Straw Hat Crew took the newest partner on board, Going Merry, and the sails were raised. Through the breeze coming from the sea, the small boat gradually left the coast of Drum Island.

Allen stood alone on the shore and waved goodbye to everyone, and everyone on the boat waved back to him. Luffy will never forget this friend who can become a giant in his life.

Chopper was held in Nami's arms and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Alan, you must hold on. When I come back from my trip, I will definitely cure your albino disease. I promise you," the light screen revealed. The little reindeer is very confident about the future and firmly believes that he will find a way to cure this incurable disease.

"Don't forget us," Luffy stood on the sheep's head and shouted to Allen while jumping up and down.

In this beautiful and harmonious farewell scene, Zoro, who was on the observation deck, felt a sound of breaking wind. This was not a natural thing. What if it was a weapon?

Allen, who was waving goodbye to everyone a second ago, suddenly burst into blood all over his body, with blood holes opening in his forehead, heart, and lungs.

Everyone who was still on Going Merry had expressions of emotion on their faces one second, but were replaced by doubts the next second. It was only when Allen fell down that he was standing that Luffy and others realized what was going on.


Suddenly this happened. Chopper reacted immediately, broke away from Nami's arms, turned into a two-meter-tall human form, and wanted to jump off the ship to save Allen.

"Chopper, be careful, ah..."

Usopp instantly threw Chopper to the ground. A super-long-range bullet penetrated Liarbu's right arm, and his companion's hot blood poured onto Chopper's face.

"Everyone lies down. There are snipers in the distance. It really hurts."

After Usopp finished speaking, he covered his bleeding wound. The pain caused by the bullet almost made him faint. It was the first time he suffered such a serious injury during an adventure. His entire right arm was almost covered with bullets. interrupted.

Sanji threw the two slow-reacting ladies to the ground. Ikarem was not so lucky. A bullet penetrated the man's chest and he fell directly in front of Princess Vivi.


Princess Vivi lying on the ground looked at Ikarem. This loyal minister had his eyes open and was still confused before he died. Unfortunately, he could no longer hear any sound.

A bullet also hit Luffy, but he was a rubber man. The bullet stretched his face very long, and finally the attack bounced back.

Chopper became smaller again. Chopper didn't know what he was going to do. It was his first time to go to sea, and he was stunned when faced with such a bloody scene. Usopp's blood dripped down the reindeer's face and fell on the deck.

Sanji yelled at Chopper: "Ship doctor, what are you still looking at? Hurry and stop Usopp's bleeding."

The chef's instinctive roar brought Chopper back to the real world in an instant. Just now, his mind was thinking about finding other doctors, and he really forgot that he was the only doctor on the ship.

"Sleigh, there are bandages and styptic on the sled"

Fortunately, the sleigh pulled by the reindeer stopped on the deck. Chopper, who was less than one meter tall, lay on the ground and crawled towards the sled bit by bit. He was trembling all over and was afraid of being attacked by snipers from a distance. In his heart, he knew very well that he would be attacked by snipers from a distance. Overcome this fear, and ahead lies the hope of saving your companions.

"Alan, Alan, Alan"

Luffy, who was standing on the bow of the boat, kept shouting to the shore, but the friend who was chatting and laughing just now was lying in a pool of blood. He shouted several times but there was no response.

A strong anger brewed in Luffy's body. He saw Allen who was not sure whether he was alive or dead on the shore. He saw the dead Icarim. He noticed that Chopper was crawling forward to find medicine for Usopp. Originally, all of this was... Not going to happen.

Luffy's face was sore from the bullet, and the enemy in the distance was approaching in a boat. There was a pirate flag flying on the boat, and there were three skulls side by side.

"Fan Oka, you did a great job. You directly brought down the most troublesome guy."

The man wearing a cloak with a golden hook on one hand was smoking a cigar while praising the sniper. The speed of the opponent's shooting was worthy of his Otonoshi name.

"The captain will leave a cadre for me soon. I've been feeling a little itchy these days."

Gizas Badges looked eager to try. He hadn't fought in a long time and was eager to fight. He hoped that the Straw Hat Pirates in front of him would be more resistant.

"Van Oka, stop shooting that reindeer, he's still useful to us if you keep him."

Poison Q is very interested in this great doctor in the future. A reindeer can actually leave his name in history. The person who wrote the chronicle definitely mixed his personal property in it. He really doesn’t want to hand over this little reindeer to the World Government. .

This ship gathered a group of elites. There were more than a dozen people standing on the deck, each behind their boss. This was a collaboration between Balot Studio and the Blackbeard Pirates. The ship was provided by Crocodile in order to avoid his Shichibukai. identity, specifically flying the flag of the Blackbeard Pirates.

The people from Baroque Studio want Princess Vivi's head, and the Blackbeard Pirates want to capture Straw Hat Luffy. Since they both want to cause trouble for the Straw Hat Crew, the two parties hit it off in Alabasta.

Crocodile knew that Blackbeard Teach was a traitor on Whitebeard's ship. The guy who killed the other man's son directly gained the trust of killing the sand crocodile. To help Blackbeard, he took the initiative to give Whitebeard eye drops. This Shichibukai was very happy to do this.

According to the information collected through Robin in advance, the most troublesome person in the Straw Hat Crew is Allen, who can transform into a giant.

The enemy can turn into a twenty-meter-tall giant in an instant. This Devil Fruit ability can actually control the giant to walk in the sea. One ability is to emit steam all over the body, and the other is to turn the body white and hard.

In short, don't let Allen have the chance to turn into a giant. Kill him directly with long-range firepower, which will make Straw Hat Luffy lose more than half of his combat effectiveness.

Except for Luffy, the captain, who has Rubber Fruit ability, the rest of the crew did not eat Devil Fruit. A swordsman and a cook who knows physical skills. These three people constitute the strongest combat power of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the rest are not enough. For fear.

"Hahaha, let's completely bury the Straw Hat Pirates here. The future on that light screen will never appear. Only I, Blackbeard Teach, will be the next Pirate King."

This guy didn't go behind anyone's back and said such arrogant words on other people's ships, but Crocodile didn't think so much. After being humiliatingly defeated by Whitebeard, he had lost the heart to challenge stronger people.

The Straw Hat Pirates looked at the enemy ship getting closer and closer. The Going Merry changed its course under the helm of Sanji and moved towards the shore of Drum Island.

This cruel second wave of encounters is about to begin

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