Affected by Buggy the Clown, the most unlucky person is not the man in the small countries like East Blue who is most affected. He is a crew member of the former Pirate King. Marine paid a heavy price to capture him. The Paramecia Fusion Fruit Demonic Power user is now being captured. Bullet is imprisoned on the sixth floor of the Undersea Prison.

In this impel down where it is absolutely impossible to escape, only Golden Lion Shiki broke off his legs and left. Apart from this Lion Fruit user, he can still be said to be impregnable against all pirates who entered here. You can't escape even if you have wings.

Originally, the guards of Impel Down thought they had done a good job, but the information revealed on the sky screen showed that they would seriously neglect their duties in the future. Not only did Buggy the clown come into contact with Bullet, but they also allowed him to escape, which indirectly caused the subsequent Iron-Blooded War. The battle resulted in the entire Marine army being annihilated.

The World Government sent two CP0s to the sixth floor of Impel Down Prison. These two torture masters, plus Shiryu of the Rain, wanted to get the purpose of Buggy the Clown from Bullet's mouth.

"What a man with a strong will, yet you don't even say anything even if you are like this."

"I'm becoming more and more interested in the secrets you hide."

The unlucky Bullet had his hand and hamstrings broken by Shiryu of the Rain. He kept leaving wounds on his strong body and tortured him to make him reveal the secret.

But in front of this soldier with this little pain on his body, he didn't even say a word about pain. Every time he answered, he said he didn't know three words, which made the three torturers feel slighted and intensified the physical torture on him.

Buggy the Clown has an inextricable relationship with Bullet. The latter is also dishonest in the Special Process Prison. While others are living lifelessly in prison, this guy is exercising every day in the prison. Before the light curtain appears, it seems that Knowing that one day he would successfully escape from prison, this abnormal behavior aroused more suspicion.

The inmates on the sixth floor were also unlucky. More chains were reinforced on their bodies, including high-concentration seastone chains, to prevent this group of extremely evil ability users from escaping.

Demon fruit power, which was already weak, became even more unbearable. These vicious pirates on the sea took their revenge on the clown Buggy.

Rain Shiryu received the latest order from the World government, which requires him to guard Impel down the sixth floor of the prison every day to prevent Buggy the clown from sneaking in and to prevent him from meeting Bullet immediately.

Magellan, the master of Impel Down and the highest official here, cannot leave. He has the poisonous Paramecia fruit and has to go to the toilet ten hours a day. He can only leave this important task to Shiryu of the Rain.

Even if the other party has a history of abusing prisoners, a dead pirate is a good pirate, which is better than them reappearing at sea. At the same time, the second master was promoted to the same level as Hannyabal.

Shiryu of the Rain readily accepted this order brought by CP0. Being able to kill powerful pirates on the sixth floor was when he enjoyed it the most. Dealing with the small pirates on the five floors above no longer gave him much pleasure.

"This kind of die-hard guy, why not kill him?"

To deal with a guy like Bullet, you can't do it hard or softly. It's better to give him a knife and use it as a sacrifice, and send him to meet the former Pirate King.

However, the World Government has different opinions. CP0 has the first task of ensuring that Bullet cannot die. The greedy Five Elders are also interested in the secrets that the clown Buggy wants to get from him.

What kind of secret is it that allows a strong man like Buggy the Clown to pretend to be a grandson in front of Marine, and also sneak into Impel Down to find Bullet? If it can be known in advance, it will definitely be beneficial to the rule of World Government.

That magical light curtain not only reaches into the sky but also goes deep into the sea. The mermaid people of the Mermaid Kingdom can watch it without floating to the sea. The same is true for the underwater prison.

The light curtain penetrates the thick wall of Impel Down, allowing the jailers and prisoners to watch together. The latter have no right to read newspapers and do not know external information, but with the existence of the light curtain, the originally dead heart is completely activated.

Another powerful pirate appears on the sea, causing headaches for Marine and World Government. The pirates in prison will just keep cheering. As long as the first two are defeated, they will be very happy. With their personal freedom restricted, the pirates on the light screen Information is the only diversion in a dark life.

The prisoners can also chat freely on the light screen, make jokes and say dirty words, and can contact the outside world. However, most of these criminals are alone. Even if someone outside wants to save them, it will be difficult to save them. .

"There have been changes, we can't chat anymore"

"There is a new picture, it is an island in winter"

"You damn pirates, stop arguing and be more honest with me."

Facing the noisy prisoners, the jailers were not stingy with their whips and used them on these criminals one after another to make these heinous guys calm down.

Based on the last experience, these prisoners are the most honest when watching the light curtain. No matter how beaten or scolded, they will not move. This is all in order to watch the future information on the light curtain in time. Even if they cannot get out, they will not move. The future is full of hope.

CP0 and Shiryu of Rain stopped torturing Bullet and also looked at the light curtain deep into the sixth level. The latter had been in prison for so many years and basically knew nothing about the islands on the Grand Line.

But as the most elite agent of the World Government, CP0 can recognize the islands on the light screen at a glance. This climate that stays in winter all year round is the best evidence.

“It’s the Drum Island in the first half of the Grand Line”

"What secrets can there be in such a small kingdom?"

Drum Island was relatively famous in the past few years. Originally, outsiders went there for medical treatment. However, since King Wapol expelled a large number of doctors, this country has become unpopular.

If Wapol hadn't paid the same amount of heavenly gold every year, the World government would have kicked him out of the franchise country long ago. This kind of short-sighted king has simply lowered the standard of the franchise country.

CP0 also got some information. King Wapol formed a group of white iron pirates. A good king should not be a pirate. He can't even do the most basic tax collection work. The governance level of this country is adequate.

The picture reappeared on the light screen and spread all over the world. The last time it led to a vicious pirate on the sea, a being with a bounty of three billion Baileys.

The second review received even more attention from many parties. The unpredictable future has become a known existence. Marine, Pirates, and World Government cannot refuse this temptation. They cannot miss any of the above information, and each one must be strictly analyzed and recorded. On file.

I wonder what kind of existence this guy known as the God of Zoan is on the sea.

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