Leaving the port of Dressrosa, it seems to have entered another world, a world as bustling as the Sabaody Archipelago, composed of countless gorgeous lights.

When Luffy entered the city, he looked around and around. Everything that caught his eye was so novel. The entire main road was even more crowded with people. It was a beautiful landscape made up of toys and humans. There was no end in sight at a glance. Tens of thousands of people showed up at the same time.

There are also many vendors hawking along the street. There are luxuriously decorated shops on both sides of the street, and a beautiful receptionist stands outside the door, attracting the attention of tourists on the street and trying hard to attract customers for his shop.

"I really underestimated Dressrosa before. Such a lively island, but the freedom is a bit too much."

Usopp really opened his eyes today. There were undressed women showing off their bodies on the street. There were also some slave owners holding ragged slaves behind them. It was a trivial thing for men and women to kiss in the street. There were also people on the street. Those who play poker directly on the Internet are really free to go too far.

Those who engage in performance art above are considered a minority. Looking at the clothes of other pedestrians, tourists from other places account for the vast majority and are traveling in Dressrosa to experience life.

Luffy kept sniffing, feeling the aroma of the food in the air. There were so many restaurants on the street that he had to use his sense of smell to judge which store had the best food.

"I'm so confused. I want to eat at every restaurant."

The captain's words scared Usopp and hugged him quickly, "The consumption level in this wealthy place is probably very high. Let's save some of the pocket money Nami gave us."

"Excuse me, gentlemen, is this your first time coming to Dressrosa? I just need to collect some beli and I can be your guide!"

Hearing a girl's voice, Luffy and Usopp looked in the direction of the voice. They saw a beautiful girl with silver hair and red eyes, wearing a white princess outfit and standing on the cold floor with bare feet.

"we do not……"

Before Usopp could finish speaking, Luffy pushed the sniper on the ship away, "Sorry to trouble you, my name is Luffy, what's your name?"

Seeing the big brother who was smiling very happily in front of her, this man named Luffy had a natural affinity. The silver-haired girl put down her guard and said, "My name is Illya. Thank you, brother Luffy, for giving me this opportunity. I will do a good job." The guide works."

Seeing the girl jumping happily on the spot, Luffy, the captain whose IQ is not online all year round, felt that Illya was too cute, and suddenly came up with the idea of ​​inviting her on the ship. There were all kinds of monsters on the ship. , seems to be missing a human child.

Usopp frowned the whole time. It was not that he was unkind, but he just felt that the silver-haired girl in front of him would be a trouble for Dressrosa, who was unfamiliar with this place. This was his sixth sense to remind him not to have too much contact with this girl. relationship.

"Luffy will return to the Sonny at the scheduled time. Don't forget about it. If you go back late, be careful of getting punched by Nami."

"I know, I know, Illya, please show us around. I'm really looking forward to it."

As the captain, he didn't listen to what the sniper said. Luffy yearned for freedom, and Nami, the butler, couldn't stop him.

This little guide is not only beautiful, but also very good at speaking. His words of "brother" make people's hearts melt. Dressrosa's changes in recent years are described in this little adult's mouth.

A few years ago, Dressrosa was only famous for its bullfighting arena. Apart from the above, the outside world only knew about young women and sexy and hot dance moves. Every girl was passionate. Male partners were not allowed to cheat or have sex, otherwise they might lose their lives. , forming the initial impression of people outside the island.

The Donquixote family vigorously developed the entertainment industry and built more casinos and more arenas. With freedom and beauty as its selling points, it attracted a large number of tourists in a short period of time, driving the entire Dressrosa to greater prosperity. In just a few years, it became the Grand Line. One of the most popular tourist islands.

As for the toys that serve people for free on the street, they were formerly the bad guys who brought destruction to Dressrosa. They were turned into harmless toys by Devil Fruit's ability so that they could not threaten the island's tourism business. This is an explanation for the rulers. The islanders were convinced.

"Don't feel bad if these toys are broken. They are all bad people. They are atoneing for their sins by serving us now, so you two big brothers must not cause damage in Dressrosa, or they will become toys too."

Illya's words scared the two of them and secretly sweated. Luffy was worried that his identity as a pirate would be exposed, and Usopp was imagining himself becoming a toy. The days of being enslaved every day without being able to rest were simply too dark.

The word "pirate" was just written on the faces of these two people. Illya just used words to scare them. After the prank, she asked with concern: "Brother Luffy, are you hungry?"

Illya heard the sound of her stomach growling behind her. There was a store in the girl's mind and she introduced the two customers there.

"Sanji's breakfast is too little, Illya, I'm starving to death, I want to have a big meal today"

The team was led by a foodie, and Usopp also felt hungry, "Then let's find a cheap store. Funds are tight, and we can't afford to eat at an expensive store."

"Don't worry, brothers. The store I will take you to in a while is absolutely cheap. When I don't have money to eat, I go to that store to get some food. I will take you there now."

Luffy Usopp and the two followed the silver-haired girl, and turned from the originally crowded street to a narrow alley. The dirty and shabby neighborhood here should be the slum area of ​​the island, but the pedestrians passing by were relatively friendly. He looked tired.

“This is the store, the House of Dressrosa”

Illya excitedly told the two of them how many years this store had been in Dressrosa and how good its craftsmanship was. Compared with the high consumption in wealthy areas, this store is the cheapest place to eat on the island.

Luffy is not the kind of character who despises the poor and loves the rich. As long as the food is delicious enough, he doesn't care about the decoration. He directly follows Illya and opens the door. The future Pirate King is in urgent need of a lot of food.

The outside looks very shabby, and the signboard is a little yellowed, showing that it has been used for many years, but the inside of the hotel is very clean. Usopp finally felt relieved after seeing this. He was previously afraid that Illya would introduce them to a black shop and cheat them a fortune. Money is a minor issue, but with Luffy's character, if something breaks out, it will definitely not end easily.

The store is not very deserted either. Some manual workers wearing shabby clothes are holding plates and feasting on food to replenish energy for their tired bodies. It is a very smoky little store.

"Bell Hill, I have introduced two more customers to you. This time you are not allowed to deduct my salary."

A lady with cigarette powder and hair wearing an apron came out of the kitchen and laughed and cursed: "You brat, you and that big black guy have been living here for free for so long, you should work for me."

When Usopp saw this cursing woman, he felt somewhat familiar with this beautiful mature woman, as if he had seen her somewhere.

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