Sakazuki is indeed Marine's strongest Admiral. The attack power of the natural Lava-Lava Fruit is too terrifying, leaving horrific burns on the enemy, but it still can't stop the cheating clown Buggy.

After the awesome Akainu Admiral was knocked into the sea, he never had a chance to come back. The winner of this shocking battle belonged to the pirates.

"Jie Jie Jie, I was almost killed by the Marine Admiral. Sakazuki, please fall into the sea and feed the Sea Kings."

Continuous use of Chop-Chop Fruit severely exhausted the clown Buggy's physical strength. His four-meter-tall body stood trembling on the spot. If not for his amazing willpower, he would have fallen down at this moment.

The Buggy Pirates were watching the results of the battle with binoculars in the distance. The survivors burst into cheers. They did not expect that Captain Buggy really did it.

"Captain Buggy is invincible"!

"Even Admiral is no match for Buggy-sama, we are the strongest pirate group."

Alberta was even more excited and trembling all over. A woman had never seen such a powerful man before. The men she had enslaved before were all weaklings, such as the deserter King Kebi.

"The release of fruit power is really powerful. I am Demon fruit power and I want to learn it too. Master Buggy is so powerful."

The pirates were overjoyed. The Marines on the warship at the scene felt like they were mourning. Their hearts were shattered. Akainu Admiral was actually defeated from the front. This group of people all knew that the Demon Fruit Power fell into the sea. If no one rescued them, they would be killed. Nothing good comes of it.

"A few more people will come with me to rescue Akainu Admiral. The others will help us delay. We still have a chance to rescue him."

After speaking, the Ghost Spider Vice Admiral jumped into the sea first, followed by dozens of Marine soldiers who jumped in. They took a deep breath before entering the water. They all held the belief that they would die if they could not catch Sakazuki Admiral in this trip. Even if you choke to death in the sea, you won't float.

"Gunners prepare, everyone fires at Buggy the clown"

Boom boom boom... The Marine warship's fierce artillery fire once again sounded on the coast, and hundreds of explosive shells were fired at the enemy's position.

"What a bunch of reckless Marines. You've pissed me off."

"Divided World"

The terrifying and weird splitting ability was demonstrated again. Marine's shells were broken into pieces in mid-air, with no effect at all.

"Let Admiral sleep in the sea forever, don't try to save him."

The clown Buggy is very fast and arrived at the coast in the blink of an eye. He wants to take action against the Marines who are going to rescue Admiral. Dealing with Marine Admiral is too troublesome, but he must not be allowed to survive.

"Dual Split"

The ability of Devil Fruit to be torn apart was compressed into two forces. The compression means that a single move is powerful, and the originally calm sea surface was artificially cut open.

Not only was the sea surface cut open, but the Marine warship beside it was also split into two. The unlucky Marine soldier on the ship was also split in half from the front without avoiding it. The powerful ability to separate the sea shocked everyone present.

The dozen or so Marine soldiers who entered the water behind were cut off in the middle. The blood of these people dressed in justice dyed the sea red, and soon the stumps of these people would come ashore.

The ghost spider Vice Admiral, who was diving with all his strength, was also severely injured by the segmentation ability, and his legs were cut off directly from his body. This ruthless man endured the pain and used Life Return to temporarily seal the wounds of the severed limbs, otherwise He will bleed to death.

Buggy the Clown's top Observation Haki, after scanning the seabed, immediately discovered the Ghost Spider, a fish that had slipped through the net. The opponent could continue to dive without his legs. "It's really stubborn. I even have no legs and I still have to find Marine Admiral. That's it." Aren't you afraid of death?"

Seeing this powerful pirate, he raised his hand to continue to use the Devil Fruit power. As the only Logia Demon fruit power on the scene, Smoker didn't know how to do anything. His companions were killed by the pirates. He couldn't act like a deserter like Kirby. way of doing.

"Don't even think about succeeding, Buggy the Clown, your opponent is me."

"White Man"

The elements of Smoker's body transformed into a trail of smoke, floating to Buggy's side and trapping this terrible enemy. The white smoke blocked his sight, trying to buy as much time as possible for the Marines.

"A Logia Demon fruit power who doesn't know Haki dares to appear in front of me. Doesn't he underestimate me a little bit?"

Wrapped in Armament Haki's fist, he used Observation Haki to scan the surrounding white smoke, "I found your body, look at the fist."

The big black and thick fist hit the white hunter Smoker in the chest. In Haki's version, the Logia fruit was forcibly weakened. In the previous version T0, Colonel Marine's entire figure flew out with this heavy punch and was about to fall in. Sea.

"White Smoke Launcher"

His whole body turned into elemental white smoke and sprayed into the air again, and he almost lost the ability to fight when he came into contact with the sea water. However, Buggy the clown's punch just now caused him serious injuries. He vomited blood and even his chest was dented. This is because the opponent did not entangle Conqueror's in the case of.

"Okay, Colonel Smoker, I wonder if you can still catch my next punch."

The Marines on the warship did not sit back and watch Smoker fight alone. The elite members of the team were Grandmaster Haki, who had learned Marine Six Styles in the training camp. They had no intention of retreating in the face of powerful enemies.

They all used Moonwalk, one of the Marine Six Styles, to step into the sky. Some Marines who knew Tempest Kick released slashes in the air. More elite Marines chose to fight in close combat with Buggy the clown. As long as they used their own lives to delay the opponent's time, their The blood will not be shed in vain, and everything is bet on the ghost spider Vice Admiral.

"Brothers, go ahead and hold him back, we will win."

"Marine is never afraid of pirates"

"Buggy the clown, don't underestimate Marine"

Seeing this group of elite Marine soldiers washed up on the shore, the clown Buggy smiled even more wildly, "Jie Jie Jie, then let you accompany Akainu Admiral, so that you can be a companion on the road to hell."

"Split Web"

A large invisible net was spread out on the front, and it quickly opened to the elite Marines. They could only use the low-grade Armament Haki, but some Marines did not know the high-grade Armament Haki and could not wrap the whole body. They were instantly divided into dozens of fragments, leaving only one. Only the black hand holding the knife is still intact.

One attack sent away fifty or sixty Marines. When their bodies were torn apart and dying, there was still a strong flame of war in their eyes. They fell on this land unwillingly, but no matter how strong their will was, they could not reverse the results of the battle. People turned into pieces of flesh and piled up on the shore.

The Marines who survived the high-level Armament Haki had no time to grieve for their companions. The swords in their hands turned black and slashed at the pirates with Armament Haki.

The elite Marine snipers in the distance, with bullets wrapped around Armament Haki, are all fighting for justice.

"Split Cannon"

Several Marines who were about to get close used Haki to resist the decomposition ability, but how could their Haki compare with Akainu Admiral? As long as Haki was not supplied in time and relaxed slightly, they would be defeated in less than two minutes.

As if the whole person was attacked by a cannonball, the Marine elite exploded into a ball of blood mist. Under the attack of the split cannon, they were called one by one. No miracle happened. These people all died heroically in front of the clown Buggy, and the hot blood splashed on the pirates. All in one.

The coast of the Logue town Marine branch has become the slaughterhouse of Marine elites...

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