The children of Kuri spread irresponsible rumors and laughed. Only the child named A Zheng looked a little melancholy.

"By the way, I heard that there will be a grand fireworks show on the last night of the Fire Festival."

"Fireworks show, what is that?" asked a child. He was a native of Kuri and had never heard of fireworks before. The other children also turned their heads to look at the person who had just spoken.

This child is the child of a businessman who came here from the Flower Capital to do business. He was also the one who said that he had seen Oden and Izura Kikunosuke.

"Fireworks are flames, very beautiful."

"What is that? I don't understand it at all." A Zheng said unhappily. He was still angry about what he had just said.

"Anyway, it's very beautiful. Bang, and then it explodes in the sky, just like a glowing flower." The child had no way to explain why the fireworks were so loud, so he could only stretch out his hands and make a very exaggerated expression.

But even so, it was enough to make these children in Jiuli who had never seen the world feel very excited.

"I always feel that it is a very powerful thing. Sure enough, our Daimyo is as great as my father said!"

"I feel that our Daimyo is greater than Lord Kozuki Oden." Several other children echoed.

But the child from the Flower Capital did not think so. Because he was a person from the Flower Capital before, he had a stronger sense of identity with Kozuki Oden, so he quickly denied it loudly, as if this could suppress the other children.

"I don't think so. Lord Kozuki Oden is the general's child. Is he still greater?"

"No, my father said that our Daimyo is greater!" Several other children quickly refuted.

"That's right, the general's child is not great at all, right?" said another child, "Only our daimyo in this world can make Jiuli so good."

In the end, it was Xia Lin who changed Jiuli. No matter whether it was the general or the general's son, they were busy enjoying themselves when the people of Jiuli were suffering.

So they counted Xia Lin's deeds one by one.

"Our daimyo defeated the thieves, which is something that no one in the whole Wano Country can do."

"And let each of us have enough food!"


"Tell me, what did the general's son do?"

These words made the child from the Flower Capital speechless. He really couldn't find anything worthy of praise about Kozuki Oden. It seemed that when he lived in the Flower Capital before, he heard negative news about Kozuki Oden from adults.

Can you say things like making trouble everywhere, robbing women, and using dead people's bones to make oden and be admired?

But he still remembered an incredible thing.

"Lord Kozuki Oden defeated the mountain god before. A wild boar bigger than a mountain was cut in half in one go!" he said hurriedly.

"Is that true?" Even Ah Zheng was shocked. If that was the case, then the general's son was really amazing.

Seeing his friends' shocked expressions, the child became proud and began to exaggerate the story he had heard.

"How about it, Lord Oden is still greater, right?"

Just when he was proud, a child who looked a little thin suddenly said, "It's no big deal, right? Lord Xia Lin also killed a snake god bigger than a mountain."

Then he silently took out a comic book.

"What is this?"

"The comic book that was published in the store some time ago, it depicts some of Lord Xia Lin's deeds." The child unfolded the picture book, which showed Xia Lin fighting against a hundred warriors in Kuri alone, and the story of killing a giant snake god with one sword.

I don't know when Yukiko published Xia Lin's deeds in both text and pictures, but she hid some information that could not be disclosed. Whether it was fighting against samurai or killing giant snakes in seconds, it looked like it happened in Wano Country.

In Wano Country, it is against the law to go to sea without permission, so there are many contents that cannot be published now. But even if it is just this point, it is enough to shock people.

"Amazing, is this true? Or is it just a comic?" Ah Zheng asked with wide eyes,

"Of course it is

Really, don't you know? The body of the big snake has been transported outside the town. But now there should be only a skeleton left. "The child said.

"Amazing!" Ah Zheng's eyes lit up, and he wanted to run over there to take a look immediately. But it was already late, and even if he wanted to go, he could only wait until tomorrow.


In the daimyo's mansion, Jasmine sat aside looking at the comic with an unhappy face. Although Yukiko had explained to her in advance why she couldn't draw the part where she fought with the sky knight, she was still in a bad mood.

After reading the comic several times, Jasmine put it down.

Then she looked at Xia Lin.

"Master Xia Lin, can we go to watch the fireworks together tomorrow night?" Her eyes flashed with anticipation.

Not only her, because the night of the fire festival was about to end, everyone gathered together today. Yukiko, Keiko and Yuriko were all busy in the past period of time and had no time at all. Now they all have time.

"Watch the fireworks? Yes, but the best place to watch the fireworks is in the mansion." Xia Lin looked at her and said. The Daimyo Mansion is the highest building in Jiuli with the widest view, and it is the best place to watch the fireworks.

But Jasmine obviously doesn't like this high-up environment, and watching the fireworks is not just for watching the fireworks. She also wants to take this opportunity to go to Yingxiang Town with Xia Lin.

"In this case, let's go for a walk together. What do you think?" Xia Lin looked at the other women. The two sisters Saori and Saya, who had only appeared in other people's conversations before, obviously showed great interest like Jasmine.

Yukiko, Keiko and Yuriko didn't really want to go to a place with too many people, but the fireworks on the night of the fire festival only happen once a year. If they can't watch it with Xia Lin, they feel like they have missed something. So they nodded in agreement.

"By the way, Saori, how are the Den Den Mushi and snails being fed? "Xia Lin suddenly remembered this and asked.

"No problem, no problem..." Saori said with embarrassment, "But Lord Xia Lin, can you please not let me do this kind of work in the future? Although I like small animals, I don't like this kind of slimy mollusk!"

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