Great Routes.

Forschatte Island.

The Navy has set up an ambush.

Luo Ling had been following the dragon into the Great Voyage to cultivate for a year.

He is coming today to find a girl, a year younger than him, named Kerra.

Not long ago, the Sun Pirates said they took in a girl.

Luo Ling also learned that the leader of the GM Army, Dragon, and the captain of the Sun Pirates, Tiger, have always been in contact.

It stands to reason that this girl who is about to be released back to her hometown does not have to care.

Two years later, he will naturally join the GM army due to Tiger's death.


Luo Ling's life, when he first came to the pirate world, was Tiger of Fishman Island, opening up a ray of life for him.

How could he tolerate his death as humiliating as on the timeline!

For a year, he has been frantically cultivating domineering, physical skills, swordsmanship, gun skills, and fruit abilities.

The strength has already grown by leaps and bounds!

Just to be able to turn the tide when this day comes!

"Tiger, you saved my life, today, I will save you."

Lorraine tugged on the hat drawstring of his sweatshirt with his hand, while pulling down the brim of his baseball cap.

Jump down from a tree.

"Hourglass, parse my current attributes."

【Parsing successful, attribute projection】The

bubble refracts a line of handwriting.

[Name]: Luo Ling

[Title]: Demon Lord

[Armed Color Domineering]: 90% (Intermediate) [Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering]: 89% (Intermediate) [Overlord Color Domineering]: 98

% (Intermediate

) [Physical Art]: Navy Six Style 75%, Love Iron Fist 56%, Dragon Claw 33% (Proficient) [Sword Art]: Sword Drawing 55%, Chaotic Sword Art 15

% (Mastery).

[Gun Art]: Gun Fighting Art 28% (Mastery

) [Devil Fruit]: Monkey Monkey Fruit 90%, Door Fruit 85% (Intermediate)

[Item]: Broken Teeth (Twenty-one Jobs of Large Knife), Heavenly Demon (Twenty-one Jobs of Great Quick Knife), Ordinary Sword 3, Iron Gun 3, Life Card, Ordinary Sailing Ship

[Bailey]: 453,451 [

Bounty]: 348 Million Bailey

(Domineering and Fruit are divided into two major stages, awakened and unawakened, which are divided into three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced

) (combat skills, physical skills, swordsmanship, and gunart are based on low to high scores, proficiency, mastery, peak, perfection, selflessness)


This strength, enough!

The tricolor is domineering, and the fruits are about to be promoted to the high-level.

Combat skills have also gone from basic, leapfrogging proficiency to the point of mastery.

Luo Lingde's strength has long surpassed the bounty!

A true sea pirate-level powerhouse is at least awakening, or his skills are at the peak!

In fact, if Tiger is no longer completely relaxed, he will be ambushed and attacked.

And how could he be so seriously injured that he lost too much blood and died.



Luo Ling keenly sensed the direction of the battle, and immediately pushed it open, a door opened, and he directly crossed over.

"Fisher Tiger, what a good name, unfortunately, today next year, the fish people only blame you for seeing your name on your crown grave!"

Rear Admiral Stobey said these words expressionlessly, holding two knives dripping blood.

He is under the command of Yellow Ape, and he is the person in charge of this mission.

The sailors besieged the place, hunting the Fish-Terrans, the hero of thousands of slaves, Fisher Tiger!

Tiger is five meters and two meters tall, but it is difficult to support at the moment, and he keeps dripping blood.

He was unguarded and fell completely into a trap, and Stobery shot quickly and quickly attacked him hard.

"Your plot will not succeed!"

No matter how bad Tiger is injured, it is enough to kill.

He must also go back, otherwise the Sun Pirates will completely lose hope.


Stobery refracted the sunlight with two knives and cut out again, his body tall.

With a skull that surpasses ordinary people, this is also his extremely powerful weapon!

Especially after the hardening of the armed color, the combat power of the head cone will rise sharply!

"Almost late, the battle was too fast, and the moment the sound came out meant that the attack was successful and suffered heavy damage."

The teenager's voice appeared out of place.

Lorraine walked out of the air door and appeared in front of Tiger, directly blocking the attack with broken teeth in one hand!

"Who are you?"

Stobery obviously would not have thought that it would be Lorling, who had disappeared for more than a year, who would stop him!

When he saw the boy's face clearly, he was first stunned, then angry, and then turned into joy.

"Demon Lord Luoling, you are as heinous as Tiger, and you just took it together today!"

"Fart, how can Lao Tzu be heinous."

He lifted Tiger up and threw him directly into the air door.

At the same time, a sword was cut.

The sword light is dazzling, turning into hundreds of ways!


Loring put the knife back into its sheath, and everyone was still standing in place.


The first man fell to the ground without standing firmly, two, five, ten, more and more, until only Stobery was left to face him alone.

Both knives plunged into the ground, and his hands were firmly held to prevent himself from falling.

His eyes were bloodshot and incredulous.

Now even the yellow ape is only a lieutenant general, and he is subordinate to his subordinates, far less powerful than when he besieged and killed his mentor Zefa many years later.

"What is this trick called?"

"Chaotic swordsmanship."

Luo Ling glanced at him coldly, turned and walked into the air door.

[Character Tiger detected, analyzing

] [Parsed successfully, obtained attributes: qi and blood +10000, anger +9999, hatred +9999, sorrow +9999

] [Perfect synthesis, get reward

] [Physical skills: Fishman Karate]

Lorraine got all the overflowing qi and blood bubbles from the navy.

and Tiger's qi and blood bubbles are also integrated into it, and they can be used in a while.

The sea is adrift on the ship, here is very peaceful, Aaron they have just competed.

"I hate, Draco, no, it's human, you make it impossible for me to love you anymore!"

Tiger was grief-stricken, and Luo Ling's domineering spirit had not yet awakened, but he could still feel the great sadness!

He was crying in his heart!

He has saved countless people, but none of them have come to save him!

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

All the fish people of the Sun Pirates are rushing up, they must take revenge!

"I must avenge Big Brother Tiger!"

Aaron swore and roared.

"Human, what's your name? Why save me?

Tiger looked at Lorin as he was in danger.

"My name is Luo Ling, you saved me that year, and repaying virtue with virtue, complaining about this is my code of conduct, there is no need to thank me."

Loring said, placing a hand on his forehead.

The qi and blood bubbles quickly fused, and this was the first time he had used it since he analyzed the synthesis and obtained the ability to integrate this bubble.

Powerful vitality poured in, and Tiger only felt as if he had obtained the breath of life of hundreds of people!

Wounds heal quickly, internal wounds, external injuries, even broken internal organs are being repaired.

This is the blood of hundreds of people, including him!

"Big brother!"

Jinping was ecstatic, he didn't expect Luo Ling to be able to rejuvenate with a clever hand!

"Mr. Tiger, I'm here to take us GM Army to ask you a question, are you willing to join us?"

"Big brother, humans are so cunning, why should they join their GM army!"

Aaron said angrily that Tiger had just been calculated by humans, how could he heal the scar and forget the pain.

"Listen to Brother Tiger!"

Jinping put a hand on his shoulder.


Tiger spat out two mouthfuls of black blood and forced himself up.

"The dragon is right, I shouldn't fantasize."

There seemed to be a gentle change in his eyes.

Since the establishment of the Sun Pirates, it has been committed to letting all races in the world see the gentle side of their fish-human race.

The Sun Pirates do not harm the innocent and do not kill the enemy.

What did the result get?

Ambushes, attacks, and his grieving heart.

"However, I, Tiger, will only join alone, and it is their own business for the other Fishmen to join or not, and I must not let the Fishmen accompany me to take this risk."


Loring thought to himself, indeed, Tiger was too kind to want the Fish-Terrans to be hurt again.

The black-wristed Zefa, known as "not killing the general", will end up with a sad ending.

"Big brother, I'll go too!"

Jinping wants to follow Tiger.

"No, how can I rest assured without you!"

Tiger still decided to leave alone.

"Why did you take away the eldest brother, I see that you are the most suspicious, what kind of shit demon lord, maybe it was sent by humans!"

Along cursed, he looked at Luo Ling just not pleasing to the eye, a child just pretending to be a big man.

"I'm going to deal with you, I don't need to bother so much."

Luo Ling's words did not fall, a look signaled, and the overlord color was domineering.

Express his deep feelings to Aaron!

Aaron replied with foaming at the mouth and fainting.

"Well, let the name Tiger disappear for a while."

Lorraine pushed open an air door again.

"Demon Lord!"

When the Sun Pirates were panicking, everything happened too suddenly.

Only Jinping realized that things were unusual.


Loring turned to look at him and asked what he meant.

"Take care of Brother Tiger!"

Haixia Jinping seems to understand that this is the best ending.

Tiger, who joins the GM Army, is to open up another path for the Fish-Terrans.

"Don't worry!"

Lorraine took Tiger as he wished.

Through the air door, they had come to another ship.

"Luo Ling, you guy is not acting according to plan."

Saab complained and shook his head helplessly.

He glanced at Tiger and continued to sail.

[Detected character Jinping, Along, parsing completed, get reward

] [Physical Skills: Fishman Judo

] [Fruit Awakening Experience Card]

(Maintain a twenty-minute awakening state, consume a lot of physical strength, and use and cherish)

Just when he thought he was at ease, the hourglass sent out another prompt.

[Detected the character yellow ape, start to analyze]

The yellow ape is coming!

Lorraine their ship has been discovered!

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