One Piece, Starting With A Review Of Devil Fruit

Chapter 377: Heeding The Tune But Not The Announcement

In fact, when it comes to the showdown, there is nothing to say in the follow-up. As Marine intervenes in this "family affair" of Celestial Dragons, even if Satan Sheng has 10,000 reluctances in his heart, in the face of the irresistible reality, Wendy finally Still added new Marine.

The only result that Satan Saint gained from the negotiation was that Wendy should restore her status as Celestial Dragons and join the new Marine system as a member of the God family. As for whether she could play any role in benefiting Celestial Dragons, in fact, the man had no idea. What hope I have, I just want to deal with Marine's "acting" marshal.

Wendy and her prisoner brother were carefully escorted by two Marine Admirals to the Naval Headquarters, leaving the Holy Land Mariejois in devastation. The troublemakers just walked away without any punishment, as if this farce had never happened. .

After Fegaland Galin Saint saw that the matter was over, he appeared next to the Five Elders again. They were also Celestial Dragons with extremely distinguished status. This great swordsman could also feel the same way. Marine really disrespected her more and more. A clan of gods.

"Are we just going to let them leave like this? The cost of repairing the Holy Land is a huge expense."

Although the holy land of Mariejois was not catastrophically destroyed, the giant tornado created by Tianlong caused irreversible damage to many ancient buildings. As for the casualties, it is impossible to count. When did the Celestial Dragons ever feel so aggrieved and uncomfortable? Pass? !

A girl beat many of his subordinates to death, and also killed some of the cows that were the sponsors. Many buildings were demolished in his hometown. But in the end, these Satan Saints chose to tolerate it. This was the only way to do it based on reality and helplessness. result.

"Money is not an issue. Then we will collect more money from heaven. The new Marine has become a malignant tumor parasitic on us. It is time for major surgery."

Of course, Satan Saint really didn't want to admit that it was an irreversible mistake to propose Arturia Pendragon as Marine agent. This was a slap in the face of Five Elders from different angles.

After the battle at the top, Marine was almost completely depleted. Marshal Sengoku became a useless man, no different from death. Marine hero Garp was imprisoned in Marine's prison. Kuzan lost his body parts. Sakazuki is still there. I don’t know whether there is life or death outside, so it’s okay not to mention Porusalino.

Against this background of being overwhelmed, the Five Elders want to quickly regroup Marine's strength so that they can regain control of key nodes at sea so that the Celestial Dragons can receive heavenly gold from all over the world.

When the old Marine was in a semi-waste state, the sea almost became a paradise for pirates. The revolutionary army also took advantage of the weakening of external forces to carry out subversive actions in various kingdoms. In the end, they were even able to block the waterways and prevent travel. There are fewer ships in the holy land of Mariejois. When did the Celestial Dragons run out of supplies?

In order to revitalize the behemoth Marine, Celestial Dragons even spent their own money and invested dozens of times of the previous Marine funds. In the end, as expected by the Five Elders, money can work. In less than a year and a half, the new Marine was reborn. The elite combat power of Marine's middle and lower ranks has returned to its original state.

Marine Marshal is a crucial special position, and the Five Elders must ensure that the person who takes the position must be responsible for the overall interests of the Celestial Dragons and continue to cooperate with the World Government to serve as a dog to the Celestial Dragons.

However, a new problem arose in terms of selection. Kong was too old to retake the role of Marine Admiral, and Aokiji Admiral had problems with his sense of justice and could not devote himself wholeheartedly to the Celestial Dragons.

Kizaru Admiral, a Marine Admiral who has become a Marine Admiral by chance, has no interest in the command of Marine Marshal. He has such a character that more things are worse than less things. The Five Elders are very afraid that if they let him take over as Marine Marshal, they will end up in the fire in a few days. The reborn new Marine will be disbanded.

The Five Elders prefer Sakazuki to take over as Marshal Marine. This murderous maniac who only has pirates in his heart will never point fingers at the affairs of the Celestial Dragons after he takes office. At most, he will be a bit grumpy, and many things will still go the way they have been.

It's just that the eldest brother disappeared at that time, and there were no candidates that the five old men wanted. The other Marines were not qualified enough. Arturia Pendragon, a knight girl, turned the tide in the battle on top, so she became a Marine naturally. One of the options for marshal.

After meeting all night long, the Five Elders finally came up with a result, which was to make Arturia Pendragon the acting marshal. During the period when Sakazuki was missing, he would replace him in completing most of the affairs in the new Marine. Become a bridge of communication between Marine and Celestial Dragons.

At first, Satan Saint was afraid that Arturia Pendragon would not be able to serve as acting marshal. He was afraid that the blond girl would be suddenly pushed to a high position, and some of her abilities would not be able to keep up and she would be stupid in her position. When the time came, she would become the acting marshal. The only ones wiping the butt are the Five Elders.

But after the knight girl took the position of Marshal Marine, she did not show any lack of ability. Instead, she did too well. Two years later, the Five Elders felt even more pressure.

Arturia Pendragon's political ability and leadership charisma are beyond everyone's expectations. Many people who should not be there have united around the acting marshal. Compared with the Celestial Dragons' highest combat power, it is even more... It was easily crushed.

The current situation is the result of five old men voting one by one. This mistake must be borne by the entire Celestial Dragons.

"Is it a malignant tumor? It's really an appropriate metaphor. Do we have to walk on another leg?"

In the past, the Clan of Gods had two legs. One was the Marine, the most powerful organization of violence, and the other was the World Government, which had been operating for many years and was responsible for collecting and managing money. It has been nearly eight hundred years since they walked on two legs.

But now Fegaland Garin Sheng believes that it is time for a strong man to break his leg. The new Marine's behavior of listening to orders but not preaching has touched the bottom line of all Celestial Dragons.

If Marine is allowed to lie down and absorb nutrients from the Celestial Dragons, and he wants to undergo separation surgery, he will have to pay a higher price, and even the Five Elders will not be able to bear the price.

In short, it is better to cut off Marine's leg sooner rather than later. The matter cannot be delayed any longer. Satan Saint and other Five Elders have already made preparations to introduce a more reliable ally to check and balance and eventually replace the new Marine. location.

Of course, this ally is not a pirate. The Five Elders are not going to lure wolves into the house, and pirates are far less reliable than Marines. Things are not that bad yet.

Compared to Marine, who is a white-eyed wolf, the pirates are pure barb wolves, and Shichibukai's experimental governance structure has exposed more and more shortcomings. The Five Elders truly believe that the pirates are absolutely unacceptable. letter

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