Marin Fando.

Headquarters of the Navy.

The footsteps outside the office did not stop, and Sengoku was eating senbei.


The phone bug on the desk purred strangely.

The marshal of the World Army, Ironclan said.

"Sengoku, Draco died in the East China Sea."


The white sheep in the room barked casually and ate a confidential document.


Sengoku apparently did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Draco in the East China Sea, can be killed?"

The fairy shell in his hand landed on the ground, and the Warring States clapped his hands on the table in disbelief.

East China Sea!

It is the home of the hero Karp, known as the weakest sea.

At the same time, it is also a legendary place.

Naval hero Karp, One Piece Roger, GM Army leader Dragon.

The legends of the three camps were born here!

How could something happen?

Obviously sent two warships to escort, who in the weakest East China Sea can hurt the Draco, how dare he?

Provoke the fate of the Draco, but the whole clan dares to be buried!

"Is this matter high enough to exceed the authority of me, the marshal of the navy?"

"Killing three Draco requires sea and land to offer a bounty and hunt down, and your navy is only part of it."

Iron bone said coldly in the phone worm.


Sengoku sat in a chair, motionless.

"Isn't the iron dog personally escorting? He didn't guard? "

The Draco didn't let the sailors board their ships, thinking it was a blasphemy, actually... They only have a banquet.

"Banquet! Just this is dead? "

It's ridiculous to die for arrogance and stupidity.

"No, if the news is true, why didn't the Five Old Stars contact me directly? Or an iron dog?

"The iron dog is insane, seems to be frightened by the other party, and has not recovered consciousness so far."

Tie Bone Kong paused, and said in a strong voice: "This matter did not directly contact you, because it is related to the face of Draco in the world. "


Ironclad is responsible!

This means that from the earth to the sea, they will join forces, and once this person is found, there will be no escape!

"The photo was sent to you with a fax phone bug, and the reward was offered immediately."

Sengoku looked at Luo Ling's photo, which should have been taken on the Draco ship.

"So young?"

He was a little skeptical of his eyes.

The ignorant are fearless.

"Marshal, what is the bounty?"

Sengoku is the marshal of the headquarters of the Navy, and Tie Gukong is his top boss!

"Three hundred million."

He nodded at the number.

It can only be said that this bounty is too low, this guy did three billion Baileys.

Brave the world's opposition!

"There is another tiger in the East China Sea of Karp, and he must be hunted in the forest, otherwise the tiger will go down the mountain and the consequences will be unimaginable."

"That guy seems to be in the East China Sea too, will he make a move?"

Tie Gu Kong asked, he knew that Karp did not want to be promoted to general, he just did not want to do things for Draco.

"I will order Donghai to surround and kill with all his might, he will not be able to escape."

Sengoku did not answer positively.


The navy of the East China Sea, all kingdoms, islands, and towns received orders.


The bounty order had not arrived, and they did not know what Luo Ling looked like.

They can only wait for the moment when the bounty order is sent!

Kingdom of Goya.

People don't know that they have been waiting for the world nobles Draco.

It has completely cooled into a cold corpse.

A week later.

Three warships were about to dock on the coast, and no Draco stood at the bow.

Only a full ship of white cloth.

"It's really strange that the nobles of the world like white so much? As if at a funeral.

"Shut up, do you want to die when you say such things?"

"Maybe, otherwise how can the nobles of the world welcome them than the royal family of our Goya Kingdom."

"Shut up, you live enough and I haven't lived enough, don't say any more!"

"Look, a small boat has appeared in the direction of the battleship!"

Many people found Saab's boat, and at this moment, there was a loud bang.

The boat was directly bombarded to ashes.

In the command room of the battleship, the iron dog had long been insane, and he shouted:

"Let you appear on Lao Tzu's road, fire, hahaha, where is the damn guy, I must let him live better than die!"

Draco Charmarco died.

The flames still devoured the lone sails on the sea.

Ace, Luffy stood on the coast and witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

"Ace! Saab, dead!

Luffy cried hoarsely and grief-stricken.

Ace couldn't believe that his brother was buried in the sea!

He hadn't even had time to personally introduce his brother Saab to his eldest brother, Lorraine.

He told Saab that after going to sea, he met a guy named Lorling, and he could be trusted, it was the big brother who worshipped him.

Too late.

Everything turned to ashes!

"It hurts!"

In the dark space, Saab thought he was dead, but he didn't expect to be alive when he opened his eyes.

It's just that it hurts a little from the shelling.

"I'm still alive?"

In front of him sat a teenager in a baseball cap, booties, sweatshirt, beach pants, strangely dressed.

The other party picked up an apple and took a bite.

"Why, do you have to have some accidents, such as serious injuries and amnesia, dying and alive, not remembering anything, recalling everything years later, but never being able to recover the lost people and things?"

Luo Ling nibbled on his ham and said, "I don't like such a cliché plot.

"I was born to make up for regrets."

He stood up and opened an air door from which he could see the scene on the other side.

"I didn't expect to return to the broken place of the Goya Kingdom, but it also just proves that Mr. Long is nearby, just right."

With a wave of his hand, Luo Ling directly pocketed all the things in the warehouse.

He walked through the air door again, went to the warehouses of the other two ships, and looted all the food and resources.

The alien space of the hourglass is perfect for storage, comparable to the swamp fruit of nature!

Saab remained in surprise.

It's amazing!

Is Superman Devil Fruit?

Completely different abilities from Luffy!

"Can you take me with you?"

"Yes, that's destined to be your destination."

Loring finally used his domineering and air doors to find the ship hiding in the shadows, where the dragons were.

Even the tyrant Bartholomy Xiong is there.

Through the air door, the two stepped onto the ship.

The cloak whistled, and the dragon laughed

, "I'm coming to pick you up, Loring."

"Superman Sect Fruit."

The bear looked to the side, the cabin door opened, and Lorraine walked out with Saab, looking pleasant.

Everyone was full of curiosity.

It had been a week since Lorraine had been hiding in a naval battleship, and his bounty order had spread around the world.

In particular, the fact that the World ZF shot to surround and kill Loring in the East China Sea was obtained by the intelligence network of the GM Army.

In particular, the matter of slaughtering Draco is simply the wildest vote.

A reward of 300 million Baileys!

Nicknamed the Demon Lord!

According to rumors, he was often seen in the kingdom of Goya in the past, and the name of Loring was known to the world.

He came from hell like a demon king and was directly given the title of demon lord.

Draco hated him to the bone.

The pirates laughed and called Loring a dragon slayer!

"No wonder they can't catch you with a net, it turns out that they have the fruit of the gate to come and go at will."

The dragon did not expect that Luo Ling would ghost the gods to get this fruit.

It stands to reason that when the original ability dies, the fruit will appear randomly, and it can only be said that Luo Ling is lucky enough.

"Don't come unharmed, Mr. Long."

Long had already thought of a way for him.

"Your abilities are great for support and infiltration."

Saab was shocked, the faces of these people she had seen on the bounty order.

He mustered up enough courage and said loudly.

"My name is Saab, I will definitely return to the Kingdom of Goya in the future and change here, before that, please let me join you!"

"Saab, I remember the name, but the voice is not too high, I can hear it."

The dragon smiled rarely, and walked back to the cabin with the bear.

Luo Ling was happy, not only returned to the team, but also successfully parsed the hourglass.

[Detected character tyrant bear, start to analyze

] [Obtain attributes: curiosity 5 points, satisfaction 30 points

] [Drawing synthesis, pacifist first generation (advanced

)] [Progress 0%, need to collect bloodline factor drawings (elementary), transformation person drawings (elementary), combat machinery drawings (elementary)] [

Whether to extract]

"Extract drawings, don't do the rest."

Luo Ling thought to himself, once the drawings are collected, the GM army will completely rise, and there will be no shortcomings!

He wants to create an invincible fighting dead!

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