Even Chopper Kuleha who was on Cigu Mountain heard the bursts of shelling outside Cigu Island very clearly. They immediately thought that it might be Luffy and the others who had landed.

As for why the shelling occurred, there may be some misunderstanding, and the citizens will not get any benefits from fighting the pirates.

Chopper transformed into his beast form and used his four hooves to run through the snow, easily pulling the sleigh tied behind him. On top of it sat Doctor Kureha and some first aid medicines.

Something bad must have happened on the shore. If there are injured people, they need doctors. Chopper cannot ignore the patients.

"Why do giants appear?"

She saw a naked giant with pointed ears standing in the sea. The giant white hand was formed into a fist and holding a figure. The outline was very familiar to Kuleha.

"Is this the giant in the book? He's so tall, the sea water only wiped his legs when he stood on the coast."

Chopper, the reindeer who loves to read, saw the giant race for the first time today. This novel race made him very curious, just like he likes robots. He has no resistance to such huge creatures in his heart. He seemed to get a touch of it. The body of a giant.

The reindeer's keen sense of smell smelled a strong smell of blood. When they arrived at the shore, the tragic scene came into view, which almost made the reindeer vomit out their lunch.

Chopper had seen human corpses next to Dr. Kuleha. In the process of learning medical skills, a general teacher was indispensable. He occasionally saw some patients who died in horrific ways, but none of the above could be compared with today.

Countless bomb craters on the shore were still billowing with black smoke. Beside the craters, there were many people with missing arms and legs wailing on the ground. Fragments of exploding bullets randomly penetrated the bodies. The luckiest ones were those who shot into their limbs. Some of them were lucky. The fragments pierced the eyes, some pierced the throat, and some cut the corners of the mouth.

Those who survived were groaning in pain on the ground. Those who were killed on the spot did not even have a complete body left. Half of their bodies were covered in branch houses, mismatched arms and thighs were mixed together, and some had their heads blown off directly. On the shore It can only be described as hell.

A young man wearing a straw hat helped an injured person find his arm, "Uncle, is this your hand? It doesn't feel like it, is this it?"

He pressed someone else's arm against the injured person's broken arm, using so much force that the injured person screamed in pain, "Uncle, how should you connect your arm? I can't connect it."

"Stop torturing me, go and help others." The wounded man had two arms broken off by the explosion, and his internal organs were shocked to the point of bleeding internally. If the Straw Hat boy had been tormented for a while, he would most likely go to see his wife in advance. .

"You don't have to touch the injured in a straw hat. This is our doctor's business."

Luffy turned his head and saw a reindeer walking on four legs, with a blue nose and a pink hat. Suddenly he realized something incredible, "Wow, the reindeer can actually talk, it's amazing."

He dropped the wounded man and ran in the direction of the four-hoofed reindeer, "What a magical creature, I really want to ride it."

The reindeer transformed again. Chopper used the Zoan Devil Fruit human form and turned into a two-meter tall reindeer. He held Luffy's little head with one hand to prevent him from getting close to him. "You don't have to make trouble, I want to Treat the wounded."

Luffy was even more excited when he saw that the reindeer could transform. "Be my partner." The arrogant guy ignored the fact that the other party was a doctor. Instead, he liked the reindeer who could change his form. He invited this strange creature on board. The future promises to be very interesting.

"Is it Kuleha and Chopper?"

Two citizens held up a strong man in green clothes. It was Dalton who sacrificed his life to protect the people. He carried two rounds of explosive ammunition on his back. He can still speak without losing consciousness. He is really a genius. A super tough guy.

"Mr. Dalton, you are seriously injured. I have a stretcher in my car and put him on it first."

While Chopper was applying a bandage to an injured man with a short arm to stop the bleeding, he also directed the uninjured citizens to help. There were too many injured people on the shore for him to handle alone.

Kureha pushed the sunglasses off her nose, and the witch looked at the battlefield in the sea. The tall, pointed-eared giant was fighting the Drum King.

The fat Wapol hooked the giant with the metal weapon in his hand, and he almost fell into the sea, "My Iron King! Damn giant, I will enslave you for the rest of my life."

Originally, Attack on Titan had Wapol in his hand, and Eren could crush the opponent with just one force. But with the pervert's Munch-Munch Fruit ability, the opponent opened his mouth and bit off the giant's thumb and ate it into his mouth. , hardening the entire fist still makes the opponent escape from the palm of the hand.

Then King Wapol was like a bed bug, constantly changing positions on Attack on Titan, and every time he passed by, he took a bite.

"On your back, let's see how you touch me." Wapol's delicious mouth opened again, tearing off a large piece of flesh from the Attack Titan, revealing the giant's white lumbar spine.

After carrying out a sneak attack for a long time, Wapol ate so much giant meat, but he didn't feel anything after swallowing it. In fact, he didn't eat anything. Allen's giant body was not a real entity.

This twenty-meter-tall giant's injured area will not bleed, and steam will continue to emit from the affected area. The wound caused by Wapol's bite on the Attack Titan fully recovered in less than a minute.

A huge amount of steam burst out from the giant's body. The terrifying high temperature made Wapol feel unbearable even if he was covered with a layer of alloy. "It's so hot, what's going on with this steam?"

The ultra-high temperature steam of several hundred degrees made Wapol feel like his hands and feet were melting, forcing him to leave the giant. The final destination was the head of his men. Jace and Chromamon just poked their heads out of the sea, ready to Breathe life-saving air.

As soon as they took a breath, they saw a dark shadow falling above their heads. Their favorite king, Wapol, wanted to use his minister's head, "Catch me quickly!"

Jess: "Ah"!

Chromamon: "No"!

His Majesty the King's hippo mount emerged from the sea, pushing the two officials aside and catching the falling Wapol. If it had not been for the hippopotamus, the two courtiers would have been crushed or choked to death by him.

As soon as Wapol's two men climbed onto the hippo's back, the Attack Titan was already approaching. Now that there was no boat, there was only this foothold, where could they run?

"I surrender"

"Please don't kill us, the Drum Kingdom is yours"

"You are so good that you have to be a pirate. Become my guard captain."

The three people talked to each other, but Allen was not interested in what they provided, and he would not be Wapol's back.

"stop it"!

The giant's big palm fell, and the man and the hippopotamus turned into a parabolic fan and flew out. The direction of the flight was Drum Island.

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