Uncle B

Belshire needed to break free from the giant’s hand. With her thin body, this was simply impossible. The woman looked at the benevolent giant.

“So it’s you, old guy. Didn’t I just take advantage of you? As for wanting to eat me?” The woman recognized the giant. She closed her eyes and chose to accept her fate, feeling swallowed by the shadow revealed in the giant’s mouth.

“Berserker”! ! !

After Illya called out this name, a loyal knight rushed out of the store to protect his princess.

Over two meters tall, the explosive muscles in his body have reached the limit of human beings. His skin is dark and his eyes are bloody. As a berserker who would rather bend than bend, he rushes towards the giant who is about to eat.

Using a human body to collide with a giant’s body is tantamount to committing suicide, but this big black man actually gained the upper hand in this unequal situation and knocked over the nearly fifteen-meter giant in front of him.

Berserker was originally held in the palm of his hand, but the giant was caught off guard and instantly let go. Berserker jumped up into the air with his legs and took the mean-looking shop owner into his arms.

There was only a moment between life and death. Bersiel was placed next to Ilya by Berserker. The frightened girl threw herself into the woman’s arms, tears streaming down her face. “It scared me to death. It really scared me to death.” “Bear Hill, I thought you were going to be eaten, I didn’t want you to die.”

She was still frightened by the scene of almost being eaten alive just now. The silver-haired girl who threw herself into her arms was deeply moved. She gently stroked Loli’s little head and comforted her: “I’m rescued, okay?” Uncle B is here.”

The woman glanced at the black hunk in front of her. At this moment, he didn’t have the violent temperament at all. He stood beside Illya with an uneasy look on his face. She wanted to imitate Belshire’s method and stretched out a big black hand to touch Illya’s head. Comfort the girl.

The man’s clumsy behavior reminded Belshire of the first time he met the two of them, a little girl with silver hair and red eyes sitting on the shoulder of the black macho man.

A little adult with unclear articulation directs a mute black man to search for food. This strange combination in distress can only be taken in by the sharp-tongued Bell Hill.

The name Berserker is so hard to pronounce that Berserker calls him Uncle B. Normally, this black macho man would follow Illya wherever she goes, protecting the girl’s safety all the time, just like a follower.

Illya has taken the initiative to serve as a guide over the years, attracting a lot of customers to Belshire, but she has not received any wages. It is not that the stingy boss has deducted wages, mainly because the food expenses for the two of them combined are relatively unfavorable. God, if it weren’t for the restaurant owner, he would definitely be ruined.

Berserker can eat as much as ten adults on his own, and the little extra money Illya earns becomes the ration for the dark-skinned macho man.

An adult with sound limbs actually lay on the body of a girl less than ten years old to suck blood. If he didn’t usually look so stupid that he couldn’t even speak clearly, Belshire would have really wanted to drive this freeloader away. .

The giant who was knocked down by humans stood up again. When he saw that one piece of food turned into three pieces of food, he ran over excitedly to enjoy the delicious food. Little did he know that this giant had offended the wrong person!

Taking down the outer door and using it as a weapon, Berserker didn’t care at all about Bersiel’s distressed look. The dark-skinned man roared at the running giant, not afraid of the giant’s huge body at all, and attached himself to the door panel with his armed domineering aura. Go up and attack the giant with solid steps.

The strong man did not disappoint the two women. Berserker’s figure jumped into the air and used the door panel as a weapon to strike at the giant’s head, directly splitting the giant monster into two pieces. It only took less than a minute. .

“Uncle B is so strong. It’s a shame that he is so powerful that he still eats in my store for nothing.” Belshire sighed at the man’s bravery, then touched the girl in his arms, and had a strange thought in his mind.

A rough and tough guy like Uncle B should not be Illya’s biological father. There is no similarity between the two people’s appearance. Ilya cannot completely inherit her mother’s advantages. Her father’s bloodline is not reflected at all. This idea is too ridiculous. .

“Come on Berserker, defeat them, defeat them.”

Following the direction of Illya’s command, five giants were seen rushing out from the depths of the slum. They were different in size, but the corners of the giant’s mouths were stained with blood. They should be Just finished enjoying a big meal.

“Help me, someone help me, I don’t want to die yet”

“Run quickly and I’m catching up with you”

“Scatter and hide in the building”

It turns out that the giant is chasing a group of meat and is rushing towards Illya. , no matter you are rich or poor, in the eyes of these naked giants, you are an object to be eaten.

Those who returned to the slums from the concert heard a loud roar, and their bodies turned into golden light and burned the people around them to death. After they all turned into giants, they began to bustle in the slums, looking for a sense of existence in these poor people. .

Berserker aimed at the direction the giant was running from, rotated the door panel in his hand a few times, and shot at the giant closest to the human.

Just as the strange giant was about to reach out and catch the human, a black door panel flew from a distance and sliced off its arm with great force, and the giant’s entire head also moved with it.

Due to the loss of the controller of the head, the entire body fell forward without weight, and was about to hit the fleeing humans in front. A black figure passed by these weaklings. In the shocked eyes of everyone, Berserker held up his arms with his arms. Lift the giant’s body.

“Ah…ah…” With a roar, the dark-skinned man threw the giant’s body, which was more than ten meters tall, directly towards other approaching giants, smashing these monsters that only knew how to eat people to pieces.

Berserker’s performance was like a god descending from the earth, which made the rescued people burst into tears of excitement. The weak chickens finally met the strong and awesome people, and they didn’t have to race against the giants.

The knocked down giant was only temporarily hindered in his movements. He stood up again and ran towards Berserker. What greeted them was a close-quarters fight, showing everyone the most primitive aesthetics of violence.

Although the macho man from the sky is only two meters tall, which is quite different from the giant in height, the latter is easily handled by the former and is constantly being dismantled like a toy.

It was easy to tear off the giant’s arms, and turn the limbs into weapons and smash them against their original owners. Within two minutes, these giants were knocked to the ground.

Using the giant’s limbs to hit the giant’s head, Berserker noticed a strange thing. If the giant’s head was not completely smashed, these monsters would emit steam, and the wounds he left would slowly heal, and even the limbs could be severed. The point of rebirth.

Berserker rode on the giant’s neck and punched the last giant’s head into pulp one after another with his fists as big as sandbags.

When he stood up again as a winner, Berserker was covered in the blood of the giant, but soon he heard more footsteps.

A large amount of smoke and dust flew up from the feet of hundreds of approaching giants, running toward the last survivors of the slums.

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