Luffy, who sat up, saw Zango who was holding the ring at a glance, and his anger soared in an instant.

"Bastard, you actually took advantage of my sleep...!"

Drowsiness and fighting spirit switched instantly, and Luffy, who stood up, rushed straight to the hillside.

"Nope: Not good... Fast.. Stop him"

ordered the remaining pirates around him, Zangao did not let down his guard at all, just with the only remaining pirates, he could no longer stop Luffy's footsteps, and there were no extra manpower to stop him anymore, thinking about his three-legged cat kung fu, Zangao only felt cold sweat on his forehead.

Zango's hand holding the ring immediately turned to Luffy, wanting to try hypnotism again, but Luffy's next action directly dispelled his thoughts, and instead broke free from Usopp's palm and began to escape.

"That thing, I won't be tricked again."

"Rubber: Rubber.. Rocket"

Luffy ran and directly stretched out his two arms, and after picking up the rock, his whole body instantly flew to the top of the slope like a cannonball with the help of reaction.

The huge impact scattered the fighting Cat Man brothers and Solon on the road.


In the roar, the dust flew up, and I saw the pirates who were still standing on the ramp just now, all lying on the ground at this moment.

"Good opportunity.... Let's see how you guys are hiding this time... Tiger.. Catching

the opportunity when the cat man brothers were unstable in their center of gravity, Solon quickly adjusted his posture, and the two knives in his hand seemed to be carried behind him, and the three knives in his mouth were like the vicious minions of a fierce beast, streaked several trajectories in the air, sealing all the retreats of the two, really cutting into them, and blood splashed out instantly.

I saw that the two fell heavily with the momentum of being cut, and the originally bulging muscles were like deflated leather balls, which returned to their original state in a moment, only the knife marks left on their bodies crisscrossed, just like the stripes of a tiger.

"Zango! Don't run! I'm going to fly you!

An angry Luffy roared as he looked at Zango, who was about to run into the woods, and chased after him.

"Is it okay?"

Looking at the pirates who were no longer standing, Solon walked over to Usopp and Nami to check on the injuries.

Struggling to sit up, the pain in her shoulder made Nami gasp.

"Ah, I'm okay... Solon, that housekeeper should still be in the villa, Miss Koya is in danger, you go there quickly." .... And also.. Doyle, it's not good to say that it's also there now..."

Solon nodded and got up to go to the villa, but a palm pulled his steps.

"By: Please, Solon... Bring me, I: I must not let that butler hurt Keya.

Solon heard this and stared at Usopp quietly.

At this time, half of Usopp's face was still swollen, his eyes were filled with tears, and although his voice was weak, he could hear his firm determination.


Gong - Gong -

Outside the villa at this time, the sound of metal clashing came and went.

Doyle, who was standing with a sword in one hand, turned around again to resist Chloe's attack, although it had not yet injured him, but compared to earlier, the counterattack now seemed

to be easy: "This silent move of yours is no longer working... If you still have this trick, you can't beat me: At this time, your subordinates have not yet arrived.... It's also a bother to stay here all the time! When

Chloe heard this, his figure appeared again, looking at the already bright sky, and his eyes gradually revealed a red light.

"Abominable... Zango that guy... Why didn't it appear as planned."

"Who knows? Possible... Slept! Looking

at the killing intent in Chloe's eyes, Doyle once again hung a chuckle on the corner of his mouth, just watching Chloe slowly lower his head, with ten blades his hands began to shake with his upper body, and his heart became cautious again.


the moment when the shadow was just captured, two ravines appeared at Doyle's feet.

Doyle's expression gradually became solemn, and his faster than silent steps made him defenseless, but fortunately, Chloe could not accurately slash at the target, which gave Doyle room to maneuver.

Suddenly, the ground shook on one side, and an afterimage stopped in place.

Buzz -

As the long blade slashed through the air, with a hum, Chloe spun his body and appeared in the air.

At this moment, De Chloe has broken away from the speed of 'dipping death', which can already be observed with the naked eye, but the extremely high speed inertia makes the long blade in his hand more powerful than before.

Looking at Chloe, who was spinning from the oblique side, Doyle's pupils constricted, and he held a single knife in both hands and slashed counterclockwise.

Hastily resisted, to no avail, with the sound of metal clashing, Doyle's offensive had been disintegrated, and the flaw in his chest was suddenly revealed in front of Chloe's eyes, and he had to barely jump backwards.

Five long blades slashed through Doyle's chest, and the huge momentum knocked Doyle out several feet away.

Chloe stopped where Doyle had been, stood up slowly with a half-bent figure, and once again held the glasses in the palm of one hand.

"Thank you too.... Boy, the urgency of time actually made me develop a new move..... So next, let me send you to heaven with my own hands, and come and talk about my gratitude!

Chloe walked slowly to the fallen Didauer.


"Please stop! Krabattel!

"No, Miss

" "Don't go over!" Miss Koya, that bad butler: But pirates!

"Yes! The captain is not there, we will protect you in his place"

At the door of the hall of the villa, a figure in pajamas stood there, a servant next to her pulled her to take her back to safety, and three little ones stood in front of her trying to persuade her.


Chloe turned his head to look at the person when he heard the sound, and a trace of blood in his pupils immediately scared the three little guys half to death, and hurriedly hid behind the servants.

"Krabatelle, if you want my property, I will give it all to you, I just hope that you will leave this village after you get the property!"

Despite the servant's obstruction, Koya walked out of the hall again with a written contract in her hand, her body shaking in the breeze, but her voice was extremely firm.

"It's already written here, just write your own name, everything here will belong to you, so please... Stop it!

Chloe held up his glasses and paused for a moment, then said out loud:

"Is that so?" Good too! Although those guys haven't arrived yet, they can save a lot of trouble.... Only, I want one more thing"

"is... What is it?

"I just want stability

" The enemy who blocked him had already fallen, looking at the delicate and elegant look, Chloe's eyes slowly showed a look of reminiscence

, "It took me three years here to gain the trust of the villagers, it's really much more comfortable than being a pirate!" So... I have to get this security.

Chloe smiled sickly as he mourned.

"You have to get property, and pirates have to attack and cause you to die, both of which must be done!" This little ghost can just be used as a pirate's companion.

"Then next.... To keep you from running around, let me give you a ride in person.

Chloe turned again and walked in the direction of Koyad.

"This... This is not Krabatel"

Chloe's words shocked Koya beyond belief, trembling with horror, only to see her slowly take out a gun from her arms and point it at Chloe.

"Get out of this village, get me out now!"

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