Wealth, fame, power, a man who owns everything in the world, One Piece King Golde Roger, his words before his execution made people rush to the sea, "Lao Tzu's treasure? If there is a word, go and receive it, go find it, I have put everything in this world there"

And the men set out for the great voyage to pursue their dreams. At this point, the era of sea pirates has come.

------ ------

a sea area in the East China Sea

is a clear sky at this moment, and seagulls are flying in the sky, it is time to have a leisurely cup of afternoon tea, at least that's what Doyle thinks.

"Mr. Doyle, our sea area is actually quite calm, the captain's invitation to you should be mainly just in case, if you need anything, you can mention it to us, please be sure not to be restrained"

A woman dressed as a waiter stood next to her holding a tray, looking at Doyle with a more handsome face, she said gently.

Facing the maid who was about the same age as himself, that is, sixteen or seventeen, Doyle waved his hand a little lazily and said casually

, "Well~, well, I know

" casually glanced at the man in the cabin who was inviting a young girl to dance, and then looked at the black power suit on his body and the two katanas in his hand, "No wonder people feel that they are too restrained" Doyle laughed at himself in his heart with a slightly happy mood.

On deck at this time, the two sailors had just laboriously salvaged an oak barrel, and before they could celebrate that the two of them could get some private drinks, they heard exclamations from fellow sailors from the observation deck.

"The shadow of the ship appeared on the right rear

, and there was a pirate flag on the mast, it was a pirate ship" I saw a black skull flag on top of the mast, and a red heart in the middle of the skull printed on the side, and the white sail with the red heart was open, and three shells were directly fired from the side of the ship, and they were coming straight towards the ship.

"Boom: Rumble.. Boom

"Enemy attack, enemy attack" The two panicked sailors shouted and ran to the cabin.

"Captain, there are pirates" The captain, who was feeling the shaking of the hull with everyone in the cabin, listened to the panicked report of the two sailors, although he was a little flustered, he still calmed down.

Looking at the panicked people in the cabin, the captain still commanded, "Please calm down, please calm down and obey the command"

--- ---

"Kebi, who is the most beautiful person on this sea?" A fat woman wearing captain's costume with a huge mace in both hands asked a pink-haired imp.

"In: At..... While.. Of course it's the captain of the ship, Lord Arrita," the pink-haired Kebi laughed fearfully and reluctantly.


Lord Arrita, this is a gift that has been lost for a long time," said one of the pirates.

"That's right, such a big cruise ship hasn't been seen for a long time, okay, hurry up and drive the ship over"

In the midst of cheers, the pirate ship fired another shell at the huge cruise ship, and after knocking down the mast of the cruise ship, it quickly leaned up and prepared to board the ship.

"Little ones, let them see the female pirates, the horror of the iron rod Arrita," the fat female pirate head exclaimed, waving her mace.

After the captain's instructions, the pirates began to use the rope to swing to the opposite ship, and the huge profit drove them to be not afraid of danger.

"Kebi, what are you doing" Looking at the terrified pink-haired imp, Yarlita said fiercely to Kebi.

"I: I'm most afraid of this scene: Please... Please don't put an iron rod on me .." Kebi was directly kicked on the opposite board by the female pirate called Yarrita, in fear.

------ ------

"We won't take your lives, but we have to hand over all the valuables," the pirate, who had entered the cabin, said to everyone.

"Those who want to resist are waiting to be thrown into the sea and fed the fish," Arrita walked in behind the smiling pirates.

------ ------

there was such a big movement, where is our protagonist Doyle?

Of course, when he heard that there was a pirate, he had already gone from the nearby door to the outside of the cabin for the first time,

"Hey~? Isn't that right? Looking at the empty walkway, Doyle suppressed his depression and quickly ran towards the deck.

"Little ghost, do you want to be thrown into the sea to feed the fish?" Several pirates who remained on the deck looked at Doyle, who was running closer, and said with a bad smile.

Stopped and looked at this group of pirates with inexplicable tattoos at random, and a bad smile, Doyle, who was ruined by his idle mood, was not angry in his heart, and then listened to the unlucky words he always heard in the escort mission in recent years because he was not old, and his mood became even more gloomy: "They didn't see me with a knife, these idiots."

In a gloomy mood, Doyle, who had no good face, raised his right eyebrows heavily, and his body was like a cheetah quickly approaching the pirate who had just spoken, approaching, looking at the pirate who was taller than himself, the hand holding the knife handle did not pull the knife, just a slight jump, and then turned around and swept his legs quickly.

"What: Miscellaneous.. What the? "Huh? Deceptive, right? A

few people who looked at the companions who were still smiling badly in front of them just now, like being hit by a high-speed rushing beast flew out of the hull, several pirates who remained on the deck opened their mouths, as if they were shocked to drop their jaws

, after solving a guy with a bad mouth, Doyle did not stop, just quickly, a dodge to the side of the guy on the side, slightly aimed at the line they rushed, swept his legs again, and directly kicked out of the hull in the collision.

"Little ghost, what are you doing to my men?" Arrita, who had just walked to the deck with a group of tourists and the treasures he had found, saw this scene and said to Doyle.

"Ah~ Lord Arrita, it's not good, wine and wine.. In the barrel, there is... There's a monster," the two men shouted in panic.

Yarlita who had just come out was so angry that her eyes widened by the successive things, and she shouted angrily

, "Who do you say is a monster?" and then a mace directly smashed a pirate crew member through the guardrail and flew into the distance,

"No.. No, we're saying there's a weird guy in the barrel. Maybe it's a bounty hunter .." Just climbed out of the pirate and hurriedly said in shock.

"Nani?" Arlita wondered, although she felt that Doyle, who was wearing a double knife in front of her, was more like Solon the pirate hunter, she could not let unknown enemies hide in the shadows.

The angry Arrita swung her mace again and smashed it directly through the deck and went down to the storage room, where she heard the pink-haired Kebi saying that she was going to arrest her.

"Kebi, who is the most beautiful person on this sea?" Arlita asked fiercely,

"When: Of course it's" "

Who is this old woman with heavy taste?" The boy wearing a straw hat and a red vest asked aloud.

"Hahahahaha" looked at everyone's stunned expressions, Doyle, who had been watching the fat woman perform just now, laughed loudly, and he suddenly felt that his gloomy mood was much better.

"Little ghost.." The furious Arrita smashed directly with a fierce stick, but the kid in the straw hat just jumped to Kebi's side with an easy one and jumped out of the cabin with him.

The pirates on the deck slashed at the straw hat kid with knives.

Although watching the straw hat kid teasing the pirates with ease, but looking at the crowded pirates, Doyle chuckled and bent down to join the battle group, but only casually solved a few pirates, and was surprised to see the straw hat kid holding his hand on the mast, but his body ran farther and farther.

"Tease you guys: Hee-hee," the straw hat kid turned and laughed.

"Eraser: Rubber.. [rocket].." A rebound like a rocket directly knocked out a large group of pirates who had just chased behind him. This scene stunned everyone from Arrita and Kebi, who had just left the cabin.

"I'm a rubber man.." The straw hat kid who pulled his mouth smiled at Kebby and Doyle.

"You ate the Devil Fruit, right?" Doyle asked.

"Ahhh I ate the rubber fruit," the straw hat kid said without hiding as he looked at Doyle, who had just fought pirates together.

"I didn't expect there to really be that kind of thing..? I see that you are also good, is it Solon the bounty hunter? Arlita asked in a deep voice, stepping out of the cabin.

"Pirate, I'm a pirate, I want 10 buddies... Although I only have 1 person now, I will find a partner sooner or later," the straw hat boy said directly to Arrita as if he had no intention at all.

Doyle covered his face and looked at the straw hat kid speechlessly, and simply said "guard" to Arrita, although it was not that Arrita thought that one was the pirate hunter Solon, but she did not care too much about this issue, because she believed that whoever it was would fall under her mace.

"Road: Luffy, run away, don't you see the power of that iron rod? This pirate is the strongest in this sea...," Kebi didn't finish speaking, as if remembering something,

"What is the most person?" Arlita asked proudly.

"The most... The ugliest fat woman" Kebi shouted as if he had made up his mind, even if he would die after saying it, he had to say what he wanted to say, "

I.. I'm going to join the Navy, I'm going to punish the stinky pirates, I'm going to do what I want, I'm going to join the Navy, join the Navy, and catch you.

"You stinky little devil.." Yarlita, whose face was completely blackened, lifted the huge mace and smashed it fiercely towards Kebi.

"I won't let you hurt people like this," I saw Doyle holding the knife handle in his left hand and blocking Arrita's fierce blow without unsheathing.

The corners of the straw hat boy's mouth were slightly upturned, his left hand held his right shoulder, tilted, and his right hand directly stretched out for hundreds of meters.

"Eraser: Rubber.. [Pistol] "In an instant, I saw that the straw hat boy's punch directly knocked Arrita out of the sky.

--- ---

Give Kebi a ship, he is going to join the navy, obediently let him go" The straw hat boy made a straight face, and the remaining pirates, with cold sweat on their faces, smiled and agreed.

"Boom. Rumble. Boom." The matter had just ended, shells fell from the water on both sides of the ship, and three warships with naval flags were speeding up in the distant sea.

"Hmm~ that's the Navy," Doyle said.

"Ah~ it's just coming, you go quickly, Kebi, ah.. Guard, I'm a pirate, I have to slip first," Straw Hat Kid said.

"Hahahaha" The straw hat kid smiled and went to the sea in the boat prepared by the pirates.

"How is it possible, don't say enlist in this case, it's good if you don't get caught," Kebi hurriedly said, and directly followed the straw hat boy into the boat and went into the sea.

Doyle didn't make a sound, just watched the two small boats in the sea gradually go away, although it seemed that the little girl in the other boat brought out a lot of treasure from the pirate ship, but Doyle was not interested in caring about this kind of thing.

"Hey: Road.. Luffy, aren't you looking for a crew? That person didn't look very strong just now, ahhh Yes.. No way! Kebi on the boat was still asking softly, and the straw hat kid looked at Kebi, turned his head and turned back to look at Doyle, who was watching them, suddenly.

"Hee-hee-hee... Rubber.. Rubber..." Looking

at the boat that the Straw Hat Kid was about to leave, Doyle had just turned around to go back to calm the frightened crowd, and suddenly froze, and he felt a hand on his shoulder.


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