The truth that happened in the white town is a stain that the world government will never be able to wash away. The heinous pirates shook their heads after hearing this. The cruel kings of the franchising countries all felt that they were benevolent. The gold in the sky that was distributed to the people was better than They lose their lives.

As long as amber lead is not mined, it will have no impact on humans if it is buried underground. However, humans cannot control their greed. Beautiful amber lead is mined and used almost everywhere, as decorations on buildings, jewelry on hands, and even tableware. They are all made of amber lead and have been used to a crazy extent.

Bringing wealth to the ordinary place of Frevans and the reputation of White Town, the gift of fate has already been secretly marked with a price tag. The world government and the royal family of this country know that amber lead mine has great harm to the human body. , but there was no order to stop mining.

For the sake of money, he chose to hide it from everyone. As a result, when the lead disease broke out on a large scale, the World government took away the royal family of the country, leaving the citizens alone to wait for death.

They also spread rumors to surrounding countries that lead disease was a terrible infectious disease. The reputation of the white town became a nightmare for neighboring countries, and troops were sent to blockade the place to prevent people from entering or exiting the town.

This kind of lead disease, which can be inherited from generation to generation, does not lead to death immediately after the onset of the disease. Logically speaking, there are still a few years to live, but only the dead can keep secrets in the world.

The World Government also sent elite troops into Frevans to eliminate survivors indiscriminately. The elderly, women, and children were all buried in the fire, completely covering up the dark past that happened in the white town.

As Alan spoke calmly, everyone in the ward had a look of astonishment. These people had never heard of such a thing that broke through the lower limits of human beings. Their perception of the world government plummeted. They were still too kind.

"I am the adopted son of a nun in the town. Unfortunately, my adoptive mother was deceived. The World Government deceived her and said it could provide a ship to let her and the children leave. However, she fell into a trap and was slaughtered."

Allen described the kindness of the nun in her words. Unfortunately, her kindness was taken advantage of. She finally saved the children, but they all fell at gunpoint. This woman underestimated the determination of the world government to eradicate the white towns, even the most innocent All the children were spared.

He was lucky to survive. At that time, the young Allen was standing at the back of the children. At the moment when the heavily armed enemy opened fire, he jumped into the river and escaped with his life.

After drifting in the river for a day, when he returned to Freifans, he found that the former white town had been burned to ashes by fire. He also saw a large number of people burned alive in darkness. The horrific death scenes he now saw still remember.

"It's really too much. They are really a bunch of bad people."

Luffy also stopped talking, losing his appetite to eat after hearing such things.

"Didn't you ask Marine for help later?"

The innocent Princess Vivi still believed in Marine, the little master who cared about food but not about fighting.

"Looking for Marine? At that time, I saw soldiers wearing Marine uniforms searching for survivors near the country. If I had asked for their help, I would not be standing here now."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Allen's mouth. After experiencing such a dark past, it was already the limit to remain sane. He was extremely disappointed with the World Government and Marine.

Usopp interjected from the side: "Princess Vivi, if Marine is useful, there is no need to ask us pirates to help you save the country."

Crocodile belongs to one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, an organization established by the World Government in the Marine. It is a violation of justice for these once powerful pirates to have legal plundering rights.

It is estimated that the World Government will turn a blind eye to the matter of stealing the right to join the king. As long as the matter is not brought to the surface, the Five Elders are too lazy to care about such a trivial matter. As long as Alabasta pays the heavenly gold on time, he will be replaced by a new one. It doesn't matter if the king is obedient.

"So many years have passed since the incident in White Town. It stands to reason that lead disease would have killed you long ago. How do you survive until now?"

Kuleha raised her doubts. He had inherited a terminal disease called Permanent Disease. Even if Allen was young at the time, he would not have survived to adulthood. Could it be that he had encountered the legendary Op-Op Fruit?

According to common sense, Allen's ability to become a giant shown by the other party is Zoan Demon fruit power. Even if his recovery after eating Devil Fruit is stronger than that of ordinary people, Allen cannot survive until now.

"Chopper lend me a scalpel"

The little reindeer rummaged through the medical bag to find a scalpel and handed it to the cool man. The man simply called him Chopper. As long as he didn't call him Chopper, he was very happy.

"The Devil Fruit I ate has some special abilities."

After Allen finished speaking, he held the scalpel in his right hand and plunged it straight into his body. The blood stained his pants red along the blade.

"What are you doing? Why are you hurting yourself?"

As a doctor, Chopper couldn't stand other people's lack of care for their bodies. He immediately transformed from a child into a Zoan human form and became a strong reindeer to snatch the self-mutilation tool from Allen's hand.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. I'm just here to demonstrate my abilities. Look carefully at the location of my wounds."

Allen endured the pain and pulled the scalpel out of the body. Under the gaze of everyone, he saw a small amount of visible steam emanating from the incision that was still bleeding just now. The wound healed bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye, until the injured Only a minute has passed since my skin was intact.

"It's really a magical devil's fruit ability. Could it be that you..."

Allen followed Kuleha's words and said that the witch doctor guessed correctly, "The human liver has the function of metabolism and detoxification. After a while, I will open my stomach and replace the diseased liver. It will no longer be used." A liver will grow back in your belly in half a day.”

People in the ward thought that the reason why Allen could survive to this day was that he had to personally remove his liver every time. This was simply a kind of torture imposed on him, and he probably had to go through it every year.

"When I was young, I had to have a liver transplant every two years. As I get older, the frequency of liver transplants is also increasing. Now I have to have a liver transplant every three months. If this lead disease continues, it is estimated that liver replacement will no longer be useful for detoxification."

When Allen talked about his death, his face still looked calm, which made everyone feel even more distressed. What kind of hardships did he go through to develop the kind of mind he has now.

"Has the disease got into your head?"

"Yes, that Devil Fruit gave me the regeneration ability. I have never tried brain replacement."

Constant liver replacement is only a temporary measure. In Kuleha's understanding, Allen's lead disease was brought from his mother's womb. It entered the brain from the beginning in infancy, and the road to survival has long been blocked.

That Eren Yeager exuded amazing will from the inside out, deeply moved everyone present

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