At the moment in a gathering place in the woods.

People gathered to look at a man wearing a brown half-sleeved shirt and glasses, only to see him look at the pocket watch in his hand and say:

"It's strange, it's been so long, the mayor hasn't come back yet!"

"Something must have happened in town? The cannon is louder than usual," a woman in the crowd responded.

"I'll go see what's going on, shall I? You guys are still waiting here! The heavy expression on the face of the other bald uncle slowly relaxed, as if he had made up his mind.

But as his words fell, the men in the village became angry and shouted that they wanted to go together to save the mayor.

Looking at the townspeople holding various weapons in their hands, the bald uncle slowly spoke up again:

"Baga, those people in the town are murderous pirates, that is the notorious Baki Pirates

" "That's why they have to go together

" "Yes, if even the mayor can't protect it, what kind

of townspeople are they" "It's useless if you stop us, this is the spontaneous action of the townspeople

" "Let's go, everyone"

With a shout from the crowd, the gathering point raised their weapons and made many noises.


" ------ ------

"Whole Body Burst Counterattack"

Maybe it was afraid of Luffy's another bursting attack, or maybe it was due to the obsession with treasure, Bucky suddenly split his whole body, his two hands hidden in numerous fragments, directly bypassing Doyle, and grabbed the treasure bag beside Nami.

Bucky's head floated in the air, and he shouted viciously at Nami, who was competing with him for treasures:

"Nami... Give my treasure back..."

"I'm a thief who specializes in pirates, what I stole is mine, you don't think" Nami tugged on the treasure bag tightly and didn't let go.

Bucky's hand fighting for the treasure quietly released and slowly flew out, grabbing a dagger again out of nowhere, and stabbing Nami fiercely from the air.

"Really, treasure is more important than life"

Doyle looked at Nami, who did not let go of the treasure to death, silently, and then, drawing a red knife, he cut off the dagger that Bucky stabbed at Nami.

"Abominable boy, that's my treasure!! No one wants to take it away"

Bucky drove his continuously injured body, looking at the treasure to be taken away by Nami has no intention of continuing to fight with Doyle, he just wants to take back the treasure he scavenged, but Nami still refuses to let go even if she dies, and the two hold the treasure bag tightly.... Until the bag can no longer hold on.

With a 'bang', the golden treasures scattered to the ground, Bucky's head in the air showed anger on his face, and his scattered body rushed straight towards Nami who fell to the ground.


" "Big red nose, didn't I say that?" Your opponent is me!!

While the two were fighting for the treasure, Luffy ran over from a distance, jumped into the air and used a whip leg, kicking Bucky's head out violently, and as the head was shot down, fragments of Bucky's body were scattered all over the place.

Looking at the treasures and scattered body fragments all over the ground, Nami didn't know what to think, got up and walked quickly.

"That kick just now is considered to avenge the mayor, Big Red Nose, I'm going to knock you away," Luffy said seriously as he stood in front of Bucky.

"You actually made me like this, so that I wouldn't spare you lightly

" At this time, Bucky's face was like a crazy demon, and he gritted his teeth fiercely and slowly flew up from

the ground, only to hear him shout: "Fall apart - body fit"

As the words fell, Bucky's head fell to the ground again, and Bucky who closed again, with two wrist-only arms around his neck, and two ankle bodies below it, Like a dwarf whose body is not developed.

I saw that Nami at this time, out of nowhere, found the rope, had tightly tied the fragments of Bucky's body, and smiled happily:

"Are you looking for this?"

"Hahaha," Doyle laughed happily as he watched the scene in front of him.

"It's a thief, hahaha" Luffy said happily, both hands flying behind him at the same time, look at the move, Bucky:

"Eraser.. Rubber.. The rocket launcher "

At the same time, the charged hands carried a huge force, and the dwarf-like Bucky shot into the sky.


watched Bucky being sent flying out, and the younger brothers of the Bucky Pirates silently began to pretend to be dead in the ruins.

"I won"

The battle at this point came to an end as Luffy let out a cheer of victory.


Nami packed the scattered treasures in a bag again, and said to Luffy, who was happy:

"I divided the treasure into two bags, you can help me take it, it's too heavy

" "It seems that Miss Navigator has gained a lot!"

"Bucky is still very particular about treasures, these qualities are very good, these two bags are worth at least ten million Baileys

" As she spoke, Nami held the treasure that was divided into two bags and showed a happy expression, just blinking and looking at Doyle, who was looking at herself, and suddenly felt embarrassed, rolled her eyes, took out an old map from her body and handed it to Luffy:

"Take it, the chart of the Great Voyage, haven't you always wanted it?"

"It's great to finally get the chart of the Great Route!" Luffy immediately smiled happily, and then asked

Nami, "That means you're our partner too, Nami!"

Nami quietly glanced at Doyle, saw that he was also looking towards her, and immediately turned her face to the side:

"Didn't I say that I don't want to be a pirate's partner?" ... But.. Never mind... It seems to be very profitable to go with you, and I declare in advance, we are just cooperating! "

Ugh!" Luffy didn't know if he figured out the state, and replied, letting out a happy laugh.

Call... Call... Zzzz

suddenly heard a snoring sound from a distance, and Doyle showed a helpless face, silently walked over, and kicked Solon, who was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

"Hey~hey~ Hurry up, Solon, let's go

" "Huh? ~All done!? The sleepy-eyed Solon yawned and slowly sat up.

"Ah, nautical charts: The treasure and the navigator have been found" Luffy replied with a happy smile, but as if remembering something again, Luffy then scratched his head and said, "

Really!? Isn't it time for the mayor to wake up!

Luffy walked to the mayor who was still unconscious and was about to wake him up, but at this moment, from the nearby street, a group of people with various weapons in their hands slowly surrounded him,

"You: Is it from out of town?

"Yes! Who are you?

"We are residents of this town. Are the pirates infighting, what happened here, if you know, please tell us"

As he spoke, the crowd slowly approached, and at this moment someone found the mayor of the town who had fallen to the ground, and suddenly exclaimed, and a group of people quickly surrounded him.


"How so, the mayor fainted

" "It must be the hands of the pirates.. Abominable, it's too much!

"Sorry: That old man was beaten by me" A sudden apology in front of the crowd made everyone look at this person immediately.

"Abominable: Why did you guys attack the mayor,"

everyone was filled with indignation, slowly raised the clubs in their hands and asked viciously:

"Who are you, are you with pirates?"

Nami looked at the agitated people in front of her in confusion, and secretly panicked in her heart, 'It's terrible... As.. If it's a pirate.'

"We are pirates!" I saw Luffy standing calmly in front of everyone, and said indifferently.

As soon as these words came out, Nami's luck was completely shattered, and she was stunned, and she was slowly about to fall to the ground, but fortunately, Doyle's eyes were quick, and he chuckled and helped her.

"That's true!!" The crowd roared.

"Pirates, dare to destroy our town like this! Even children are unforgivable! Get them!

"Hahahaha, what to do now~ Captain!" At this time, Solon had also woken up from his sleep, looked at the scene in front of him, and immediately laughed with amusement.

"Hee-hee~ Run away, everyone!"

Saying that, Luffy took the lead and led Doyle: Solon: Nami ran quickly towards the beach.

In the afterglow of the sea, you can still hear faint shouts from the town.

"Chase.. Actually beat our respected mayor like that! "

Catch them!"


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