The giant race is a very rare existence on the sea. The destructive power of a single giant is quite powerful. However, the giants from the country of giants will choose to be mercenaries. Every time they participate in a battle, they are a group of giants, and their combat power is much higher than that of a single giant. Plus one is greater than two.

That is to say, the shipbuilding technology in the country of giants is not good. Most giants will not choose to go to sea to become pirates and will be recruited by other forces. Marine used deception to get a group of giants, Vice Admiral.

Luffy and others had just entered the Grand Line, and it was the first time they saw a giant of this height. He excitedly jumped on the shoulders of the Attack Titan, "It's so cool, I want to become a giant too."

He is full of love for giants and will let him develop third gear in the future, but for now he can only use second gear, a life-consuming style of play.

Bouncing on those strong muscles, Luffy completely forgot about his vigilant look just now. He is a guy who can transform from a human into a giant. He wants to invite him on the boat. After Allen gets on the boat, the days ahead will be more interesting. .

"So hot, so hot, so hot"

Hot steam emitted from Attack Titan's body, and Luffy jumped back to Going Merry. The flesh and blood on the Titan's body was quickly evaporating and disappearing. Soon, he saw a skeleton, and Allen's figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

Allen jumped out of the giant skull and landed on Luffy's boat. The giant skeleton lost control and fell into the sea, but soon disappeared into the air like flesh and blood.

Allen's fluffy hair was completely spread out, and there were a few blood lines under his eyes extending to his face. This was evidence that he was controlling the giant. His physical strength was almost exhausted. He held on to the railing of Going Merry to prevent himself from falling. Down.

Sanji saw the other person's exhausted expression and quickly took out chairs from the cabin. Allen took the chairs and sat on them, leaning back lazily on the back of the chair to relieve body fatigue.

However, everyone gathered around him, staring at Allen with curious expressions, not saying anything or asking questions, which made him quite embarrassed.

He gave his own explanation: "Zoan Fruit Giant Form, this is the Devil Fruit that I eat, which can temporarily turn me into a giant to fight. However, it takes double the physical strength to deal with the enemy in the sea. Fighting on land I can last a long time."

Everyone was quite satisfied after hearing this explanation. There are all kinds of strange Devil Fruits in the sea. It turns humans into the bodies of giants, which is not too supermodel.

"I ate Paramecia Rubber Fruit. You are the second Demon fruit power on the ship, but you look so cool when you become a giant."

Luffy has completely become Allen's fanboy, and wants him to transform into a giant again for him to see, but the other party refuses his unreasonable request. Each transformation consumes a lot of physical strength, even if he is a Zoan Demon fruit power, Physical strength is not unlimited either.

Now that they have defeated their opponent, the Straw Hat Crew is heading to the next island. With Ikarem's pointer, the second island on the Grand Line they are heading to has a nice name - Little Garden.

Most of the people were resting in the cabin, and the Straw Hat Crew took turns controlling the ship, sailing in the sea following the direction of the needle. This process was relatively peaceful and no more pursuers were encountered.

Beside the coast of Whiskey Peak, the rolling waves will give you some gifts, sometimes it is fragments of ships, sometimes it is some human corpses. This time, the Baroque Studio was seriously injured, and more than a dozen ships were destroyed. A large number of low-level elite personnel were lost.

"I'm late, the naval battle is over"

A beautiful black-skinned woman was sitting on a turtle boat, holding a phone bug in her hand, reporting the results of the battle to her boss. All members of the Baroque Studio were killed at this station. Fortunately, the two cadres Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine were not on the boat. They were killed. Defeat Knock Out and survive on the island.

"Are you sure it was the Straw Hat Crew?"

The man on the other end of the phone smokes a cigar and has a golden hook in one hand. This is Crocodile, the boss behind Baroque Studio and a current member of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"According to the description of the bounty hunter on the island, a young giant fell from the sky and destroyed all the ships by himself."

Nico Robin was still working at the Baroque Studio at this time, and she was actively used by Crocodile for the historical text in Alabasta.

"Mr.3 is waiting for them in Little Garden. Please help him get rid of the Straw Hat Crew. These little pirates are not worthy of my action."

Crocodile didn't believe what Tianmu said. It was ridiculous that a fledgling pirate could defeat him just after entering the Grand Line. How could a guy who didn't know Haki defeat him with Logia Demon fruit power?

"Okay, I'll go there now"

Robin hung up the phone, picked up Mr.5 and Ms. Valentine, and headed to Little Garden to pursue the Straw Hat Pirates.

Since there was no interference from Robin, the Straw Hat Crew entered the island range of Little Garden. However, the name made the crew quite strange. Seeing that the island was quite huge, why would they give it the name Little Garden.

Ikarem on the boat explained to everyone: "Because there are two giants on this island who have been fighting here for more than a hundred years. Their huge heights set off this island, just like a Little Garden." ".

"Cool, there are giants here. I want to go to the island to see them."

Luffy jumped from Going Merry to the island, and Sanji's cry came from behind, "I'm back after hunting some prey. There's not enough meat on the boat."

"Copy that, Mr. Chef", Luffy said and disappeared into the jungle and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"What a reckless captain." Usopp did not intend to leave the ship. He had just seen the monster on the island. There was actually a big tiger on the island. It would be scary to think about it if he met him.

"I'm going too. Everyone on the boat will be ruined." Zoro jumped off the boat with his three knives.

"Green Algae Head, do you want to compete to see who caught the bigger animal?"

Regarding Sanji's proposal for a competition, Zoro agreed without thinking. He considered himself the second in command on the ship and would not let the third in command surpass him.

In You Push Us, Zoro and Sanji disappeared into the jungle together. Watching the ship lose three main combat forces at once, the crew members who were left watching the ship were speechless. Fortunately, Allen did not get off the ship.

"These three guys don't have to think about anything they do." Nami stood on the deck, looking at the beautiful scenery of Little Garden.

"With Mr. Allen here, no one dares to touch Going Merry." Usopp approached Allen's position. This powerful man gave him unlimited confidence. If something happened, this tall man would be there to take care of him.

"Dragon! Why is there a Tyrannosaurus rex here?" Princess Vivi exclaimed, attracting everyone's attention.

A huge Tyrannosaurus rex rushed towards Going Merry. It looked like it was hungry...

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