One Piece, Starting With A Review Of Devil Fruit

Chapter 63 The Super Giant Appears

The original plan was to strike first and prevent Eren Yeager from transforming into a giant. The opponent's Devil Fruit ability far exceeded everyone's imagination, so what was resurrection?

"Alan, I saw you were shot in the head. You scared us to death just now."

Nami recalled the color of Allen's brain and the image of the hole in his head, and now thinking about it, she still felt a chill in her heart.

"This is part of my fruit ability. I can transfer my thoughts to anywhere in my body to prevent being killed by snipers from a distance like today. As long as I don't die instantly, I can continue to fight."

Copying Reiner's move against the Armored Titan to prevent him from being instantly killed by the soldier commander, Allen used it on himself today, and unexpectedly it worked very well.

In the future, for sneak attacks from other directions, unless Eren Yeager in human form is instantly shattered, his ability to sit up will not be interrupted, which is almost an existence of Immune to Death.

"What are we going to do now? There are too many enemies. Even if we are exhausted, we won't be able to deal with them all."

The injured and weak Usopp spread negative emotions among the team again. His right arm was covered with bandages, and most of the hemostatic medicine brought by Chopper was used on him.

"With Chopper's blue wave ball, I may become a more powerful monster, and thousands of soldiers will be handed over to me."

Before Allen transformed into a giant again, he asked everyone to stay away from him. This time, unlike before, he was not joking.

Luffy once again became the captain of the transportation team, "rubber rocket launcher...".

The bounty hunters affiliated with Baroque Studio docked most of the ships, and the wild wolves, who were willing to do anything for money, landed on the winter island of Drum Island.

"It's really unlucky. The Straw Hat Crew won't run away."

"This giant's two long legs can move so fast, and they are gone in the blink of an eye."

"I saw two pretty girls on their boat. Let us men take them to collect the bounty after we have finished playing. There are no women on the boat and I am almost suffocated."

This group of rabble-rousers did not form a formation when they landed ashore. They followed the boss at the front. The pirates with large bounties were left to the bosses. Some small pirates with million-dollar bounties were enough for a group of people to have a good meal. They followed It's really delicious to drink some soup behind the boss.

Fan Oka, the most astute among the team, suddenly said: "There is someone coming from the sky."

Is it the guy who can turn into a giant? He flies above everyone and wants to turn into a giant and crush them to death?

A very unreliable strategy. How many more than 5,000 bounty hunters can he crush to death? After the giant is trapped in a tight siege, the officers of the Blackbeard Pirates will easily defeat him.

Luffy used all his strength to move the rubber rocket launcher. Allen, who was in the air, didn't know how many ribs he had broken, but his ultimate goal was achieved.

Putting three yellow blue balls in his mouth, Allen closed his eyes the moment he bit the pills. He saw the face of his friend Armin and the appearance of Bertot. These people have become His strength.

A golden sun suddenly appeared in the sky. The members closest to the sun were instantly vaporized. The light of the bounty hunter further away shone on their faces. It was too late for them to run away. A shock wave could tear everything apart. , spreading to all directions.

The violent explosion produced a mushroom cloud, which affected even the furthest Straw Hat Crew. The strong wind caused by the shock wave swept across the earth. They had to cling to the rock wall, otherwise they would fly to nowhere.

"It's such a foul power. I'll eat three blue balls as soon as I come up."

"Who can see clearly what is happening now?"

The wind was so loud that no one could hear what each other was saying. They just hoped that the explosion would end soon. This explosion was as powerful as a small nuclear bomb.

The red giant that had never appeared before stood up in the red sea. At this time, the giant's height had reached 100 meters. The giant giant's pointed ears proved that this was the transformation of Allen.

"Elmin, is this the scene you saw at that time?"

The giant's face was like a compassionate Buddha, looking down at everything under his feet. The scene after the violent explosion could only be described as hell.

The entire coast was cut off several meters by the explosion, and a raging sea of ​​fire ignited in the explosion range, which was in sharp contrast to the white Cigu Island on the other side.

The sea has become a graveyard of ships. None of the ships in the Baroque Studio are intact, and most of them have turned into burning fragments. As for the five thousand elite soldiers, not even one of them can be seen. Sure enough, the weak didn't even have a chance to leave a body behind.

"Hey", there seems to be a sand dune moving on the ground. Why is there sand on the winter island?

More and more sand emerged from the ground, and soon covered an area of ​​more than ten meters. A dozen people emerged from the sand circle, most of their clothes were in tatters, and they looked quite embarrassed.

"I almost got killed by him, what an amazing explosive power",

"I was burned to death, but luckily I had this thing to save my life."

Crocodile is a user with Logia Sand-Sand Fruit ability. The moment the little sun approaches, his whole body turns to sand along with the ground beneath his feet, dragging the officers and members of the Blackbeard Pirates around him into the sand.

However, sand prefers to conduct heat, so this Shichibukai could only keep turning into sand underground to avoid this fatal explosion. The group of people drilled down at least several hundred meters.

Crocodile didn't care. Others couldn't stay underground for a long time. The people he brought down with him almost suffocated to death in the sand.

However, the power of this explosion was beyond the expectations of these people. They had never seen such a strong explosion effect in their lives. If the amount of explosives needed to reproduce this explosion would be astronomical, it would be astronomical.

"It seems it's a pity that they are all dead. Baroque Studio can no longer have so many people."

Robin covered up his beauty, and she was pulled into the ground. The heat conducted by the sand burned holes in the woman's clothes. However, all the capital was lost, and the Baroque Studio was no longer in name only.

The giant, which was over 100 meters tall, raised its fleshy legs and stepped on the survivors with the soles of its feet like mountains. These strong survivors would not sit still and wait for death.

"Alan, please be my crew member," Dark Point said.

The darkness that could swallow everything emerged from Teach's body. When the huge soles of his feet touched the darkness, a powerful suction force came from above.

Being sucked in by the power of darkness and sinking, it seems as if they have fallen into some kind of strange space. The strange darkness is crawling up the giant's legs like smoke. Teach wants to completely pull this giant that is more than 100 meters in. Go into your own darkness.

Allen was unable to control the giant to get rid of this terrifying suction force, and this terrifying ability also prevented him from using the hardening ability, otherwise the fat black man would have suffered a ground stab attack.

He can only give up his current body. After breaking away from this body, the super giant can no longer maintain its original state. The body and bones that are a hundred meters high begin to vaporize and slowly disappear in the darkness.

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