
Lorraine jumped up from the deck of the ship.

The wind is cold.

Doflamingo followed him, and the pink coat he wore was constantly fluttering in the wind.

Before Lorraine landed in Dressrosa.

Tenyasha was not far away, and personally ordered Caesar of Ice and Fire Island, Snow Girl, and Luo.

And through the phone worm, he informed Kaido that he was about to become a defeated general under the Demon Lord.

I never expected that I would be forcibly left behind in the end.

Now, he will land on Ice and Fire Island in an extremely embarrassing identity.

Logically, this should be secretly under the control of the Golden Emperor Tezzolo.

It actually belongs to Kaido.

The man walked in front of him like this, and the mere sight of his back made people shudder.

Own a third of the world!

Three Emperors of the Sea of the New World!

King of kings in the dark world!

"Senior brother, I always feel a strange feeling, as if something is there..."

Doflamingo couldn't say anything.

His intuition told him that the world seemed to have changed from the beginning.

"Think something dead is coming to life to beat you, right?"

Luo Ling glanced at Brother Ming.

The latter closed his mouth and did not dare to answer

, for fear that if he was not careful, he would provoke this guy who was not very nervous.

"Indeed, this world should be more exciting for you, but there are also some ghostly characters who may come to you to ask for your life."

Asking for your life?

At the mention of this word, Doflamingo only felt ridiculous, could Corazon still survive.

Halfway through, Tenyasha didn't feel quite right.

In his domineering perception, a battle was breaking out on Ice and Fire Island.

"The Straw Hats?"

"Yes, I came to witness the violent passage of an era. If I'm not mistaken, there should be a showdown between the mighty soon. "

The strong?"

In Doflamingo's eyes, the real strong should be Kaido's level.

Lorraine was not in the ranks, and no one was comparable to him.

As for the straw hat kid, the smartest and most ambitious Blackbeard of the extremely evil generation died in the hands of Luoling, and it was difficult to set off any storms.


At this moment, the gas exploded with a bang.

Caesar was punched out of the lab and hit directly at the edge of the harbor, at the feet of Loring and Doflamingo.

He fainted, rolled his eyes, and apparently suffered a big defeat.

"I have asked Virgo to resign all the tasks of the Navy in advance, stay here, how can it be!"

Doflamingo couldn't believe he was going to fail.

Right now.

I saw that the experimental base was split in half by a knife.

The moment the Room opens, all attacks that erupt are blocked.

"This is!"

Doflamingo knew that it was definitely two superhuman abilities just now.

One is Luo's, this guy betrayed him!

The other is also a traitor, that is a guy who has long died.

The second generation of the Doflamingo family red heart, Corazon, who can block sound.

Until this guy betrayed, Doflamingo didn't know what this guy was really capable of, and he turned out to be a man from the Navy!

Also inside the Navy there is Virgo, this undercover!

But now, the ability that should have died suddenly appeared, silent everything.

Let the voices that Virgo, the snow lady and others were going to make were imprisoned.

A minecart flew out and landed in front of Lorling.

It seems that it is a victory that belongs to Luffy and the others.

The embarrassment on Brother Ming's face was even more serious, was it really done by this group of extremely evil generation imps?

Now Kaido is estimated to be thunderous.

There is also a blonde and blue-clothed beauty on the minecart, who has received a touch of healing during the adventure, and the relationship with Nami, Robin and others has also improved rapidly.


Law snapped his fingers and used the ability to escape.

The moment he landed.

The two eyes stared at each other.

Doflamingo and Corazon!

"You're not dead!"

Tenyaksha couldn't believe that his brother, the traitor he had solved with his own hands, had always been alive.

"I died, but I came back from hell."

Corazon said coldly, he knew that Doflamingo's cold-bloodedness was to the bone, but he didn't expect that this guy would completely lose his humanity.

The reason why he used the ability just now was to prevent Virgo and the others from spreading any news about him.

Unexpectedly, I still encountered a front one when I turned around.


The white thread in Doflamingo's hand flew out directly, and the gesture was about to end Corazon and Luo's lives.

"Be nice."

Luo Ling pressed with one hand, he was ten meters tall, and his big hand was comparable to half of Doflamingo's body.


Doflamingo, who was originally murderous, was directly pressed into the snow.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free by half a point.

"He is?"

Corazon can't imagine that there will be such a powerful man in the world

, is it Whitebeard?

It doesn't look like it.

"Demon Monarch Luoling, the strongest man in the world, the strongest creature in the world, the king of the world, the lord of the storm, any legend about him, any one is enough to suffocate."

Luo still can't forget that he is on the Red Earth Continent.

See the scene when Loring swings the first sword and the second sword.

This guy's bounty has reached five and a half billion Baileys after the New World Conference, on par with One Piece Roger!

Human, living legend!

"It's unimaginable."

Corazon saw that Brother Ming no longer dared to make a move before he let go of his heart.

"Senior brother."

Tenyasha performed the monastic salute with both hands.

"Call me master, and also, do the Taoist rites I taught you!"


Doflamingo could only obediently change his name to master and then perform Taoist rites.

In the face of this kind of monster, what can he do except humbly accept.

You give your best, and you can't resist the power of a slap from others.

See this scene.

The corners of Luo's mouth couldn't help twitching.

He didn't know if he was taking revenge like this.

Corazon lived, and Mingo became an ascetic under Lorling.

He knew that the current Ice and Fire Island was secretly dominated by the Golden Emperor, which actually belonged to Kaido.

All you have to do is to take down the Golden Emperor Tezzolo first, and then go to Hive Island to defeat Kaido!

The blue-haired beauty also said that she was going to find Tezzolo, and everyone happened to form a pirate alliance to accompany them.

"What kind of power is this?"

Doflamingo couldn't help but look up, a huge shadow covering the sky.

It turned out to be a stone ship larger than an island.

"I seem to have seen it somewhere, why can't I remember it?"

Luffy was confused.

After thinking about it for a while, my head was about to smoke.

Loring looked at his brother like a fool.

Nami's eyes changed.

She still remembers that after defeating Moonlight Moria, before reaching the Chambord Islands.

The enemy that is unimaginable even after twenty years of desertion.

One of the three legendary pirates, the golden lion Shiji!

"It's him!"

Solon gritted his teeth.

"Ji... Hahahahahaha! There

was a deafening laugh in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the ice and snow of Ice and Fire Island shattered, the molten pulp reversed, and the children cried in fear.

"How is it possible, didn't he die in Advance City after being defeated?"

Doflamingo remembered that this guy also died, just a year ago, he ended himself and died on the sixth floor of Advance City!

How to live too!

"Straw hat boy, do you dare to fight with the old man again?"

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