ecause Kong Zhan once said that this guy’s kindness will affect their development.

Moreover, Kong Zhan also said that one must be decisive in the last days.

Saeko gritted her teeth, although she also hoped to bring more survivors.

But if it’s a drag.

More people may die.

But you can’t kick him out directly, you have to find an opportunity.

Because Miyamoto Rei seems to have a good relationship with them.

If an important combat force is lost because of this guy, then the gain outweighs the loss.

“There should be an absolutely safe place, right?”

“It will definitely become the same as usual soon…”

Miyamoto Rei said with a little hope, but she was interrupted before she could finish.

“How is that possible?”

Sha Ye said bluntly.

“You don’t have to say that, right?”

Komuro Takashi felt that what Saya said was a bit too absolute, and all of a sudden their hopes were wiped out.

“This is a qandemic, what can we do?”

Shaye put her hands on her hips and said seriously.


Shizuka frowned slightly.

She seems to know this too.

“Refers to an epidemic outbreak.”

“Large-scale infectious diseases that have broken out around the world…”


Chapter 39 Lessons

Wei Wei fell asleep for a while.

There was no sound of discussion around.

Only then did Kong Zhan open his eyes.

He took the book off his face and threw it away.

“Have we discussed everything?”

“Let’s go.”

Kong Zhan stood up and looked at everyone.

Move your body a little.

Relax your muscles and bones.

“Brother Kong Zhan, just let me deal with these zombies in front.”

Butterfly Ninja walked to Kong Zhan and spoke seriously.

After all, she didn’t want to get points in vain this time.

You have to do something yourself.

“I don’t care.”

“They are all low-level zombies anyway. If you want to open the way ahead, I’ll give you some practice.”

Kong Zhan waved his hand calmly, seemingly without any nervousness.

“Please rest assured, Brother Kong Zhan.”

“You have helped me so much, I have to do something.”

Butterfly Ninja nodded slightly with a serious look on his face.

Then she turned to the crowd and said, “Let’s go! Just follow us.”

“Don’t you need help?”

Komuro Takashi said and picked up the baseball bat in his hand.

“You? No need. Help will only be a burden.”

The butterfly ninja glanced at him, his gaze did not stay for more than a second, and he spoke very directly.

Here she specifically pointed to Komuro Takashi.

After all, if Kong Zhan or Xiezi helped, she would think it was nothing.

But Komuro Takashi is a bit too good.


Komuro Takashi gritted his teeth.

“Don’t be angry, Takashi…”

“After all, you are not as strong as her.”

Hirano Toda’s words directly hurt Komuro Takashi a second time.


“Then you can clean up the zombies alone.”

Komuro Takashi said he would bear it.

“Let’s go then.”

Butterfly Ninja said and opened the door.

Saeko, Kong Zhan, and Shizuka followed closely behind.

Behind them are Rei Miyamoto and Saya Takagi.

At the end are Komuro Takashi and Hirano Toda.

As for the destination… of course it’s the parking lot!

This way.

Butterfly endured the attacks one by one, showing no mercy at all.

For her.

These guys are dead, just like the murderous ghosts.

The blood of these zombies is still red.

At least he looks human.

Every time Tao Shi’s blade was swung, a zombie’s head would fall to the ground.

“That girl looks so small…but so strong!”

Rei Miyamoto said in surprise.

“Looking at a girl who is only thirteen or fourteen years old, how on earth…can she kill people without blinking an eye.”

Saya also looked unbelievable. Even at the age of sixteen, she could not face these zombies. .

But looking at girls younger than him, they can do it.

“What a tomboy…”

Komuro Takashi complained silently.

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“Forget it, Takashi, isn’t this good?”

“We don’t have to do

anything.” Hirano Toda looked unconcerned.

And with such a powerful guy, they felt a lot more relaxed.

“Although I say that, but when you look at her deadly swordsmanship and the accuracy of her slashing, she always feels like she is not like an ordinary girl, but more like…a killer.” “And

the guy called Kong Zhan should be They are the strongest…”

“The two of them are not students of our school. They came out of nowhere and always feel very mysterious.”

Komuro Takashi said softly to Hirano Toda next to him.

“Kill… killer…?”

“Axiao, you said so… something is indeed wrong…”

“These two people are definitely not from our school, but why are they here?” “And they

seem to have learned from Busushima. She looks very familiar to me.”

Hirano also thought about it seriously, and then came up with an answer: “She should be Busujima-senpai’s friend, right?” “No

… I feel like it’s not that simple.”

Komuro Takashi shook his head.

His feeling told him that these people were not simple.

that’s all.

Butterfly endures all the obstacles.

We have reached the stairs.

Not a few drops of blood were spattered on his body.


A scream from below the stairs made everyone fearful again.

It was already dusk.

The black crow that had been staying nearby took flight.

It seems a little weird.

“Let’s go down.”

Komuro Takashi shouted quickly.

“No, let’s take a detour.”

“If you want to go down, then please.” ”

Let’s meet the bus in the parking lot.” ”

This is the end of the world, don’t cause trouble.” ”

Otherwise, you may die, and even your companions will be implicated. !”

Kong Zhan looked at Komuro Takashi, and then spoke.

In fact, he just didn’t want to go and found some appropriate excuses. With his strength, he could indeed save people.

But there is no need to save people you don’t know.

“Taka, let’s go.”

Rei Miyamoto felt that what Kong Zhan said made sense. In this case, saving his own life was the most important thing now, so he advised Komuro Takashi.

Pulling on Komuro Takashi’s clothes.

“If you want to leave, you go!”

“A bunch of cowards!”

Komuro Takashi said with determination.

He shook off Miyamoto Rei’s hand and walked directly down the stairs.

“Hirano! Let’s go!”

Komuro Takashi glanced at Hirano and didn’t forget to call him.

Because he can see it.

Only Hirano shared his feeling that something was wrong with these guys.

“Okay, Takashi!”

Hirano looked back at everyone, holding a nail gun, glanced at Saya Takagi, gritted his teeth, and finally decided to follow his brother.


Looking at Komuro Takashi’s back, Miyamoto Rei wanted to step forward and catch him.

But he ran very fast.

“Don’t worry about that guy!”

“I just like to show off as a hero.”

Saya crossed her chest, raised her glasses with her fingers, walked next to Miyamoto Rei, and said unhappily.

And this guy acted like a hero without caring about the consequences for the team.

Compared to him, Kong Zhan’s plan was safer.

After all, I don’t know who I will meet or what trouble I will encounter.

In the last days, people’s hearts are unpredictable.

The more people, the better.


Miyamoto Rei was still hesitant at the moment.

“Let’s go.”

Seiko patted Rei on the shoulder.


Miyamoto Rei nodded.

After all, I said so, it would be too bad to go on my own.

“Okay, let’s continue walking over there.”

Kong Zhan urged several people.

Miyamoto Rei glanced back worriedly, but still followed the large army.

that’s all.

Everyone followed the Butterfly Ninja and swept all the way.

After a few minutes, I came down the other stairs.

There are a lot of zombies down there.

Butterfly Ninja will also be a little troublesome to deal with.

After all, just pay attention to the zombies in front of you in the building.

But outside in this venue.

But you have to pay attention to all the zombies in front, back, left and right.

“Xiao Ren, you are too tired like this. Saeko an

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