One Piece, Starting With A Review Of Devil Fruit

Chapter 58 A Big Eater Comes To Marine

It can be said that Marine has lost all face recently. The former Pirate King Roger was originally promoted to be arrested, but as soon as it was exposed, it was revealed that he had a terminal illness and surrendered, which removed the halo from Marine's head.

Golden Lion Shiki, who was still lurking near East Blue, laughed heartily after hearing the news. He guessed correctly. How could a man as powerful as Roger lose to Marine.

After he untied his heart knot, Conqueror's Haki emerged from his body again. Although the rudder was still stuck on his head and his legs were missing, most of his strength had been restored at this moment.

His swordsmanship is as good as that of a great swordsman, and he has the awakened Lion Fruit and Conqueror's Haki at his fingertips. If such a powerful trinity meets King Luffy again, he will die without knowing how.

There is also the issue of Tony Tony Chopper's bounty in the future. Although this has not happened yet, the public has already questioned Marine's intelligence department. They all feel that the bounty set for the pirates is too low.

There is also the encouragement of pirate hunters behind this. If Marine raises the bounty on pirates as a whole, most of the bounty will be eaten by these people. As long as Marine has money, they will help Marine.

If the pirates were to raise the bounty collectively, the cost would be unimaginable to Marine. All the money would be provided by the World Government. If Five Elders did not approve more funds, Marine would not be able to do anything on its own.

Without changing the bounty for the little pirates, Marine raised the bounty for the Four Emperors officers. The former would be easy to earn if the bounty was raised, but the latter was different and almost no one dared to mess with it, even if the bounty order was raised. No one has the ability to redeem the bounty, and this Bailey is becoming increasingly worthless.

With the carnival of pirates and the curse of the people of the world, Marine could only silently eat this bitter pill, but it was not without gain. The addition of Artoria, a female swordsman, was not a small consolation prize. It stands like a magic needle in Marine's headquarters, Marineford.

The Marine intelligence department and the World Government's intelligence department jointly conducted an investigation into Artoria's background, and the results obtained by both parties were indeed the same as what the girl said.

Arturia was once a princess of the Kingdom of Britain. This small country was destroyed by a certain group of pirates. They didn't find out exactly who did it. After that, this girl started her wandering career with a sword. .

It can be said that he ate and drank all the way, helped other islands fight pirates in exchange for a day's worth of food and water, never showed any harm to others, used his own strength in exchange for rewards, and did not attack civilians even if he was about to faint from hunger. Marine's high-level executives are impressed by his integrity.

Some Marine Vice Admirals privately discussed that it was a good thing that the Kingdom of Britain was destroyed, otherwise Arturia would never have an intersection with Marine in her life. With the power to destroy the island in one move, she would only become the next one under the restriction of the royal power. King, the last King of Britain gave birth to a daughter like him, and the throne can only be passed on to Arturia.

"Altria, get up quickly, I'm coming."

A beautiful female Marine with a beauty mark under the corner of her mouth, a pair of exposed long legs, and a black spider tattoo opened the door of Artoria's room and came to wake up her new friend.

Arturia was wearing pajamas, and the yellow fur on her head was lying softly. Like her master, she had not woken up. She opened her sleepy eyes and looked at the woman who got up, "It's Gion. It’s really troublesome for you to wake me up every day.”

"I'm waiting for you at the door of the dormitory. You have to come out quickly and don't fall asleep again."

Gion saw Artoria slowly getting up from the bed, walking into the bathroom and turning on the faucet, and then the woman left the room with peace of mind.

The women who join Marine all live together in the girls' dormitory. Gion and Artoria are neighbors, and no one else has ever enjoyed the wake-up call service provided by the beautiful Vice Admiral.

The girls' dormitory is a mysterious and desirable place. From time to time, some male soldiers sneak in and take a peek. There is an Admiral candidate codenamed Cha Dou. Jiaji likes to come to the door of the girls' dormitory with a wrinkled face. Ugly Face, expressed his love to the Gion Vice Admiral, but was rejected hundreds of times and still keeps trying.

The official rank given to Artoria by Marine is Marine Vice Admiral. Like Gion and Kake, she has an honorary position of alternate Admiral. Once there is a vacancy in the Admiral position, they will fill it. However, it is not 100% effective. If you have the strength, Strong ones can also parachute past them, Green Bull and Tenghu are typical examples.

The two most beautiful female swordsmen in the Marines walked together, attracting the attention of the passing Marines. The turnaround rate was almost 100%. They were also followed by Vice Admiral, the tea dolphin. His depressed look, he probably confessed his love to Momousagi again. Vice Admiral refused. People who love to watch the beauty paired with an ugly man will not agree.

The cafeteria at the Marine headquarters is built very tall because it has to accommodate the Marine Vice Admiral of the Giant clan to eat. Their average height is over 20 meters. If the cafeteria is not built at a higher point, they will demolish it every time. Not all Giant clans are good. temper.

John Giant, the Vice Admiral of the giant race who also believed in absolute justice, saw Arturia, who was only 1.6 meters tall, walking into the cafeteria. He changed his usual serious face and actively invited the girl to sit next to him, " Miss Artoria, our last competition is not over yet, I just have time today so we can compete again."

The competition that the giant Vice Admiral mentioned was not the kind of competition with real swords and guns, but a competition in terms of appetite. Even though Arturia had a girlish figure, in the last time In the competition, she was actually on par with the giant Vice Admiral in terms of appetite.

Arturia's title as the blond and big-eating king spread like wildfire among Marine. Originally, the giants were in Marine just to repay their kindness, although this was a show.

This girl is loved by the Vice Admiral of the giant race. After all, she can eat with them. This kind of woman is definitely a good person, just like the nun who saved them from Marine at that time.

"I didn't eat late night snacks yesterday. Giant Vice Admiral, you are definitely no match for me."

Arturia sat next to the giant, and the Giant Vice Admiral thoughtfully pushed the food in front of the girl. The two of them were about to officially start a new round of appetite competition under the collective witness of Marine.

Momousagi looked at Arturia holding the plate and putting it in her mouth, a gentle smile appeared on her beautiful face, "Every time I see her amazing appetite, I am surprised."

Looking at Arturia, a pile of empty plates gradually appeared next to her. Not only did she eat an astonishing amount, but she also ate as fast as the giant Vice Admiral. This girl's stomach was simply a bottomless pit. Fortunately, she was born with it. A princess, if she were an ordinary person, no one would be able to support her

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