Hive Island.

It has been divided into four pieces.

Confined in various fields.


White-bearded Newgate, blond hair flowing, holding a longitudinal cloud cut, a husband in charge, a thousand ways.

It has been almost shattered, and there is not the slightest remaining place.

Only the golden lion in the sky, wearing a metal hoop, talks and laughs without fear.

"Newgate, hahahahaha, it seems that the captain is not going to make a move!"

"Goo la la, you guy, don't always watch a good show, this war has swept the world, and those guys in the GM Army are even crazier."

Whitebeard slashes out and kills the last enemy.

After the two legendary sea pirates met three days ago, they stayed here together.

Fighting off the old crew members, they had to wait for the old captain Lockes, but apparently this guy did not intend to strike at this moment.

Today's sea has long been stormy.

The four leaders of the GM Army of the Four Seas rose up and launched a great war that swept the world from the edge of the sea.

The great route, the kingdoms under the GM army exerted their strength, and the lurking powerhouses shot one after another.

Bear, Zefa, Ivankov are swinging their iron fist to the whole world.

New world.

While Lorling's science team supports the world, Dragon and Saab launch a challenge.

The world has long been stormy.

The final decisive battle will be like a broken bamboo, and everything along the way will be shattered, and there will be no left.

Hive Island!

This battle will determine the birth of the next One Piece, as well as Ralph Drew, and finally the ownership of the Great Secret Treasure!

Red Earth Continent!

There are awakened powerhouses waiting, waiting for an opportunity to launch a general attack, which is eight hundred years of questioning!

The ultimate victors of these two wars will have the right to rewrite the history books and redefine justice!


The waves are churning, and Newgate has never had a moment as dashing as this one.

His son has grown up, and Ace has advanced by leaps and bounds, domineering and physical skills are enough to compete with the strong, and he is stronger than that developed to the extreme.

After the battle of the red dog, he finally stood out and burned the flame of everything!

So much so that he only needs to hold on to this side.

This is the moment.

On this battlefield, two figures finally appeared at the last moment.


Kaido laughed loudly, holding a mace, every step was imposing.

"Golden lion!"

Bigmom giggled, it was so funny, even if she could be reborn, she would have to fight these two old guys again.

"It seems, north and south."

When he saw the two of them appear, Whitebeard understood Rox's arrangement.

"Rocks seems to want to meet those two guys."

Kaido is today and it is impossible to listen to any orders.

It's just that by the time he stepped on the peak, the white-bearded, golden lion was already old.

They seem to live in the same era, but they did not meet at the peak.

This battle seems to be more interesting than fighting with supernova and extremely evil generations.

"Who is stronger than the world's strongest creature or the world's strongest man?"

Bigmom laughed maniacally, and at the same time, she stepped on the thundercloud, covered in flames, and laughed with the long sword in her hand.

"Mom, mom, let's slaughter this golden lion!"

"Newgate, don't let these two guys who are playing pirates get their way."

The golden lion Shiji put his hands together, both knives in his hands at the same time.

The sea churned, and I saw the sea sweeping 800 meters!



The whitebeard also opened up at the same time, after the golden lion carried a part of the sea water to the sky to hang.

He threw a punch, directly shattering the sea and rolling up hundreds of meters of waves!

"Terrible, fighting with the two of you, the numerical advantage will become a disadvantage!"

Kaido is afraid of what seawater, it's a big fire dragon torch!

"Terrible, I still remember the horrible scene when you joined forces, but you are also traitors!"

Lingling and Kaido stand together, and the two sea emperors join forces.

A sword cut out!


If you are hit by this move, you will die!


Everything was dyed snow-white, their attacks darkened the world, and once hit, an island was enough to be destroyed.

"It's terrible."

Newgate said this, but with a smile on his face.

"Mad, laughing Lao Tzu jumped, back then it belonged to you crooked, and you were embarrassed all day long."

The golden lion was still holding a cigar in his mouth, and when he saw this scene, he jumped into a sword.

The double swords turned into an X shape, and at the same time as he slashed down, the whitebeard at his peak jumped up, and after that, he slashed out a clicking sword.

Only a fragmented sound was heard, and a move that seemed unrelated to each other was formed, but after seeing it, an invisible and transparent shock force sphere was formed, showing a strange sphere of X.


"The sky is turning!"

The golden lion grinned.

"Ground over!"

The white-beard also raised the corners of his mouth.

Turned upside down!

This move collides with the hegemon, directly destroying everything in front of you!

The two legendary pirates did not stop in the slightest, and at their peak, they killed the peak of the two sea emperors!

The world thinks that the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, became the emperor of the sea after Roger's death.

They ignored that after the death of One Piece Roger, the golden lion Shiji retreated.

That period of Bigmom, the years when Kaido the beast had not yet risen.

He dominated the world for years!

It was then, in the era of the sea pirates set off by Roger.

He set his mind alone, shook the sea, and advanced the sixth layer of the city to an unknown number of overlords of the old era, all thanks to him, and never saw the light of day!

"Don't shatter my lion, Newgate! You're in the way!

"You guy is interfering with my battle!"



Yandi Pirates.

Ace is in front, the immortal Marko, the diamond Joz, the foil Bista, the resurrected Saatchi, Ezang, and a captain are all gathered here.

Fight separately.

In front of Ace, Silver Axe, Captain John, and Wang Zhizheng surrounded him.


A powerful figure also came out of the dust and smoke.

Devil's heir, Barrett!

Just now, he was repelled in the battle with Ace and made a comeback again.

"You guy, life is really hard, if you're here, then Tiki guy should be in the south, right?"

Ace wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The gaze is burning.

"So what, do you think you can break through my defenses and beat me?"

"Che, as long as I defeat you, from here, I can personally kill that guy Tiki and join Luffy!"

There was a glimmer in his eyes.

"Can you do it? Small flames.

Barrett's body continued to expand, and the combined fruit quickly absorbed all the broken things on the hive island.

"Devil form, ultimate fit form!"

"Great Yanjie, Yandi!

Burning Flame Great Yan Emperor! "

While the circle of flames continued to condense in the hands to form a large fireball, it suddenly transformed, the flames turned into black and red flames, and the temperature was further increased!

And at the same time with some kind of weird color!

This is the move he is called the Yan Emperor.

The Great Yan Emperor who is famous all over the world!

The black sun, enough to be half the size of a hive island, smashed into Barrett, who was in a dual state of body and devil!

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