"It is difficult to imagine that for many years.

The old man thought that he had been all over the sea. I did not expect that there was a physical technique that had never been fulfilled."

Karp looked up at Ye Zhuo and covered his chest with one hand.

"If this is the case, then Sengoku's idea is definitely impossible to achieve.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea will only be a shame to you.

But you will not be able to become one of the Four Emperors!

This old man will end here!"

While speaking, Garp threw a punch.

His body tilted, and his right fist seemed ordinary, but it was actually filled with all the domineering and power.

Anyone hit by this punch would be seriously injured.

"I didn't expect this kid to be so powerful."

Kurokas held the harpoon and watched the scene quietly.

In his eyes, Ye Zhuo was definitely qualified to compete with Garp.

With the blessing of the three magic powers of water, fire, thunder and lightning,

Ye Zhuo's strength and speed were further transformed. With the addition of the three-color high-level domineering aura, no matter where in the sea, Ye Zhuo was enough to be called the world's top powerhouse.

"Really? Then let's turn the page on this era!

I am a pirate, destined to be above all the strong!

When I rule the world, everyone will kneel before me!"

Ye Zhuo looked at Garp, who was just an old man.

He lived to be ninety-nine years old in his previous life!

In terms of age, Garp had to call him senior.

"Iron Fist!"

Garp punched out with all his strength.

""Hongquan! Bridge-breaking! Chongquan! Tiger Claw!"

The two fought each other, punching each other.

The sea was stirred up by waves of crazy waves.

Kurokus felt a little tense in his throat.

It was as if he had returned to those battles.

In front of him, one by one, his former enemies flashed by like a horse-drawn show.

Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr...

In the blink of an eye.

He was also old, and there were already new strong men who began to dominate the sea.

Enough to challenge these old guys.

The legend will eventually come to an end, won't it?

The explosion of the fire magic energy, every burning and scorching.

The water magic energy raised hundreds of meters of turbulent waves that even Lab was surprised.

The thunder and lightning magic energy was like a god descending, sweeping across the sky.

The body of the Holy Lord plus the twelve spells amplification, three high-level domineering blessings. The traditional martial arts of the previous life, Kung Fu and modern fighting, Sanda are all integrated

"Bajiquan, Collapsing Mountain Fist!"


Garp was hit again.

He spat out a mouthful of black blood in disbelief.

"Is your body not injured at all?"

Kapu thought the most outrageous thing was that Ye Zhuo was hit by many punches but was not hurt at all.

"You will get hurt when you are old, but I am still young, so it is natural." Ye Zhuo's dog charm is immortal, and the horse charm heals all injuries and illnesses. All the power is under the balance of the tiger charm.

"Brat, I was only slightly injured."

Karp punched again. He didn't believe that Ye Zhuo was really an iron wall.

"You can't do it, Karp."

Ye Zhuo kept trying to waste time.

He began to put on the armor made of lightning magic energy, and a light blue cloak made of water magic energy.

He opened his hands and concentrated all his strength to the extreme.

"Full firepower!"

The magic of lightning and fire, combined with the power of the pig spell and the dragon spell.

Both hands, eyes and open mouth release energy waves at the same time!

The domineering aura is wrapped around it, and the shock wave is forged with lightning and fire!

The already injured Garp punched out at the five oncoming shock waves.


The sea was churning, and Garp still tried his best to block it.

This power is simply a combination of the Molten Fruit, the Flash Fruit and the Thunder Fruit developed to the extreme.

Add in the Ryuukaku, the domineering entanglement.

Continuous output of damage!

"Lieutenant General Garp!"

Adjutant Bogart was nervous at this moment.

He drew his sword. If he was not stopped, Garp might really get into trouble!

From a distance, this scene was like hell.

Five shock energy waves all hit, and every second they were bursting out damage comparable to that of"Wei Guo"

"What do you want to do?"

The Queen kicked Bogart back and crashed directly into the battleship's cabin.

"How can we let you interfere with our captain's battle!"

Dashiqi on the deck stared blankly at the battle scene in front of her.

Navy hero Garp!

The legendary existence seemed stretched when facing Ye Zhuo!

"Justice can never be lost in this sea!

No matter how strong you are, I will never let you succeed!

My iron fist is to defend justice!"

Garp tried desperately to stop him, but he had to cover his whole body with domineering aura to block the attack.

Counterattack was impossible!

"Then you will be defeated!"

Ye Zhuo roared like a dragon.

He used the monkey spell and transformed into the form of a fantasy beast, a blue dragon.

This time, the power of fire and lightning was further amplified, and wind blade damage was also obtained.

A blue dragon was hovering in the sky, and its hands and feet turned into four dragon claws.

The shock wave also turned into seven!

And it was even more powerful, each one was as big as a battleship.


""Vice Admiral Garp!"

Bogart's sword slashed out again.

Garp tried his best to block it but spat out a mouthful of blood. Is this sea finally going to eliminate even him?

Under normal circumstances, no matter how strong it is, no matter how many elements it has, it is just a fantasy beast species. No matter how strong each one is

, it cannot be comparable to the natural system. But Ye Zhuo's magic energy is the complete version, with unparalleled power. It can not only transform into the natural system, but also control the natural elements around it.

Coupled with the tiger talisman, he can perfectly integrate all the power!

In other words, these seven shock waves are equivalent to seven general-level strongmen attacking Garp at the same time!

"Cap, it's time for a change of players in the next era.



Ye Zhuo was high above, he was already a real strong man who dominated the sea.

No matter how strong Garp was, he couldn't resist the damage equivalent to seven generals.

He was as tight as a spring.

As Ye Zhuo burst out with power again.

Garp could no longer hold on!

He didn't know that there would never be another opponent who could hold out against Ye Zhuo for so long.

That was the era when the Demon King swept across the sea and dominated the world alone!


Garp's whole body was still covered with domineering aura, but he had to be blasted into the sea by the shock wave.

If he dared to neglect it, he might lose consciousness.

The victory or defeat of the strong is all in a moment.

"Ice Age!"

At the critical moment, the sea was frozen in an instant.

The cold air swept across the sky and earth.

Admiral Aokiji looked up at Ye Zhuo in the sky.


Garp fell to the ice and smashed a big hole.

""Old man, are you okay?"

Qingzhi asked casually.

"What do you think?"

Karp was too weak to stand up again, and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"No chance at all?"

Qingzhi stared at Ye Zhuo, wanting to try again.

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