Can Li Sanguang sleep in the same room as Ada Wang? !

After having breakfast with Sister Wang in the morning, Li Wei has been thinking about one thing from last night to now. How can he dissection and treat CP9 to make it more difficult for these lackeys of the World Government.

Ultron brought two prisoners with severed arms and legs to the young master. However, in terms of willpower, these two CP9 newcomers fully inherited the ruthlessness of their predecessors. After being tortured by the robot for a whole night, they both had nothing. explain.

"I'm giving you two one last chance, do you want to die or live?"

These two tough guys are indifferent to the threat of robots. When they put on CP9's clothes, they will realize that there will be a day when they are caught by other forces. They will not say anything. This small life has been completely dedicated to the World government.

"Ada, come on, and familiarize yourself with a Devil Fruit ability. These human elites are the best experimental subjects."

A royal lady wearing a red cheongsam came to the two prisoners with a gentle smile on her beautiful face. She would be very gentle in what she did next.

Ada covered the lips of female CP9 with the palm of her right hand, and pinched the prisoner's neck with her left hand, forcing her to open her mouth so that good things could enter her body.

"You want to do... ah... um..."

When a living foreign object enters the captive's mouth, fear sweeps through the agent's heart, but soon she will lose this emotion and all emotional abilities as a human being.

"What did you do to her? Why come at me?"

What did this mysterious woman feed her companions? The mouth of this female CP9 member was expanded to the limit, and bloodstains gradually formed around her face. Her originally bright eyes lost their luster, and she turned into a walking zombie kneeling on the ground and groaning.

"Boss, she has been successfully parasitized. You can ask questions directly. This is my boss. Whatever he asks, you can tell me."

As the mother of Plaka Parasite, Ada can use her Devil Fruit ability to create Plaka Parasite larvae anytime and anywhere. They are divided into subordinate and dominant forms.

Once these little cuties enter the human body, the central nervous system of the host infected by the parasite will gradually be replaced by the Plaka parasite. This time, the host is fed the slave Plaka parasite.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? What did you guys do to her?"

This female CP9 has been successfully parasitized. From the original exaggerated facial movements, she is now like a puppet, looking at the mysterious woman in front of her with dull eyes, and she cannot feel the breath of life in the parasitized person.

Li Wei asked: "First, what is your name?"


The woman's mechanical answer proved that her nerve center had been completely replaced by the Plaka parasite.

"Is the caller who called yesterday also a member of CP9?"

Martha: "It's Spandam, the commander of CP9"

Another male CP9 member felt as if he had seen a ghost. He had never seen this kind of Devil Fruit ability, and it actually made an agent who had been trained since childhood rebel against his camp in a few minutes.

Martha's indifferent tone seemed to have been replaced by a different soul. This strangeness made his companion extremely uncomfortable. He also wanted to awaken the woman's consciousness through words: "What are you talking about? Don't be brainwashed by these people. We are CP9."

The man's noisiness annoyed Li Wei, "One tongue is enough. I'll leave this man Ultron to you as your experimental material."

Ultron received the order with a look of joy on his face. He really wanted to study and compare the humans on this planet with the humans in the Marvel world to see if there were any differences, so as to plan for the development of more weapons in the future.

The robot's iron palm sealed the male captive's mouth to prevent him from further disturbing the young master's ears. Ultron dragged the guy away from here. This was the last time he saw Martha.

Spandam is a villain who can never be cleansed. After the Enies Lobby incident, this guy's bones were broken by Robin using Flower-Flower Fruit. He was still alive despite being injured to this extent. His life was long enough.

On the contrary, T-bone Penn, who was portrayed as a good guy in the comics, changed his military rank from colonel to vice admiral in the later stages of the comics, but ended up dying at the hands of civilians. It is really ironic.

Good people don't live long, but they leave thousands of years of trouble. Spandam will probably live until the end of the comic, and then be forgiven by Robin, and his name will be cleared. Li Wei speculated endlessly in his mind.

Since this guy has a father who is a high-ranking official in World Government, Li Wei will not let this villain continue to be promoted and allow this tough guy in the background to find a little fun in his life. If he is easily allowed to die, Too cheap for the other party.

Spend 10 million in the system store to exchange for the plot plugger prop. Although the name is not literate, the use of this prop is very particular.

A glowing page stopped in front of Li Wei. As long as he dictated the plot to be inserted, the corresponding text would appear on the page. When he finished writing, he would tear the page off immediately, and the plot would appear on the corresponding person's screen. in mind.

This prop does not seem to be very expensive and is not a world-class prop. The shortcomings are obvious. This page has a word limit and the plot will only affect a small number of people and generate false memories and emotions in their minds. If The plot is extremely inconsistent and will not make people believe it.

If it is a character who is too strong, the influence will become very weak. For example, if Li Wei directly writes that Five Elders are his dogs, which is beyond their knowledge, the plot will fail to be inserted. This ten million wasted in vain.

With the plot brewing in his mind, Li Wei described it to the leaves, [Ada Wang, one of the survivors in the white town, a child adopted by a nun, jumped into the river with Allen to escape, and ate the Zoan insect fruit. She lost her memory and was picked up and adopted by Spandam. During this period, Ada was trained into a CP9 agent]

[In more than ten years of getting along, Spandam gradually had other thoughts about his adopted daughter. It was a love between a man and a woman that went beyond the ethics of father and daughter. After he understood this emotion, he did not choose to use despicable means to possess his adopted daughter. Instead, a deformed mentality develops day by day. As long as there is another man around the adopted daughter, no matter who the other man is, he will crazily retaliate against this man]

[Later, he learned that Ada was an orphan in White Town. Spandam chose to cover up this information and let this secret be buried in his heart forever]

[That humble love mentality completely turned Spandam into Ada's licking dog. This dark adoptive father wanted to maintain this relationship, which tortured his twisted heart all the time. He was very afraid of losing his identity as an adoptive father. For this reason, he I can give everything]

At the end of the narration, Li Wei tore the pages out of the book, and the plot paper torn in half turned into countless light spots, and the plot was completely integrated into the world.

At Spandam on Enies Lobby, the invisible light point entered the man's head, and the image of Ada Wang's adopted daughter gradually emerged in his mind.

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