After receiving Xia Lin's order, Yukiko would not disobey it even if she was angry. She glared at them fiercely with her eyes that wanted to kill Oden and others, then calmed down and said forcefully: "Follow me." Oden did not want to argue in this situation. After all, he did not know Xia Lin, the daimyo of Kuri, at all, and he also hoped to get some support from the daimyo of Kuri about opening a country or going to sea. Other daimyo, even the Kang family, would not stand on the same road with him on this point, but the new daimyo of Kuri had this possibility. Being able to pacify Kuri, which had been a chaotic place for hundreds of years, was enough to prove his courage. In fact, it is not impossible for other towns or flower capitals to pacify Kuri, but it requires some price. This makes the generals of all generations subconsciously ignore Kuri.

After all, what's wrong with maintaining the status quo?

For them, as long as they maintain the status quo, they can maintain their rule, and it doesn't matter what happens to remote places like Kuri. In this way, Xia Lin, who can turn Kuri into the prosperous appearance it is today, may be a flexible person.

So Oden restrained himself and Kin'emon and others, and slowly followed Yukiko to the main hall.

When they got here, the guards had become women.

Those women wore light armor and held swords in their hands. It can be seen that these people are not bad. Yukiko found a lot of women to serve Xia Lin, and these people were arranged by Xia Lin for different jobs after entering the daimyo's mansion.

Some people learned to read and study, and some people practiced martial arts, or some other skills, including dancing, singing, musical instruments, etc.

When the female guards saw Yukiko coming over, they nodded to her first, then looked at Oden and the others, or more precisely, at the swords hanging on their waists.

There were eight people traveling with Oden, including Oden, Kin'emon, Denjiro, Kanjuro, and Raizo, all of whom were carrying weapons.

"Weapons are prohibited from entering," the two guards said bluntly, and at the same time stretched out their hands to take the swords on their waists.

Kin'emon Cheng wanted to get angry, but saw that Oden had already taken off the Enma and Ame-no-Habibi-zan from his waist and handed them over. Seeing this, the others had to take off their weapons. Raizo was dragged to another place for a body search because he had too many weapons.

Oden was more than three meters tall, and the two swords in his hands were more than one and a half meters long, and they felt very heavy in his hands. These two swords were large swords, made for him by the current Wano Country Shogun Kozuki Sukiyaki.

To be honest, as long as the two swords are still in Oden's possession, the so-called severance of relations is nothing but a joke.

"Is this all right?" Oden's patience was almost exhausted, and he asked loudly.

Before the two maids spoke, they heard a voice from the mansion.

"Bring them in, Yukiko."

"Yes!" Yukiko agreed vigorously, and then led Oden and the others in.

After passing through the corridors and aisles in the room, and opening several shoji doors, Oden and others saw Xia Lin, who had been waiting for a long time at the desk.

The man who completed the feat of conquering Jiuli was not tall, nor did he look fierce. On the contrary, he looked very gentle, and he didn't even look like he could fight.

At this time, this person was sitting at the desk looking at a pile of documents, as if he was very distressed.

Oden felt the other person's breath and could confirm that the other person's appearance of being weak was just an appearance. He could feel that the other person's strength was actually very strong, but it was unknown who was stronger than him.

Xia Lin is not in a receiving state now, but his strength has improved a lot during this period of time, and his mastery of domineering is getting stronger every day.

"Are you the daimyo of Kuri?" Oden asked loudly.

"You are so rude, you have to call me daimyo!" Yukiko scolded.

But Xia Lin waved her hand and told her not to care about it. So Yukiko walked to him in small steps and knelt down. Kin'emon and others looked very wonderful when they saw such a cold woman like her obeying Xia Lin.

"Please sit down, Mr. Oden." Xia Lin's appearance made Oden and others unable to see his joy.

But at least Xia Lin did prepare seats in advance, which looked quite solemn.

"Keiko, let the servants serve the dishes."


Yes. "Keiko nodded and slowly left. After a while, many maids came in with dishes and sake and set up a banquet on the table in front of Oden and others.

The exquisite dishes and fragrance made Kin'emon and others swallow their saliva frequently.

Except for Raizo, none of them had eaten anything delicious. When Kin'emon and Denjiro followed Oden, Oden happened to be expelled, and the most sumptuous food they had eaten afterwards was oden.

"You're welcome, please have it."

"That's true. Thank you for the hospitality. I'm just hungry. "Oden was also attracted by these foods. The food in front of him was obviously food he had never seen before, or it seemed that there was no such style of cuisine in Wano Country.

Xia Lin didn't like to eat flashy Japanese food, so the dishes in the Daimyo Mansion were all Chinese dishes.

The dishes that had never been seen before, the fragrance, color, and taste were like those that only gods could taste. Oden just took a bite and almost wanted to pick up the small table and swallow all the dishes in one bite.

Several subordinates were even more busy eating, making a mess.


"This is too delicious!"

"Is this the meal that the Daimyo eats? "

Even if you are a daimyo, you probably haven't eaten such delicious food, right? Oden thought. Not to mention the daimyo, even the general has definitely not eaten it. Oden even guessed that the cooking method of this kind of food might come from overseas.

Thinking of this, he felt that the daimyo of Kuri might be able to help him go to sea.

So he felt that the cushion under his butt was like crawling with ants, making him uncomfortable and unable to sit still.


"My name is Xia Lin." Xia Lin interrupted him, "Mr. Oden, you and your... friends have caused a lot of trouble since entering Kuri."

Xia Lin put down the documents in his hand and said softly.

"Destroyed farmland, robbed, stole, damaged a lot of agricultural tools, killed a farmer's cow, and broke the doors of several shops when in the city..."


"Did you do something wrong? I won't do anything sneaky. "Oden said. He was willing to admit that he destroyed farmland, but he would never steal.

"You didn't do it, but your friends did."

As soon as Xia Lin finished speaking, Kin'emon and others all looked ashamed.

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