Siruluk is the master who can't walk when he sees a patient, and the same goes for the children he feeds. When Chopper learned that the Straw Hat Crew wanted to see him, he, as a trainee doctor, had to step forward because the patient was in front of him. Big as the sky.

"Mother Kuleha, let's not leave. If the light curtain is not deceiving, Straw Hat Luffy and the others need my treatment. If we hide at this time, we will be irresponsible for the patient's life."

The witch Kuleha almost laughed out loud when she heard this. She slapped the reindeer on the little head and said angrily: "It's not your turn now to teach me a lesson. I'll wait until you get your future position on the light screen." Besides, it’s obviously me who taught you the medical skills, but I introduced Siruluk in a large space. It’s really biased.”

"Hey, are you sorry?" Chopper was flattered by Light Screen and raised his value as the future King of Dalton, which made the reindeer feel a little embarrassed.

"The light curtain did not indicate the time of their arrival. Let's wait here. I really owe you in my previous life."

Kuleha pulled up a chair and sat down. She didn't plan to leave. It was a blessing or a curse to be with her only apprentice. What would happen to her in the end? She hoped in her heart that the light screen could reveal more about Aoshi Lumen's words to a doctor. Still quite attractive.

She knew that Chopper wanted to become a pirate because of Shilluk's influence, but this little reindeer didn't understand that becoming a pirate also comes with a heavy price.

The incident on Drum Island was exposed. Chopper was working as a doctor on a pirate ship, and he was still the kind of pirate group that could sail around the world in the future. It was only made clear that Luffy was the future pirate king. He was really an incredible guy.

The surname Monkey sounded very familiar to Kuleha. I had read this surname in a newspaper many years ago, and I couldn't remember it for a while.

Kuleha's name has been clearly written on the light screen. She is Chopper's first master. It is certain that she will be implicated by this young apprentice. However, this witch does not care about this. She has lived for so long and has never seen any big storms.

She was alive when Roger, the Pirate King, was not famous. She was still alive after Roger, the Pirate King, died. This is the power of time. Kuleha has been able to see through everything after living for more than a hundred years.

The periphery of Cigu Island waters

The Straw Hat Crew on the small ship Going Merry could already see a winter island in the distance. The last information revealed on the light screen made everyone on the ship feel impatient.

"You stinky men, hurry up and row. I don't want to die. You can't go anywhere without me. Please row as hard as you can for me."

Nami was wrapped in a quilt outside the cabin, and transformed into a terrible evil woman again, asking other members of the ship to work harder. Miss Navigator saw that the disease mentioned by the light screen corresponded to the symptoms of her disease. The fear of death haunts me.

"Nami is so scary. Fortunately she is sick or she would have been beaten again."

Usopp, who was rowing desperately, took the time to punch his captain and shouted: "Stop talking sarcastically and row quickly."

Going Merry is a small boat driven by sails. It has no other external power and can only rely on human power to accelerate. Zoro and Ikarem both joined the rowing ranks.

Originally, Allen wanted to turn into a giant and push the boat to the shore directly, which would save the most time. However, this plan was rejected by everyone, and he was asked to save his strength first and then turn into a giant when he got ashore.

He transformed into an Attack Titan and ran on land, faster than any short legs on the ship. He took the patient to Cigu Peak, which took the shortest time.

Everyone worked together to drive Going Merry to the shore, where a group of gunmen were waiting for them. As soon as a few pirates showed up, they were pointed at more than a dozen muskets.

"Why do pirates come to our island?"

"Leave quickly, or we will shoot if you don't leave."

"Tell them nonsense and just shoot them. There won't be any good pirates."

Drum Island has just been plundered by the Blackbeard pirates. The king abandoned his subjects and ran away alone, leaving behind a bunch of people who were unable to resist.

Fortunately, there were not many members of the Blackbeard Pirates at the moment. They robbed some treasures, burned some houses, killed some people, and left the Drum Island by boat. The pain left to the islanders was still bearable.

If it were replaced by the Four Emperors Blackbeard pirates in the later period, and the cadres on the ship who were interested in killing people were eliminated, the minions who took refuge in him would be able to eat up Drum Island. This kind of pirate group that is not suitable for production will only destroy and robbing the weak of their property.

A man in green clothes appeared behind everyone. It was Dalton, the former captain of the King's Guard. He carefully observed the pirate flag on the pirate ship and found that it was exactly the same as the Straw Hat Pirates flag in the light curtain.

"You are Straw Hat Luffy's gang"?

Light Curtain had just revealed part of the future, and the Straw Hat Crew came right after it. It was a coincidence, and there was still a chance of counterfeiting. Dalton was responsible for the national security of the Drum Kingdom.

Wapol put the number one traitor in prison, which saved Dalton's life in disguise. If he had seen the Blackbeard pirates burning, killing and looting on the island, he would never sit back and wait for death. He would rush to fight with the sea as soon as possible. The thieves are desperate.

Of course, Blackbeard Teach doesn't like an ordinary Zoan Devil Fruit. If it were replaced by Ma Xiaoguo's fantasy beast species, he would consider killing anyone who gets in his way. Trampling Dalton to death would be the same as trampling to death an ant. the difference.

"Are we so famous"?

Luffy stood on the head of a sheep's horn and chewed the big white fang, laughing and laughing. He didn't listen at all to what was said on the light screen.

"We are the Straw Hat Pirates. Two crew members on my ship are sick. Please make way."

Usopp is Nami's best friend, and their bond will become deeper and deeper in the future. He is very concerned about the physical condition of the little thieving cat. Where will he find such a reliable navigator if he loses her?

Others would really not be able to stand this group of weirdos on the Straw Hat ship. A captain who has no brains and can only eat food, a swordsman who often gets lost, a lecherous cook, and a sniper who loves to lie. There will be more weird things coming, such as a cute reindeer ship doctor, a sinister big sister, a robot that perverts to the core, a perverted skeleton who likes to look at women's underwear, and only a relatively reliable fish-man helmsman.

Nami was worried about this family. Most of the treasures on the ship were either given away by Luffy or eaten by this big eater. Without her iron fist of love, this family would definitely fall apart.

"Believe in the light screen. Luffy, the pirate, will be Chopper's partner in the future. Everyone should put down their weapons and make way for me when I say this."

Dalton has great prestige among the people at the moment. He can be said to be the number one person on Drum Island. With the endorsement of this hero, people on the shore have put down their firearms.

Just when everyone was unprepared, a huge ship suddenly appeared from under the sea of ​​Going Merry. This huge submersible ship was more than ten times the size of Going Merry. It almost knocked the Straw Hat Crew's boat to the coast. superior.

The white iron sheet that closed the top of the ship was unfolded, and a hippopotamus' head with a crown on the bow was revealed. People from the Drum Kingdom recognized this shape even if it turned to ashes. It was the White Iron King, the home ship of the White Iron Pirate Ship.

The opponent's deck was full of people, including guards armed with muskets and doctors in pink uniforms. The fat purple-haired man at the front was particularly conspicuous, and his ugly appearance lingered in the hearts of the citizens of the Drum Kingdom.

"Have my citizens missed me? Your great King Wapol is back."

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