those who are capable of the Fruit."

Rain no Kiru collected the sword, and a trace of rain had been born on the thunder rain sword, erasing the traces of the sword body.

"Damn it!"

Bagers originally thought that Yu no Hiru was accompanying him for a walk, but he didn't expect to be backstabbed by the other party.

Originally, he planned to sneak up on Yu no Hiru when necessary, but he was only strange, he was one step slower.

"It seems that they have turned against each other, but in this way, the champion of Division A has also been born, so let's congratulate you!" Rain no Hiru! "

Cheers rang out and everyone screamed.

It's fantastic, it's amazing to see the backstabbing between partners.

Lorraine ate popcorn calmly, and soon the B division began.

Asura became the winner of this division first, and his tall and burly body gave people a strong sense of oppression.

With Denjiro's help, he quickly defeated the enemy.

A battle that was almost without suspense.

Division C.

There are many strong people, but after a cat, a dog, and a fish man appeared, it quickly changed.

After the cat viper and Inuarashi, and Kawamatsu eliminated the enemy, Kawamatsu silently watched as Cat Viper and Inuarashi competed.

The battle was over, and the two were dying.

River Pine reluctantly became

the D division.

When Pika appeared in the arena wearing gold armor, everyone cheered.

In their eyes, he was a member of the Doflamingo family!

The great king, Don Quixote Doflamingo, gave a good life!

The battle ended quickly like a windswept cloud.

In the end, only Rebecca remained, and the seemingly inconspicuous young man in a white cape.

Rebecca held her sword in both hands, screaming but unable to move forward.

Pika is too tall and invincible to borrow the rocks here.

"Do you want to find death?"

Pika's sharp voice appeared, and Rebecca, who was originally waiting to meet her fateful death, couldn't help but laugh.

"You dare to laugh at me?"

"Go and die!"

Pika punched out heavily, the rock was taller than a house, and once the girl was hit, it must be fierce.

"Rest easy."

An inconspicuous young man instantly appeared under the rock giant fist.

His fist looks insignificant, but it cannot be shaken.

"Once upon a time, my eldest brother told me to practice domineering and physical skills, but I left it behind, and I lost a lot in a big war, including my most beloved relatives.

Since then, I have become stronger all the time, just for the moment.

And all this tragedy is because of the possession of that champion, the dark fruit. The

young man raised his head and smiled wantonly.

His hair was slightly curled, and his face had a few freckles, but he was full of youthful sunshine.

"Since I am here, how can I let you take it away, it is the fruit that belongs to Saatchi!"

Domineering erupted from the young man's fist.

His domineering comes from Professor Lorling, whose move is called Dragon Fist and is Professor Saab.

His name is Ace!

Half a year ago, the New Whitebeard Pirates completed sorting out again.

He grew and fought everywhere until he became known as a rising star.

The inevitable fourth emperor of the sea!

With a supreme blow named "Yan Emperor", it resounded through the new world.

The nickname was changed from "Fire Fist" to "Yan Emperor",

and he was called Yan Di - Ace!


Pika couldn't believe it, isn't this guy known for his Devil Fruit?

How is the domineering and physical skill so strong!

His rock continued to crumble, and the domineering spirit continued to pursue his essence, until he jumped out directly without hiding it.

"You're defeated!"

Ace punched out, tyrannical Sakura, and directly blasted it out of the field.

"Dark Fruit, I've got it!"

With that, he met the gaze in the corner again.

"Big brother!"

"Cut, I knew your kid would come."

Luo Ling smiled helplessly.

In this audience, there are also many old acquaintances, Immortal Bird Marko, Foil Bista, Diamond Joz, Eizang and others are also among them.

In the past year, with the completion of the integration of the new Whitebeard Pirates, it was renamed the Yandi Pirates.

The power continues to grow, and most of the pirate groups under the original Whitebeard Pirate Group have also joined Ace, and the area under the shelter has also grown repeatedly.

After all, not everyone is the same as Lorling.

Kaido's Wano Country, Bigmom's All Kingdoms, Whitebeard's Fishman Island.

They were all snatched by him alone.

Since half a year ago.

The Yandi Pirate Group has fought with the powerful Hundred Beast Pirate Group many times.

Bounties have also risen in battle after battle.

They followed Ace's gaze and smiled at Lorling.

After all, the so-called new four emperors are just blown out.

Now the new world is the Three Emperors pattern.

Luo Ling is not old, but he has become a veteran sea emperor.

Strength, power, reputation, and bounty are the first of the three sea emperors.

A man known as a man who can change the world!

His nickname "Demon Lord" was gradually replaced by the words "King of the World".

The host couldn't believe what he saw.

Hidden in the audience is the Demon Lord!

Standing in the competition area is Ace!

What a big spectacle this is!

"The winner of Division D is Ace!

Next, after half an hour of rest, it's our decisive battle!

Don't leave! "


Ace just sat there, and the others had to avoid it.


This man's flame can vaporize the sea in an instant.

Alloys made of advanced technology melt in an instant.

Ace sat there alone, as if he were a world away.

The last time I saw Lorraine was when I said goodbye at a funeral.

In a year, so many things have happened.

Presumably, Luffy is almost finished cultivating.

Lorraine is his big brother, but he and Saab are also Luffy's big brother.

The brother is about to set sail, how can he fight a piece of heaven and earth to help the fun!

The cheers rang out again.

The door to the final is open.

Step by step, Ace walked towards the sunshine and the future

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