What happened on Drum Island came to an end. Kizaru Admiral failed in his mission and failed to bring back Chopper. He accepted the inquiry from the World Government Five Elders alone.

In the end, there was no real punishment. Marine was short of people and only gave Porusalino a verbal warning, not even a salary penalty. Maybe he was afraid that he would not do it after his salary was deducted. live.

As for the future revealed by the light curtain, the divine grace potion can make people immortal, but at this time Tony Tony Chopper, who has just left the sea, does not have this ability yet, and it is not known how many years it will take for him to return after completing his studies.

If this little reindeer could make a potion of divine grace now, the Five Elders would not urge Marine to send Admiral to ask for help, but would directly ask the Knights of God to capture him. The current Chopper is not qualified.

Just like the Pluton design that has been passed down from generation to generation by shipwrights in the Seven Waters Capital, it does not pose a threat at the moment, and they cannot build another Pluton even if they are given time. If the Ancient Weapon that occupies such a large area is built again, the World government will use the intelligence department to You will definitely get the message.

It’s just that the people below want to make progress too much. Spandam was fine in front of the Five Elders, reporting the threat and intelligence progress of Pluton’s design. If there was a real threat, the World Government would have captured Tom the boatman long ago. Can he still be allowed to build the sea train?

The most important thing right now is to keep an eye on the light curtain. Five Elders is not afraid of a bad future. He is more afraid that the secrets of the World Government will be exposed by this light curtain. Compared with this, other things are trivial.

The appointment time for the light curtain is finally coming to an end. After these five days, the Five Elders are a little worried, because standing in the territory of Dressrosa, Heavenly Yaksha Doflamingo is the king. He is a pure-blooded former Celestial Dragons.

He has known the secret of the Celestial Dragons since he was a child. He once held his father's head and wanted to take back the identity of the Celestial Dragons from the Five Elders. However, after being humiliated by the highest authority, he completely gave up and chose to become a pirate and make a name for himself. After his head, he robbed the heavenly gold.

The two reasons were combined, and the Five Elders were forced by the internal pressure of the Celestial Dragons to agree to Doflamingo's request, so that he could now have the status of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and acquiesce in the fact that he rules Dressrosa.

Logically speaking, with such a dangerous factor, the Five Elders should have sent out the Knights of God to kill the opponent quietly. Originally, Doflamingo had a younger brother, but after he killed him with his own hands, he was the only one left in his lineage.

There are other branches of the Donquixote family. Even if the family relationship fades away and Doflamingo can't be compared with each other, it will inevitably give rise to the idea of ​​​​a rabbit dying and a fox being sad. If you find a reason to kill a bloodline of Celestial Dragons today, you may not even need a reason tomorrow. Killing an assassin directly and then killing a Celestial Dragons bloodline is a precedent that cannot be set.

What finally led to the current result was that Dressrosa was mentioned on the light screen, and Doflamingo, one of the protagonists, could never escape and was highlighted.

Once the secret of Tianlong is mentioned and accidentally becomes public, the foundation of World Government's eight hundred years of rule will be shaken, providing a reason for the careerists in this sea to unite to overthrow World Government.

"The boring conversation here is over, the light curtain is about to start, let's go out and take a look."

First, a line of red bold subtitles appeared on the light screen.

[This time, we will first explain the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates. Through this, we can prove the tragedy of the Dressrosa incident]

The moment the light curtain stopped all chat rooms, the latest picture finally appeared, and the Dressrosa event officially began.

The bow of a pirate ship is shaped like a small sun, with a pirate flag with a straw hat hanging on it. The light screen has been previewed before. It is the new ship of the Straw Hat Pirates. This time, there is an extra thoughtful one below the pirate ship. Note.

The name of the ship, Thousand Sunny, also known as Sunny, means to be like the sun, crossing the cruel sea thousands of miles calmly and happily.

The Sea Circle Calendar 1525 in the upper left corner of the video lets viewers know that this happened five years later. This is the first time such a specific time has appeared, but most people are not happy about it.

From the original scene of Thousand Sunny sailing on the sea, zooming in on the pirate ship, the story of the Dressrosa event will begin with this pirate ship.

Five years later, Luffy has not changed much. He wears a straw hat and sits on the bow of the boat with his arms open. Here he can enjoy the freest wind. As a rubber man, there is a huge scar on his chest. I don’t know what he is doing. What happened in these five years?

There is a white annotation box below the character: Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates - Monkey D. Luffy, Paramecia Rubber Fruit ability user, bounty of 400 million beli

"Luffy, Sanji is ready to cook. Let's eat together."

The little reindeer has become cuter after five years, and the familiar Chopper calls Captain Luffy for dinner. There is no special change between him and five years ago.

Character Notes: Straw Hat Pirates ship doctor-Tony Tony Chopper, Zoan fruit commoner form, bounty is fifty beli

"Sanji is so slow today. Both he and I are starving," Luffy pointed at his slippers and complained.

To outsiders, these were just a pair of ordinary slippers, but after hearing Luffy's call, the slippers came to life in the light screen. Each pair of slippers actually opened one eye and stuck out a tongue, and the body shape changed. It transformed into the shape of two huge clouds, and led Master Luffy towards the kitchen. The slippers under his feet were already very hungry, and the light screen also gave these slippers a comment.

The Supreme Slippers, a pair of slippers that ate the Power Fruit of Paramecia, are Luffy's most handy weapon.

The camera follows Luffy's perspective and enters Thousand Sunny's cabin. Chopper follows behind with his calves. The multi-person scene in the kitchen is exposed, and all members of the Straw Hat Pirates appear here.

The crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates look weirder than the last one. Let’s start with the human-like crew member, an orange-haired beauty with a big heart and wearing a bikini. Sitting next to her is a black-haired beauty with breasts of the same size. Opposite her is another Sitting there was a green-haired man who was blind in one eye, a muscular man with a long nose, a chef who was cooking in the kitchen dressed as a shemale, and counting the captain Luffy who came in later, these were all the human creatures on the ship. .

It doesn't look like a human creature at first glance. The most familiar little reindeer to the audience is Chopper, there is also a blue-skinned murloc of the same height as Chopper, a white-bone skeleton wearing a black coat, and finally there is a giant humanoid with a metal appearance. robot.

Counting Luffy, there are ten members of the Straw Hat Pirates, all of whom appear in this shot. However, these strange-looking crew members caused complaints from the audience who watched the light screen. The biodiversity on this ship is really amazing.

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