Satoru's figure appeared on the warship, stumbled directly, almost didn't stand firmly, and collapsed directly to the ground, at this time he felt that his legs were a little weak.

"Sir, are you alright?"

Even if Klor found out about Satoru, he directly supported him.

"It's okay, it's just not too expensive. "

As soon as he saw Satoru's current appearance, Klor must have known that his chief had fought against one of the two Four Emperors, and it was even possible that both of them had fought each other, otherwise it would be impossible for others to make their chief so embarrassed.

"How's your record?"

"Report to the chief, we have exterminated a total of three pirates, two of which are from the Big Mom Pirates, and one of them is from the Hundred Beast Pirates, and the total bounty is as high as two billion Baileys. "

"Well, yes, let's get back, I need a good rest. "

"Yes, sir. "

After speaking, Satoru went directly back to the bedroom on the warship, and fell asleep as soon as he turned his head~ .

"Hard power really can't compete with the Four Emperors-ah. "

These were the last words that flashed out of Satoru's head before he fell asleep.

The next day, Satoru appeared in front of the navy of the G8 base refreshed.

And today, there is also a big story in the newspapers.

Admiral White Dragon, defeated the Four Emperors Bigu Mamu.

Let's explore the truth of the matter together, whether the admiral is too strong, or the strength of the Four Emperors is too weak.

When I saw the headline in this newspaper, all the navies were very excited as if they had been beaten for a while.

Since the establishment of the Four Emperors, it has always been a mountain that has been pressed on the head of the navy, but now this mountain has been cut off by their admirals, and it has also relieved them of a lot of pressure, letting them know that the Four Emperors are not invincible and can be defeated.

After all, before, when the warships of their navy encountered the Four Emperor Pirates, they were all wiped out.

"The White Dragon General is really too strong. "

Whether it is the Navy headquarters or the Navy of other bases, it can already be said that it is boiling.

Excitedly, he raised the newspaper in his hand and looked at the picture of Bigu Mam's serious injury on it.

"That kid can already defeat Bigu Mamu?"

Sengoku looked at the picture above, and there was a hint of doubt on his face.

Although he doesn't know how strong Wu's strength is now, he knows how strong Bigu Mamu's strength is, even if he makes a personal move, he may not be able to defeat Bigu Mamu.

"Hahaha, he really deserves to be my disciple. "

Zefa laughed and said that since Zefa became the chief instructor of the Navy, it was rare to see such a happy smile on Zefa's face.

"That's because Satoru is my grandson, that's why he's so powerful. "

Karp on the side corrected the mistake in Zefa's words.

"Because it's my disciple. "

"Because it's my grandson. "

The foreheads of the two old guys who are over half a hundred years old have been pasted together, like two children, more realistic.

"Alright, you two, give me a pause, because this time the new world may be going to make a fuss again. "

Sengoku frowned and said, he could already see how this matter would affect the new world.

Some people will think that the Four Emperors Pirates are nothing more than that, and there will be many pirates who will attack the position of the Four Emperors, although Sengoku believes that the candidates for the Four Emperors will not change.

However, the outbreak of fierce conflicts between the pirates will still have a great impact on the navy where ordinary people are already stationed in the New World.

"Don't think so much, Sengoku.

Defeating the Four Emperors is a good thing for us, and no matter what kind of turmoil occurs in the New World, with the White Dragon General sitting there, a person who can defeat Bigu Mamu must not be difficult for him to quell the turmoil in the New World. "

At this time, Lieutenant General Tsuru on the side comforted Sengoku and said.

"That's right, Sengoku, believe in Satoru, no matter what happens in the new world, he can settle it, if it really doesn't work, you can send Karp over, if these two people join forces, even if they face the Four Emperor Pirates, they can be beaten down. "

Karp, who had just quieted down, heard Zefa suddenly cue him, and immediately looked at Zefa with an expression of disbelief.

"How did you say such cold words with your 38-degree mouth, why didn't you go, you want me to go?"

"Aren't you Wu's grandfather, this kind of thing, shouldn't it be to the link where relatives help each other. "

"Then aren't you still his master, at this time, the master should be the first to be an apprentice. "

"In this case, Master can be inappropriate. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then my grandfather can be inappropriate now. "

"I've retreated to the rear, my strength has weakened a lot, even if I go to the new world, it will only add to the chaos, it won't be of much use, and I still have students to teach. "

"Then I'm still old, and my strength has decreased. "

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Sengoku directly asked the two of them to stop.

"Stop, stop, you two don't quarrel anymore, since you two don't want to go alone, then you two can go together. "


The two of them immediately looked at Sengoku with shocked and puzzled eyes.

What does it mean that you don't want to go alone, but you don't want to go at all.

"I agree with Sengoku's approach, Zefa, you haven't been on the front line for a long time, and you just want to feel the atmosphere of the battlefield again, as for Karp, haven't you seen those old friends in the new world for a long time, I guess they miss you very much. "

"Crane, how can you be like this. "

Karp's face suddenly dropped.

As for those old friends in Tsurukou, they are all pirates of the same era as them, and they do want to think about Karp, but what they think about is why Karp, an old rascal, has not died.

Eventually, Zefa and Karp were able to resign themselves to their fate and embark on a warship bound for the New World.

And at the G8 base in the new world, everyone's eyes were full of the same when they looked at Satoru.

They all knew why they were so tired yesterday, fighting with the Four Emperor Aunts, and also defeating each other, this was the first person among the four admirals of the Navy to do such a thing.

"Well, don't look at me like that, I'm sorry, let's be low-key. "

"Low-key? low-key, you defeated Auntie?"

Of course, this sentence was just thought in their hearts and did not say it.

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